MNSBC, Lawrence O'Donnel: "I would ban all guns"

I hope everyone is preparing their bow and arrows.

I have 3 assault rifles, various bolt action long rifles, pistols, muskets, shotguns, munitions I picked off the fields at Sill and Benning as a kid, thousands of rounds of ammo stacked in ammo boxes that reach the ceiling of my messy garage. Why on earth would I need my cross bow? LOL, I'll die before I'd give one of them up just on principle alone.
I hope everyone is preparing their bow and arrows.

I have 3 assault rifles, various bolt action long rifles, pistols, muskets, shotguns, munitions I picked off the fields at Sill and Benning as a kid, thousands of rounds of ammo stacked in ammo boxes that reach the ceiling of my messy garage. Why on earth would I need my cross bow? LOL, I'll die before I'd give one of them up just on principle alone.
I wouldn't advertise that if I was you... in fact, I'd say I just made that all up... :eusa_eh:
Dude, he literally says word for word "I am a socialist." Did you listen to the video?
It's not as if he'd confessed to being a vampire.

I don't know what your impression of socialism is but if you enjoy a comfortable middle class lifestyle the odds are you owe it to the socialist influence on American society and its economy dating back to FDR.

There never existed a middle class before FDR?
No. Before FDR's New Deal American society consisted mainly of the rich and those struggling to get along on low wages with no job benefits and bleak retirement prospects. Tens of thousands of impoverished seniors died of starvation and exposure during the Great Depression. My parents told us about the morning morgue wagon pickups in most neighborhoods.

America is for the most part spoiled and has forgotten all this, which is why the corporatist right wing has been able to decimate the union movement. And if things keep going the way they've been since Ronald Reagan we'll soon see the same circumstances repeated.
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Socialism is not a purely "economic view" it encompasses far more than economics.

"Marxism" is the economic arm of "socialism."

What "more" to socialism do you think there is?

What kind of question is that? Socialism is socialism. The methodical redistribution of all wealth and property within a nation. The Nazis did it, Marx did it, Stalin did it, Jong Un is doing it. Why aren't you even remotely disturbed by this?
You've been indoctrinated with a distorted understanding of fundamental socialism, which is considerably different from such perversions of socialism as Stalinism and the totalitarian regimen of the Third Reich, etc.

Socialism is not communism. But it is important to the One Percent, and to those who serve their interests, that you don't know the difference.
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Remember when Harvard-schooled, never worked a day in his life, Larry wanted to FIGHT Romney's kid for something or other? Walked toward a camera and called him out trying to sound like a Boston dock worker? I almost pissed myself laughing. :lol:
Wow! All these comic book Avatars and graphics scare me.

I better go out and get a gun ....

MNSBC, Lawrence O'Donnel: "I would ban all guns"

Guns kill .... but I need one, I'm scared ....

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Why is it that those with last name "O'Donnell" are cursed with terminal stupidity?

To wit: Lawrence, Kelly, Christine, Rosie and Heaven knows who else.
What "more" to socialism do you think there is?

What kind of question is that? Socialism is socialism. The methodical redistribution of all wealth and property within a nation. The Nazis did it, Marx did it, Stalin did it, Jong Un is doing it. Why aren't you even remotely disturbed by this?
You've been indoctrinated with a distorted understanding of fundamental socialism, which is considerably different from such perversions of socialism as Stalinism and the totalitarian regimen of the Third Reich, etc.

Socialism is not communism. But it is important to the One Percent, and to those who serve their interests, that you don't know the difference.

They use these terms to describe Obama. All of them. Communist, Socialist, Elitist, fascist... I know they hate him but he can't be described using all of these.
What "more" to socialism do you think there is?

What kind of question is that? Socialism is socialism. The methodical redistribution of all wealth and property within a nation. The Nazis did it, Marx did it, Stalin did it, Jong Un is doing it. Why aren't you even remotely disturbed by this?
You've been indoctrinated with a distorted understanding of fundamental socialism, which is considerably different from such perversions of socialism as Stalinism and the totalitarian regimen of the Third Reich, etc.

Socialism is not communism. But it is important to the One Percent, and to those who serve their interests, that you don't know the difference.

It is YOU who have been indoctrinated.
He is describing socialism, communism did not exist yet ( except a brief period in 1918 in Soviet Russia as a form of military communism - you don't want live through that).

What you are talking about is social-democratic society, which is as far from socialism as it is from nazism.
At lleast he fully admits to being a Socialist.

Will MSNBC yank his show or does GE support having a Socialist on their payroll?
What's so scary about having views different from your own aired on American television? Are you that afraid of what might come from free speech? Would you rather have state censorship determining what you hear, see and read?
At lleast he fully admits to being a Socialist.

Will MSNBC yank his show or does GE support having a Socialist on their payroll?
What's so scary about having views different from your own aired on American television? Are you that afraid of what might come from free speech? Would you rather have state censorship determining what you hear, see and read?

Excellent questions to pose to Lawrence O'Donnell or any of his MSNBC cohorts.
At lleast he fully admits to being a Socialist.

Will MSNBC yank his show or does GE support having a Socialist on their payroll?
What's so scary about having views different from your own aired on American television? Are you that afraid of what might come from free speech? Would you rather have state censorship determining what you hear, see and read?

Excellent questions to pose to Lawrence O'Donnell or any of his MSNBC cohorts.
Or, asked of folks whose knee jerk reaction is to label someone "Socialist" and then speculate about their employment possibilities. It happened 50 years ago in Hollywood. Not a bright and shining moment for the Conservative cause in America.
hell, I'd ban anyone who is sane from watching the raving idiots on PmsNbc
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What if EVERY politician would come out and be just as honest? He is what he is, and he said EXACTLY what he is. You should ALL applaud that. He has the right to believe in what he believes in, and he shared his views.

If every politician was exactly this honest, the country would be better off. At least we'd know what we are voting for.

If O'Donnell ever runs for office, we'll know exactly what his views are. Gotta respect that.
hell, I'd ban anyone who is sane from watching the raving idiots on PmsNbc

Again, are you so afraid of what free speech brings that you would eliminate it?

Kind of like saying guns are so dangerous they should be banned, isn't it?

Oh stop ranting you're looking like a raving idiot from PmsNbc..for crying out loud
I'm, not ranting. I'm simply saying that this is the republic we have. Those who call for banning viewers or weapons are the ranting maniacs. You are merely projecting your emotional instability on me.
Again, are you so afraid of what free speech brings that you would eliminate it?

Kind of like saying guns are so dangerous they should be banned, isn't it?

Oh stop ranting you're looking like a raving idiot from PmsNbc..for crying out loud
I'm, not ranting. I'm simply saying that this is the republic we have. Those who call for banning viewers or weapons are the ranting maniacs. You are merely projecting your emotional instability on me.

oh dear gawd, what ever you say...yawn

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