Modern Scrubbing Technology - Why fossil fuels are not extinct..

And CO2 is about the only culprit of global warming, because it is about the only gas that converts photonic radiation back into vibratory heat, but yet does not condense out at the cold of high altitudes.
CO2's roll cannot be discerned from noise in our climatic system. The effort to place this somewhere it cannot be detected and invisible is total BS. We are still exploring Solar Dimming and why it caused rapid cooling of our oceans. Again, something that is measurable and observable.

An informational post--> Solar Dimming... What is at stake With This Change on our Sun?
That is not the point.
Sure there is a serious climate catastrophe in the making, but it is not as if there is necessarily any sort of alternative to fossil fuel, or what alternative is best if there is one.
Read your sentence. Try to separate your thought process so that you don't ramble on in one sentence.
While solar and wind power are nice, clearly they can not be relied upon, are not powerful, concentrated, or transportable enough to be practical.
Not necessarily true, but for reasons other than that which you state.
The key to the thinking you need to adopt is in reducing energy consumption. I'll set you on track by mentioning mass transit for a start.
And in fact, solar and wind are very dirty in the production of solar cells and batteries.
So a better solution has to be found.
Most likely it is something like geothermal or nuclear, and hydrogen or methane instead.
Nobody is claiming that solar and wind can do the job alone.
Bull Shit... You were claiming that CO2's emissions were warming the oceans. This is wrong and it cannot stop energy out of the ocean as evidenced by ERBE satellite measurements. Epic failure. 72% of the earth cannot absorb emitted energy from CO2. That means 72% of the earth's surface cannot react to CO2.
Billy, check this guy out

CO2's roll cannot be discerned from noise in our climatic system. The effort to place this somewhere it cannot be detected and invisible is total BS. We are still exploring Solar Dimming and why it caused rapid cooling of our oceans. Again, something that is measurable and observable.

An informational post--> Solar Dimming... What is at stake With This Change on our Sun?

I can see that above the noise.
AR6 assumes a 3/1 ratio above the log of CO2. Please get back to me when this "exaggeration" is removed.
Do not bother him with facts... They get in the way of his narrative.
There is no conflict between the information in the ERF diagram and Ding's obsession. I have never said that CO2 is the only factor controlling temperature and have repeatedly said otherwise. That Ding thinks his world-shaking "discoveries" about glacial cycles and plate climatology has solidly refuted the greenhouse effect refutes only his claim to any fundamental science knowledge. That you should choose to support his contention doesn't surprise me in the least.
There is no conflict between the information in the ERF diagram and Ding's obsession. I have never said that CO2 is the only factor controlling temperature and have repeatedly said otherwise. That Ding thinks his world-shaking "discoveries" about glacial cycles and plate climatology has solidly refuted the greenhouse effect refutes only his claim to any fundamental science knowledge. That you should choose to support his contention doesn't surprise me in the least.
World shaking? No. Proof that water vapor is a net negative feedback? Yes.

The planet cooled with 2.3 times more atmospheric CO2 than today. If you ran their models today with 2.3 times more CO2 than today, would their model predict even more catastrophic warming than it predicts today? Yes. It would. And yet the planet overcame this tremendous amount of warming and associated feedback and still cooled, right?

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