Zone1 Modern American white women have unrealistic expectations of men and that's why we're having so many problems keeping our families together

I think employers would rather hire single people than married as there won't be as many family issues to deal with. Then the employee can spend most all their non work hours focused on their jobs and not family matters.
You can’t think of a reason to get married, or a reason not to?
Because outside of the religious aspect it's simply a contract. I don't need one between myself and my mother or father or brother (beyond the one we're in due to us owning our grandfather's home).
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And what do you suggest we do about it?
I don’t have a golden answer. But going back to traditional values will be incredible. The black and white middle class was much better in the middle 20th century. The divorce rate and child born out of wedlock rate was much lower back in those days compared to you today. There were no mass school shootings … unequivocally it was a much better and healthy society. Since those days the obesity rate has shot up, family values have been attacked , we have all sorts of issues today in America that did not exist in the past

We need to have a meritocracy. Unfortunately many companies, sports organizations and universities in America are giving free scholarships to people based on their skin color or their gender.

Quite obvious that radical BLM and feminist policies have resulted in the type of society we have today. So we can only hope that the numbers turn in the right direction with regard to your question. Who knows what the future will behold.
That's all you do is talk about what black folks aren't doing and how we have the worse this and that. The only thing you claim whites do is mass shootings which is all bullshit. Stop posting racist shit and I won't call you a racist. Leave God out of this, he wants nothing to do with it.

That's just it genuis many are not absent they are just counted as such.

How many black fathers do you know personally that don't support their children?

[quoteNow this thread is about blacks and whites. Once again, you are only concentrating on points that you think matter. You never talk about when I criticize bad culture among young white people. Your trolling and poor behavior is there for all to see. Curried Goats is guilty of the same thing that’s why he is on ignore.

The only bad culture you talk about among whites is mass shootings 🔫.
You can’t accuse people of racism without proof it’s a sin. You need to have evidence to back it up.

I’ll criticize the poor cultures among whites and blacks. Enough said man. You cannot show me saying blacks are inferior to whites or black Schnapp be hired for a job. That is the definition of racism and that’s not how I think. I know how I think about these issues, and I’m open about my views I have nothing to hide.

Don’t fall into the BLM trap of calling people racist for thought crimes. Nothing will ever get accomplished in this country, and we will continue to have high rates of young white men and black men who are single….we will continue to have degradation and poverty in black majority communities unless the issues are properly addressed.

Don’t fall into trolling. You or I may know white or black parents who are doing the right thing. What matters the most are the statistics. Now this is totally insane. What I have seen BLM supporters bring forth is people they know or something and they completely disregard all the other people in this country who are struggling. I’ve seen it done by the left, when it comes to homeownership rates which have plummeted in this country, or the cost of a home how they brag about their equity going up while most Americans can’t afford a home. Curried Goats engaged in this type of despicable trolling, where he said black fathers are better than white fathers. And I said, even if that is true that there is a huge percentage of blacks who are absentee fathers, and they are never around their kids. So he wouldn’t acknowledge that.

White youth committing mass school shootings is not nonsense, what are you talking about sir.? It is a serious issue and I’m calling out Those white folks for engaging in that behavior. I’m calling out the US media and government who are not properly tackling the issue. Part of the reason why this is happening is loneliness and drug dependence including on marijuana among white youth. I’ve talked very extensively about this issue and I don’t ever hear you calling me a racist against whites for. So that’s trolling on your part.

Don’t fall into the trap of the far left wing, which is accusing people of thought crimes and engaging in nonsense. Like their ideas, where if somebody criticizes BLM or brings ups the fact that there is a higher divorce and an absentee father rate among black folks, that that somehow constitutes racism. That’s completely insane.

White culture and black culture today has its negative issues. Bringing them up whether it’s about whites or blacks does not constitute racism. If you think I’m talking too much about blacks that does not constitute racism. I will also inpart blame the government and media for treating black folks like babies, and being easy on crime.

I’m getting to the point where I’m no longer going to respond to your posts. Or other people who don’t acknowledge the statistics brought forth. I am not going to be reiterating my points or putting tons of time and effort to prove my points. I already know the points you guys have already seen the proof, including WinterBorn . Have a nice day sincerely
There is according to various sites.. It’s about double. About double the amount of young men are single compared to young women. also pew is one of the strongest polling sites around.

Young men are searching for AI girlfriends at an alarming rate according to researchers.

There is a very growing number of single young women though . So to your point that’s a big problem in this country.

As even / anti Trump liberal professors like Galloway have pointed out this is contributing to loneliness and drug abuse problems among the youth. Hopefully the situation improves before it worsens.
Unless a lot of women are in relationships where they are sharing the same man that statistically doesn’t make sense.
The leftists have been trying hard for decades to make marriage as easy to walk away from as a handshake, but it is still something more of a commitment.
I think employers would rather hire single people than married as there won't be as many family issues to deal with. Then the employee can spend most all their non work hours focused on their jobs and not family matters.

Employers know the value of someone in a more stable living situation.

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