Mitch McConnell


Gold Member
Aug 3, 2009
Did anyone watch McConnell Saturday night before the vote to allow official debate on the healthcare legislation? He kept mentioning all of these ideas that the Republicans had about the topic and how he wished his Democratic counterparts would reconsider their votes and allow the process to start over. Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....:confused:
Did anyone watch McConnell Saturday night before the vote to allow official debate on the healthcare legislation? He kept mentioning all of these ideas that the Republicans had about the topic and how he wished his Democratic counterparts would reconsider their votes and allow the process to start over. Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....:confused:

He answered that question for you this morning on CNN--a program called State of the Union-

That same question was asked of McConnell. He replied they didn't have the votes to pass new health care reform legislation--which included Tort reform, something of which G.W. Bush pressed for--interstate competition--& small businesse's being able to group together to get the same low rates that large corporations get.

Remember that while Republicans held the house & the senate during the 1st years of the Bush administration--they never had the "super majority" that democrats enjoy today.

Democrats have always fought tooth & nail against tort reform because their party is backed by trial lawyers in this country. If passed it would save 54 BILLION dollars.
See if I were Obama I would have offered a government funded plan that one could opt into or out of (to remove the compulsion fear) and then offered tort reform as well to get Republicans to bite.

Tort reform is also necessary to get cost down as Americans sue for any reason, "I did not know chemotherapy could make me throw up, I am suing you!!!!
If I were Obama I would also have Michelle on the White House desk every afternoon.

I would slap her sexy black ass and yell out "who is your Prez, who IS your Prez!!!!"
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Did anyone watch McConnell Saturday night before the vote to allow official debate on the healthcare legislation? He kept mentioning all of these ideas that the Republicans had about the topic and how he wished his Democratic counterparts would reconsider their votes and allow the process to start over. Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....:confused:

He answered that question for you this morning on CNN--a program called State of the Union-

That same question was asked of McConnell. He replied they didn't have the votes to pass new health care reform legislation--which included Tort reform, something of which G.W. Bush pressed for--interstate competition--& small businesse's being able to group together to get the same low rates that large corporations get.

Remember that while Republicans held the house & the senate during the 1st years of the Bush administration--they never had the "super majority" that democrats enjoy today.

Democrats have always fought tooth & nail against tort reform because their party is backed by trial lawyers in this country. If passed it would save 54 BILLION dollars.

What a crock. What bills did they introduce?
See if I were Obama I would have offered a government funded plan that one could opt into or out of (to remove the compulsion fear) and then offered tort reform as well to get Republicans to bite.

Tort reform is also necessary to get cost down as Americans sue for any reason, "I did not know chemotherapy could make me throw up, I am suing you!!!!

McConnel is using emotion and a canard for reasons I can only speculate - none of which is flattering to he or his party.
Consider, federal reform won’t work. “Medical malpractice tort law has always been maintained at the state level,” according to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). Under our Constitution, the federal government has only those powers explicitly granted in it. General police powers—the right to protect the health, safety, and welfare of citizens—are not listed and belong exclusively to the states.

Malpractice cases, except under very limited circumstances, can be filed only in state court. And even when cases can be filed in federal court, those courts apply state malpractice law. In 2007 there were 1,164 medical malpractice cases filed in federal court, while 85,000 medical malpractice cases were brought in state courts.
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Did anyone watch McConnell Saturday night before the vote to allow official debate on the healthcare legislation? He kept mentioning all of these ideas that the Republicans had about the topic and how he wished his Democratic counterparts would reconsider their votes and allow the process to start over. Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....:confused:

He answered that question for you this morning on CNN--a program called State of the Union-

That same question was asked of McConnell. He replied they didn't have the votes to pass new health care reform legislation--which included Tort reform, something of which G.W. Bush pressed for--interstate competition--& small businesse's being able to group together to get the same low rates that large corporations get.

Remember that while Republicans held the house & the senate during the 1st years of the Bush administration--they never had the "super majority" that democrats enjoy today.

Democrats have always fought tooth & nail against tort reform because their party is backed by trial lawyers in this country. If passed it would save 54 BILLION dollars.

And the Democrats fought tooth and nail against any legislation offered up by the Republicans. They managed to only allow Medical Savings Accounts and Health Savings Accounts IF AND ONLY if the number of enrollees was limited to just over 700,000.

They have never wanted any improvement or any competition in the health-care delivery system, for fear of loss of their oldest most closely held issue. I marvel at the Republicans even being able to get even those two changes passed since their passage undermined the ultimate goal of the Democrats, the "single payer system."

There are those two as well as Medicare Advantage program which also adds some competitive forces into Medicare and the whole system as well, and the Part D drug benefit which is the only new program to actually experience less costs than the CBO estimated. That last was in response to the cost of life saving drugs to the elderly who could lest afford them.

It's amazing how the Ds get away with their claims that the Rs never accomplished anything in healthcare. They would have accomplished much more improvement if there had been any real desire for improving it on the part of the Ds.

