Mogherini said that uniting the EU and Russia against trump


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The most stupid thing ever Putin can do it is to begin to work with EU against Trump and USA.
Putin shall work only with Marine Le Pen ( if she will elected ) or with other European Patriot, but with nobody more.
It would be very nice if Putin's Russia and Trump USA became partners and friends, but definitively without EU.
No one country in EU is Russian friend, EU are silly backstabbers and will fight Russia for ever.
Putin shall forget EU and work only with Trump's USA.
What is about erection of a bridge between Alaska and Russia.?


There are many huge opportunities for Russia and USA.
But without crazy EU.

EU high representative for foreign Affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini stated that the EU is ready to work with the team of Donald trump. But at the same time, Brussels may take a common position with Russia in opposition to the policy, which probably will hold the US President-elect on some issues. The head of European diplomacy said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

According to Mogherini, the EU and Russia can work together in countering any attempts by the administration to trump to abandon nuclear agreement with Iran, “shake” policy in the middle East or reduce the role of the United Nations (UN).

Mogherini believes that the common interests of the EU and Russia can be first and foremost in the question of the observance of the agreements on the nuclear deal with Iran, to violate that might trump after the official inauguration. According to her, such actions of the American leader can displease Russia, because Russian President Vladimir Putin has made efforts to ensure that the transaction took place.

Mogherini said that uniting the EU and Russia against trump |
After Trump has been elected, lots of Washington puppets in EU will be history soon. They know it and try to come up with all kinds of populist slogans, which make no sense at all.

I can't wait till smart and decent people (patriots, not traitors!) replace those top EU rulers.
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