Misrepresentation or Misunderstanding of Arabic and Islamic Terms !

The KKK isn't Christian. The KKK used religion to hide their racist politics behind. Terrorism is NOT a Christian doctrine. Terrorism IS an Islamist doctrine.
Who are you to judge whether the KKK is Christian or not?

Isn't that God's domain??

"Out of the wonderful story of the sacred pages of this old BOOK DIVINE comes the sad, sweet story of CALVARY'S rugged but HOLY CROSS. This old cross is a SYMBOL of SACRIFICE and SERVICE, and a sign of the CHRISTIAN FAITH.Sanctified and made holy nearly nineteen centuries ago by the suffering and blood of fifty million martyrs who died in the most holy faith, it stands in every Klavern of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. As a constant reminder that CHRIST is our criterion of character,and his teachings our rule of life blood bought, holy, sanctified and sublime."

Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Home
I understand islamic terms very well and so do the miscreant murderers who spread Islam with their hateful murderous deeds all over this planet. The earth will be a better place when Islam dies.

You do know that there was a time that Christianity was spread by the sword all over the world.

Should we refer to Christians, like yourself, as blood thirsty? (I guess if you are Catholic, you could say "yes" in a symbolic way. You know--Thirsty for the Blood of Christ? Communion? )

I don't think you are a harden Killer for Christ--hell, I doubt you would attempt suicide to spread the word of Christ even if Christ came down from heaven and ask you to sacrifice yourself for him.

So why do you think muslims that spread Islam are crazy murderers?
As far as I know, no one has accused Sunni Man of being bloodthirsty either. It seems you have misunderstood what people's problems are with Islam.

Christianity was spread, and enforced, through the sword. At that time, it was indeed a bloodthirsty and tragic religion. It no longer holds that title. Islam is now that way. It is sickening that people continually deny this simple and demonstrable fact. All Muslims may not be bloodthirsty fanatics but there are a sizable percentage of them that are. A portion that is FAR too big to simply be accepted. We have a problem with ISLAM. That problem exists whether or not everyone wants to bury their heads in the sand or not and we will not be able to handle the issue until we can at LEAST call it what it is.

Islam is, in fact, quite bloodthirsty at this time. In the future, it may not be so but at the current time, it is just the simple fact of the matter.
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:

WRONG! Its because in the original Arabic of the bible the word Elaha is used not Allah, Elaha and the bible was made 600 years before hand, so the Arabs are altering Gods word to match the Quran in order to further their Islamic agenda.

In the Middle East and some parts of Africa, Christian churches are burnt down because they are unislamic, despite having an identical god.
In parts of the southern United States black churches have been burnt down by white christians despite using the same Bible and worshipping the same Jesus. :cool:

When are you livng thats was at the very least 50 years ago and it was about skin color
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In parts of the southern United States black churches have been burnt down by white christians despite using the same Bible and worshipping the same Jesus. :cool:
Thats racism, not religion.
Spin it how ever you want junior.

Bottom line; it was Christians burning down the churches of other Christians. :cool:

No one denied that Christian churches were burned in the past.

What the wannabe hopes to sidestep is the fact that great social change has been achieved by Americans. There may be no nation on the planet that has made greater strides toward addressing and taking steps to remove the differences that might otherwise divide us.

There is no better example of that than the civil rights movement of the 1960's in America.

It seems the wannabe refuses to acknowledge the engendered hatreds for non-moslems that permeate islamism. Christians and Jews throughout the islamist Middle East are subject to overt persecution by Islamists. I suppose when you embrace a politico-religious ideology that promotes intolerance for and hatreds directed at non-moslems, such a pathology becomes part of the ideology.
Muslims cannot lie about their religion?

Why not? They are human are they not? What special power or force prevents them from lying? Their Faith? Their God? Or the realization that if you believe this lie then you will believe any lie I tell you?

Their religion permits them to lie to non believers.

But what the OP only did was define terms, not provide common examples on how the terms are used from an Islamic Point of View. (Or Islamic context?)

Taqiyya is allowed only in the most dire and dangerous of times when pnes life would be threatened.

Do some interpret that to mean they can lie in the name of Jihad . . .sure. Some christians believe it is ok to blow up abortion clinics. Does that make all of wither goup bad?

Certainly not.
In the Christian churches of the middle east the Bible's are printed in the arabic language.

In the verses referring to God; the arabic word "Allah" is used.

Christian missionaries have tried to get the Arab christians to quit using the word Allah to describe God.

But the arab christians have refused.

Because they know that the God of the Bible and Allah of the Quran are identical. :cool:

WRONG! Its because in the original Arabic of the bible the word Elaha is used not Allah, Elaha and the bible was made 600 years before hand, so the Arabs are altering Gods word to match the Quran in order to further their Islamic agenda.