On the Part D program: I was incentivised to enroll because of the penalties which would apply by delaying. enrolling even though I presently need no pharmaceuticals. I feared (and fear is a good incentive) that a day would come when I’d need lots of drugs and that it was cheaper to pay a monthly premium than get caught outside the system when my health declined. But I’m one of those self employed people who has always kept a health and hospitalization policy for me and my family, paying for it entirely on my own hook since leaving corporate employment back in 1972. It has been entirely affordable, yet our medical expenses have only been a fraction of the premiums we’ve paid over the years.
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Tort Reform? Simply more bull shit from the party of "No!".
That is not to suggest that reform is not necessary, but reform in terms of medical malpractice is a state issue and not one in which the Congress has Constitutional authority.
So why does McConnell continue to oppose health care reform? Follow the money.
Congress has a duty to enforce the law against bribery, and should instill rules to expell any member of Congress - 'D', 'R' or 'I' who accepts money, sex, campaign donations, future promises or a cup of coffee and then votes on any bill which benefits or regulates the person or the agency who 'donated' whatever.
Oh, and where did the figure $54 billion in savings originate?
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While I am a conservative libertarian in my views, I am registered as a Republican. The dirty "secret" that the Republican party won't acknowledge is that they are perfectly happy with the state of healthcare in the US. If not, they would have tried to do something while in power over the last decade. The only reason they respond today is because the Democrats turned it into the 800 lbs gorilla in the room and they can't just act like it isn't there. Trust me, if the healthcare bill dies.....and that is a big IF......the Republicans are not going to come back with a different plan to propose. They will be happy it died and go back to ignoring it.
While I am a conservative libertarian in my views, I am registered as a Republican. The dirty "secret" that the Republican party won't acknowledge is that they are perfectly happy with the state of healthcare in the US. If not, they would have tried to do something while in power over the last decade. The only reason they respond today is because the Democrats turned it into the 800 lbs gorilla in the room and they can't just act like it isn't there. Trust me, if the healthcare bill dies.....and that is a big IF......the Republicans are not going to come back with a different plan to propose. They will be happy it died and go back to ignoring it.

Your candor should be acknowledged, thank you.

The question is why, in your opinion, is the Republcan Party happy with the state of health care in our nation today?
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And the Democrats fought tooth and nail against any legislation offered up by the Republicans.
Not true - Republicans offered NO legislation to fight ...
Put that quote in context:

"And the Democrats fought tooth and nail against any legislation offered up by the Republicans. They managed to only allow..."<SNIP>
[during the Republicans tenure in the majority]

Medical Savings Accounts - to encourage savings for medical services and the use of anindividuals or family's own money to encourage shopping for medical services

Health Savings Accounts - to expand MSA

Medicare Advantage - to offer high deductible policies to seniors

Part D to Medicare - to provide drug coverage for seniors in Medicare with seniors payng a premium to support the program
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While I am a conservative libertarian in my views, I am registered as a Republican. The dirty "secret" that the Republican party won't acknowledge is that they are perfectly happy with the state of healthcare in the US. If not, they would have tried to do something while in power over the last decade. The only reason they respond today is because the Democrats turned it into the 800 lbs gorilla in the room and they can't just act like it isn't there. Trust me, if the healthcare bill dies.....and that is a big IF......the Republicans are not going to come back with a different plan to propose. They will be happy it died and go back to ignoring it.

Your candor should be acknowledged, thank you.

The question is why, in your opinion, is the Republcan Party happy with the state of health care in our nation today?

Thank you. I refer to myself as an "honest" conservative. The kool-aid drinking variety like to call me a liberal. :lol:

Why are they happy with it? A capitalism and free market approach instead of government regulation and beauracracy. Typically I agree. But the God's honest truth is that the pharmacuetical companies, insurance compananies and doctors can get away with over charging simply because they can. You have no other alternative healthcare and the fear of dying will make people pay money they wouldn't pay for anything else.
So why does McConnell continue to oppose health care reform? Follow the money.
Congress has a duty to enforce the law against bribery, and should instill rules to expell any member of Congress - 'D', 'R' or 'I' who accepts money, sex, campaign donations, future promises or a cup of coffee and then votes on any bill which benefits or regulates the person or the agency who 'donated' whatever.

Then how will Dirty Harry ever get those last few votes?

I just hope we can Ditch Mitch this time around in KY.
I will vote for Pauls youngin over Mitch.

Except for the fact that Rand Paul is running to fill Bunning's seat since he is retiring.
So why does McConnell continue to oppose health care reform? Follow the money.
Congress has a duty to enforce the law against bribery, and should instill rules to expell any member of Congress - 'D', 'R' or 'I' who accepts money, sex, campaign donations, future promises or a cup of coffee and then votes on any bill which benefits or regulates the person or the agency who 'donated' whatever.

Then how will Dirty Harry ever get those last few votes?

I just hope we can Ditch Mitch this time around in KY.
I will vote for Pauls youngin over Mitch.

Except for the fact that Rand Paul is running to fill Bunning's seat since he is retiring.

Rand will have to run again when Mitch's time comes again.

That will be the real test of Rand. Will he run against Mitch?
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Did anyone watch McConnell Saturday night before the vote to allow official debate on the healthcare legislation? He kept mentioning all of these ideas that the Republicans had about the topic and how he wished his Democratic counterparts would reconsider their votes and allow the process to start over. Did ANY of you wonder to yourselves if the GOP has all of these great ideas to fix our healthcare system, why didn't they DO anything about it while they had control of the Senate and the White House? Things that make you go "Hmmmmmmmm"....:confused:
The timing is perfect
Tort Reform? Simply more bull shit from the party of "No!".
That is not to suggest that reform is not necessary, but reform in terms of medical malpractice is a state issue and not one in which the Congress has Constitutional authority.

It looks as if Congress has found a way around that limitation.

On Saturday night with the House vote in favor of the health reform bill, the trial lawyers sliced themselves a nice little piece of that bonanza.

It's Section 2531 of the bill -- to be precise Section 2531(4)b -- and it provides as follows:

The new health bill will empower the Secretary of Health and Human Services to make grants to states that reform their medical malpractice systems. There are just two conditions: Those reforms must not "limit attorneys' fees or impose caps on damages."

Which is like saying that we're going to encourage you to develop a personal weight loss plan that includes neither exercise nor changes in diet.

Trial lawyers could win bonanza in health care reform -

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