Mittens to be charged with violating federal ethics law

It would look like "revenge". Nothing will come of it.

But he has called the "blind trust" a "ruse" and a trick in the past. And his secretary/lawyer handles his "blind trust".
What utter bullshit. Here's an alternative headline for you:
Breaking: Mitt Romney About to be Pointlessly Harassed by United Automobile Workers (UAW) and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)

Pathetic morons. :rolleyes:
BREAKING: Mitt Romney About To Be Charged With Violating Federal Ethics Law!

Unlikely anything will come of this. He can just write a check and go home. But, still ... Could be fun to watch.

This would be like me suing you for being an online lying piece of shit. Because the title of the link and the content within the link don't quite go together

United Automobile Workers (UAW) and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) are preparing to launch an official lawsuit against Romney for hiding between 15.3 to 111.5 million dollars from the auto industry bailout in his wife Anne’s “blind” trust to conceal the gain and reduce taxes on it.
More Luddite Fail.
Did you notice those troll target words? launch an official lawsuit
Is their such a thing as an official lawsuit? What the hell is an official lawsuit? :cool:
I guess it's like those "Official Decoder Rings" that used to be in cereal boxes. Does the "Lawsuit" originate from Battle Creek Michigan? Who would their Lawyer BE the Lucky Charm Leprechaun? Can you imagine them in court?

"Your Honor, I'd like to present evidence that proves that Mitt Romney is not fortified with 10 essential Vitamins and Nutrients and is NOT Magically Delicious!"


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