Mobs of muslim men roaming London streets with knives, swords and bats....

Needs more:

a wrong picture , take this one instead :

The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution codifies the Right of the people to own and carry guns........for when the government can't or refuses to protect the people......or when the government becomes the murderer of it's citizens....

Here we see the lesson being taught to the British....mobs of muslim men roaming the streets with knives, swords and bats.......and the British police are allowing it to happen under orders of the government.........and besides......British police are unarmed....what would they do anyway?
The British politicians has become traitors to their own nation in this headlong rush to convert England, Scotland and Northern Ireland into an Islamic state. It's complete lunacy. If it's not deliberate, then it's outright fear and cowardice. Those same politicians are most likely, Marxist. This is how the western Democracy dies.
In the "rise and fall of the Roman Empire," the Roman government fell, but the Italians were still there going about their lives.
This is different. It will be the rise, fall and death of the west and of its non-Muslim peoples.
In the United States, there is the Second Amendment, but the government is hell bent on trying to get rid of it through various bills. As for the gun owners, we live in a pampered lifestyle, with instant gratification of all wants within our financial means and the majority aren't' going to rise up and go into a Civil War over the issue. So, expect firearms ownership to go away in the not too distant future and as a result, the government will then do away with the Constitution and of course, by extension, the Bill of Rights. Once done, the people of the U.S., will be in the same situation as the public in England, protesting and some rioting, but at the mercy of an armed government that won't hesitate to use whatever force to bring the populace under control.
There will be re-education camps, followed by the equivalent of gulags and of course, government backed death squads.
The main aim is a one-world Marxist government with Islam as the core religion.
It may seem to Americans to be soft on crime, but to the socially acceptable countries of the world, it's the police reaction that will defuse the issue the fastest before it turns into another American nightmare with hundreds of millions of guns.

Muslims don't resort to violence for no reason!

what was your sister up to?

Mobs of muslim men roaming London streets with knives, swords and bats....​

Why not? It’s their city now by right of conquest and capitulation.

"the 🇷🇺 🐔🇸🇦Kremlin's incoherent Frankenstein ideology"
"the 🇷🇺 🐔🇸🇦Kremlin's incoherent Frankenstein ideology"

it's not all that new----Russia has been supporting what started
out as "arab nationalism"-----about 100 years ago and easily slipped into MUSLIM NATIONALISM since its inception. As to the eastern ortho church and its predilections----also an easy fit with the 'ethos'
of islam re DA JOOOOS
The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution codifies the Right of the people to own and carry guns........for when the government can't or refuses to protect the people......or when the government becomes the murderer of it's citizens....

Here we see the lesson being taught to the British....mobs of muslim men roaming the streets with knives, swords and bats.......and the British police are allowing it to happen under orders of the government.........and besides......British police are unarmed....what would they do anyway?
Ive reported yoour thread.
Why? I don’t care, just curious about what
the mental illness affecting you today is….
You should provide a link to back up your fantasies. Obliously there isnt a link. Law abiding muslims may be protecting their place of worship froom ignorant white thugs but that is a million miles from your post.
You are just a sad nazi liar.
Thread is a lie.
what is the lie? Do you know anything about muslims? Here is a little question. What are the legalities and customs in muslim cultures regarding personal armaments? What were the customs
regarding personal armaments in Medieval England? How about
the "wild west" of North America in the 19th century. How about
the "HOODS" of large USA cities?
This is the way Muslim domination goes. It's the same path taken in countries that used to be Christian and are now Muslim. Lebanon used to be catholic. I would hope that resistance to Islam spreads throughout Europe. Especially Ireland and Germany.
The 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution codifies the Right of the people to own and carry guns........for when the government can't or refuses to protect the people......or when the government becomes the murderer of it's citizens....

Here we see the lesson being taught to the British....mobs of muslim men roaming the streets with knives, swords and bats.......and the British police are allowing it to happen under orders of the government.........and besides......British police are unarmed....what would they do anyway?
Provide a link to substantiate the claim, please. Read the rules about starting a thread.
Then in the 70s Palestinian refugees created a revolution.
70s ? it was already too late, many Christians have left L. and the Muslims /non - Christians became the majority . Finland , USA would never ever make such greedy, stupid mistake

i cant get it, how people who always complain about colonialism, so easy become the solders of the last
colonial army ? what do you think ?
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