In the Middle East and some parts of Africa, Christian churches are burnt down because they are unislamic, despite having an identical god.
In parts of the southern United States black churches have been burnt down by white christians despite using the same Bible and worshipping the same Jesus. :cool:

When are you livng thats was at the very least 50 years ago and it was about skin color

To the bolded - Oh so that makes it alright then? WTF are you talking about?:cuckoo:
What the wannabe hopes to sidestep is the fact that great social change has been achieved by Americans. There may be no nation on the planet that has made greater strides toward addressing and taking steps to remove the differences that might otherwise divide us.
"The ATF has opened investigations of 154 church fires,nationwide since October 1991. The pace of African American church burnings has quickened significantly in the last several months, with 23 open ATF cases from fiscal 1996, compared with six in the previous fiscal year. Not all of the black church blazes are being investigated by the ATF; some are being investigated solely at the local level at this point."

washingtonpost.com: Church Burnings in the South
What the wannabe hopes to sidestep is the fact that great social change has been achieved by Americans. There may be no nation on the planet that has made greater strides toward addressing and taking steps to remove the differences that might otherwise divide us.
"The ATF has opened investigations of 154 church fires,nationwide since October 1991. The pace of African American church burnings has quickened significantly in the last several months, with 23 open ATF cases from fiscal 1996, compared with six in the previous fiscal year. Not all of the black church blazes are being investigated by the ATF; some are being investigated solely at the local level at this point."

washingtonpost.com: Church Burnings in the South

Ah. A conspiracy theorist. That's pretty common for convert wannabes.
What the wannabe hopes to sidestep is the fact that great social change has been achieved by Americans. There may be no nation on the planet that has made greater strides toward addressing and taking steps to remove the differences that might otherwise divide us.
"The ATF has opened investigations of 154 church fires,nationwide since October 1991. The pace of African American church burnings has quickened significantly in the last several months, with 23 open ATF cases from fiscal 1996, compared with six in the previous fiscal year. Not all of the black church blazes are being investigated by the ATF; some are being investigated solely at the local level at this point."

washingtonpost.com: Church Burnings in the South

Ah. A conspiracy theorist. That's pretty common for convert wannabes.
You do realize that my link to the article was the Washington Post? :cool:
"The ATF has opened investigations of 154 church fires,nationwide since October 1991. The pace of African American church burnings has quickened significantly in the last several months, with 23 open ATF cases from fiscal 1996, compared with six in the previous fiscal year. Not all of the black church blazes are being investigated by the ATF; some are being investigated solely at the local level at this point."

washingtonpost.com: Church Burnings in the South

Ah. A conspiracy theorist. That's pretty common for convert wannabes.
You do realize that my link to the article was the Washington Post? :cool:

You do realize that you posted no facts regarding convictions for arson nor did you provide data for comparison with other churches.

You realize very little.
So did we non Muslims misinterpret what happened on September 11 2001? Was that as sign of Muslim tolerance of intellectual and religious diversity?

No that was a group of fringe lunatics taking out there frustration on a nation that has propped up dictators ala, Egypt and Syria Iraq until Sadam was no longer our pit bull on a chain etc., through out the middle east while exploiting their resources and crapping on their beliefs.
Ah. A conspiracy theorist. That's pretty common for convert wannabes.
You do realize that my link to the article was the Washington Post? :cool:

You do realize that you posted no facts regarding convictions for arson nor did you provide data for comparison with other churches.

You realize very little.
Translation of Hadith Hollie's response: "I was soo blinded by hate that I didn't realize it was a legitimate Washington Post article". :cool:
So did we non Muslims misinterpret what happened on September 11 2001? Was that as sign of Muslim tolerance of intellectual and religious diversity?

No that was a group of fringe lunatics taking out there frustration on a nation that has propped up dictators ala, Egypt and Syria Iraq until Sadam was no longer our pit bull on a chain etc., through out the middle east while exploiting their resources and crapping on their beliefs.

You were on course until the "exploiting their resources" BS.
They are raping us for those resources.
No one is confused about the term Allah. Got any actual terms that you think we are confused about and miss interpreting. I don't believe that anyone is confused at all.

Perhaps you would like to start with: Jihad

That should be interesting.

Jihad = Struggle.

There are two jihads, the greater and the lesser.

The greater jihad is the struggle to be a righteous person in the eyes of Allah.

The lesser jihad is the struggle to defend Islam from its enemies.

My problem with Islamists is that they put the lesser jihad ahead of the greater. They do damage to their own "greater jihad" by engaging in terrorism and taking into their own hands vengeance that should be Allah's alone.
"The ATF has opened investigations of 154 church fires,nationwide since October 1991. The pace of African American church burnings has quickened significantly in the last several months, with 23 open ATF cases from fiscal 1996, compared with six in the previous fiscal year. Not all of the black church blazes are being investigated by the ATF; some are being investigated solely at the local level at this point."

washingtonpost.com: Church Burnings in the South

Ah. A conspiracy theorist. That's pretty common for convert wannabes.
You do realize that my link to the article was the Washington Post? :cool:

Why are you wasting your time on this foolishness, when you should be the one explaining what 'jihad' means? :eusa_eh:
You do realize that my link to the article was the Washington Post? :cool:

You do realize that you posted no facts regarding convictions for arson nor did you provide data for comparison with other churches.

You realize very little.
Translation of Hadith Hollie's response: "I was soo blinded by hate that I didn't realize it was a legitimate Washington Post article". :cool:

The hate has been on your side with your denigration of blacks. You scoured the web for a 1996 article and still have not provided any data to provide for comparison.

Have you heard that we have a black president?

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