Modern Day Stoning is Alive and Well In America

White 6

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Nov 10, 2019
This is a strange story out of Fort Worth, TX. I hope the group that carried it out do not get into trouble, as in a defensive situation, you use what is available until the threat is neutralized.
Pummeled to death by a crowd is not the same as ritualistic "stoning" in mostly Islamic countries where the victim is buried up to his/her head and baseball sized stones are selected.
From the report...

''A neighbor told the Star-Telegram that the family who live in the home where the alleged shooting occurred had been there for a year.

"On weekends they play the music really loud," she told the newspaper.

"One of my neighbors had to go down there and tell them to turn it down."

Sounds like anther case of the riff raff coming in and ruining the neighborhood.
Well If that is all you got and there is an active shooter, you do what you have to do to survive.
This is a strange story out of Fort Worth, TX. I hope the group that carried it out do not get into trouble, as in a defensive situation, you use what is available until the threat is neutralized.
Probably illegal aliens

thats why the media is hiding their identity
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Probably illegal aliens

thats why the media is hiding their identity
Who knows and who cares? If true, what you say might be a good point on illegal aliens. We sometimes pride ourselves (erroneously in some cases) at being rugged individualists, charting our own path and defending our families. These people, whoever they are, when faced with an attacker, who had killed in their presence, fluidly mover to pick up rocks (the most ancient weapons of defense and survival), possessed the strength, skill and fortitude, necessary to fend off and indeed neutralize/destroy the threat, that had killed and still possessed the means to continue killing members of their group, with his seemingly overpowering advantage.
News in modern times is replete with images of Americans taking cover or running in panic to the point of trampling others to death, to simply run away from danger. It reflects something missing in the thinking of the modern population at large in this country. Yet, these few people spontaneously banded together with only the simplest of natural weapons for their own defense against stupid evil and modern weaponry. I am no social scientist, but there is something of almost ancient nobility of spirit, they possessed the many of the rest of our society has lost as we became a more modern sophisticated population.

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