Modern Scrubbing Technology - Why fossil fuels are not extinct..

That the sun goes down does not impact the reliability of a solar panel any more than does the performance of a fossil fuel power plant that has no fuel. When the sun rises and when the coal or gas gets delivered, they both resume work with no repairs required.

When you're looking to supply a modern economy with 24 hours of power a day, solar really
doesn't make the cut.

And with a coal plant, you can store months of fuel, right outside the plant.
How much solar can your panel store nearby?
When you're looking to supply a modern economy with 24 hours of power a day, solar really
doesn't make the cut.

And with a coal plant, you can store months of fuel, right outside the plant.
How much solar can your panel store nearby?
As much as your battery will hold.
How many hours of storage do we need to build to power Chicago for a dark, cold, snowy February?
To backup your reliable solar panels.
As many as it takes. And, of course, the wind blows at night and a good chunk of northern Indiana is covered with massive wind turbines all for that particular city. And then there'll be various ways to use hydrogen and eventually fusion reactors and will be well, all will be well, all manner of things will be well.
As many as it takes. And, of course, the wind blows at night and a good chunk of northern Indiana is covered with massive wind turbines all for that particular city. And then there'll be various ways to use hydrogen and eventually fusion reactors and will be well, all will be well, all manner of things will be well.

As many as it takes?

Sounds like an incredibly expensive way to cover the shortfalls of unreliable wind and solar.

And then there'll be various ways to use hydrogen

Another expensive waste of time. Not a source of energy, a non-solution looking for a problem.
As many as it takes?

Sounds like an incredibly expensive way to cover the shortfalls of unreliable wind and solar.
Then... you already knew the answer to your question? I think more and more each day that the answer for tranportation and no sun, no wind times is green hydrogen produced with non-emitting power
And then there'll be various ways to use hydrogen

Another expensive waste of time. Not a source of energy, a non-solution looking for a problem.
Hydrogen is not a source of energy? Do tell.
Then... you already knew the answer to your question? I think more and more each day that the answer for tranportation and no sun, no wind times is green hydrogen produced with non-emitting power

Hydrogen is not a source of energy? Do tell.

Hydrogen is not a source of energy? Do tell.

Coal is a source of energy. You dig it out of the ground and you burn it.
Oil and natural gas come out of the ground.....loaded with energy.

Where are you getting the green hydrogen?
Hydrogen is not a source of energy? Do tell.

Coal is a source of energy. You dig it out of the ground and you burn it.
Oil and natural gas come out of the ground.....loaded with energy.

Where are you getting the green hydrogen?
Electrolyzed from water with electricity generated by wind, solar panels or fusion
Yep. Now you hit me up over the poor efficiency and I come back and talk about zero fuel costs.

Of course I will.
And you'll point to Germany's highest in the world electricity costs
as proof that solar and wind "free fuel" means that they're cheaper.
Of course I will.
And you'll point to Germany's highest in the world electricity costs
as proof that solar and wind "free fuel" means that they're cheaper.
You know it.

Back in mid-2014 German energy prices began to move down or at least stabilize but that trend died aborning with the war.
Before the war, their prices were triple our prices.
Why so expensive with all that "free fuel"?
The cost of socialization. And take note that the people there aren't complaining. The populations of virtually every (perhaps just "every") democratic socialist state on the planet are measurably happier with their governments than Americans are with theirs.
The cost of socialization. And take note that the people there aren't complaining. The populations of virtually every (perhaps just "every") democratic socialist state on the planet are measurably happier with their governments than Americans are with theirs.

And take note that the people there aren't complaining.

Is that a feeling or do you have evidence?
Another thread by a climate change denialist trolling for attention.

The science is settled! Nuff said!

That is not the point.
Sure there is a serious climate catastrophe in the making, but it is not as if there is necessarily any sort of alternative to fossil fuel, or what alternative is best if there is one.

While solar and wind power are nice, clearly they can not be relied upon, are not powerful, concentrated, or transportable enough to be practical.
And in fact, solar and wind are very dirty in the production of solar cells and batteries.
So a better solution has to be found.
Most likely it is something like geothermal or nuclear, and hydrogen or methane instead.

Even the bad guys are starting to accept responsibility for being the bad guys now!

Surprising discoveries​

At an old gunpowder factory in Delaware – now a museum and archive – I found a transcript of a petroleum conference from 1959 called the “Energy and Man” symposium, held at Columbia University in New York. As I flipped through, I saw a speech from a famous scientist, Edward Teller (who helped invent the hydrogen bomb), warning the industry executives and others assembled of global warming.

“Whenever you burn conventional fuel,” Teller explained, “you create carbon dioxide. … Its presence in the atmosphere causes a greenhouse effect.” If the world kept using fossil fuels, the ice caps would begin to melt, raising sea levels. Eventually, “all the coastal cities would be covered,” he warned.

While I agree global warming is a serious threat, one can not use Edward Teller as a source for anything.
He is a war criminal, who deliberately make illegal weapons to destroy whole cities.
And clearly he is saying that fossil fuels are bad not because he cares or believes, but because it serves his interests in funding his nuclear research programs.

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