Minnesota Moves To Pass Trans-Refuge Bill That Would Strip Custody From Non-Consenting Parents


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After federal Democrats went on official record as declaring parents have NO RIGHTS regarding their own children once tbey are enrolled in govt-run public schools (indoctrination camps)...

....Minnesota is attempting to pass legislation making a Minnesota a (JUVENILE) TRANS-REFUGE STATE that could allow the govt to strip custody rights from non-consenting patents seeking to protect their children.

The libs / govt is pushing harder to make your children being THEIR kids a reality.

'Supporters say Minnesota 'trans refuge' bill is needed to ensure transgender kids have access to the care they need, but opponents say it will threaten to take children away from parents who don't consent to transitioning their kid.'

These sick f*ers are so hell-bent on grooming, transgender indoctrinating, and mutilating the genitals of scientifically-proven physically and mentally under-developed children they are willing to seize them / steal them / kidnap them from their parents to do it.

This is excellent news! We should publicize this everywhere and hope that the Democrats in every Blue state do the same, along with that $5 000 000 per slave-descendant reparations bill.

We've got to concentrate into the Red States. And 'We' means not just hardcore conservatives, but ordinary Americans who don't want their children exposed to sexual perverts and people who want to mutilate them.

We'll bring lots of former Democrats with us. Our enemy is sleepwalking towards a cliff. Let's get behind him and push!
I see a lot of problems coming for these “officials” when they try to take somebody’s children. Easy is right. These are a bunch of sick grooming f*cks.
This is excellent news! We should publicize this everywhere and hope that the Democrats in every Blue state do the same, along with that $5 000 000 per slave-descendant reparations bill.

We've got to concentrate into the Red States. And 'We' means not just hardcore conservatives, but ordinary Americans who don't want their children exposed to sexual perverts and people who want to mutilate them.

We'll bring lots of former Democrats with us. Our enemy is sleepwalking towards a cliff. Let's get behind him and push!

If either of my brothers or I had come out as trans my parents would have packed our bag and called the State to take us willingly. We’d have been persona non grata INSTANTLY, just as several other family members were over their sexuality, criminal activity or other social deficiencies.
After federal Democrats went on official record as declaring parents have NO RIGHTS regarding their own children once tbey are enrolled in govt-run public schools (indoctrination camps)...

....Minnesota is attempting to pass legislation making a Minnesota a (JUVENILE) TRANS-REFUGE STATE that could allow the govt to strip custody rights from non-consenting patents seeking to protect their children.

The libs / govt is pushing harder to make your children being THEIR kids a reality.

'Supporters say Minnesota 'trans refuge' bill is needed to ensure transgender kids have access to the care they need, but opponents say it will threaten to take children away from parents who don't consent to transitioning their kid.'

These sick f*ers are so hell-bent on grooming, transgender indoctrinating, and mutilating the genitals of scientifically-proven physically and mentally under-developed children they are willing to seize them / steal them / kidnap them from their parents to do it.

Why is it so hard to post the actual bill itself?


Gender-affirming health care; subpoena use to gather information for out-of-state laws interfering in the use of gender-affirming health care prevented; child custody and child welfare provisions related to out-of-state laws interfering in the use of gender-affirming health care amended; and warrant, arrest, and extradition provisions related to out-of-state laws on gender-affirming health care amended.
I see no provisions for child abduction via the govt. in this bill, want to point it out?
Good! Kids shouldn't be abused by violent parents that want to hurt them for being who they're. I wish more states were like Minnesota. It is no different then the islamic honor killing shit and you fundies are pretty much the same animal when it comes to us trans people. I hope this passes.
Good! Kids shouldn't be abused by violent parents that want to hurt them for being who they're. I wish more states were like Minnesota. It is no different then the islamic honor killing shit and you fundies are pretty much the same animal when it comes to us trans people. I hope this passes.
Right....They should be kidnapped and surgically disfigured by The State!....Parents be damned!

God God, are you degenerates fucking evil.
If either of my brothers or I had come out as trans my parents would have packed our bag and called the State to take us willingly. We’d have been persona non grata INSTANTLY, just as several other family members were over their sexuality, criminal activity or other social deficiencies.
Yeah, well, times were different back in the 19th century when you were a kid.
Damn we’re practically the same age
Maybe physically, but I get the feeling we come from very different times and place philosophically, ideologically and in regards to morals/values. I’m not claiming superiority in those categories, just extreme difference.
Maybe physically, but I get the feeling we come from very different times and place philosophically, ideologically and in regards to morals/values. I’m not claiming superiority in those categories, just extreme difference.
I have a feeling we’re extremely different physically as well.
I have a feeling we’re extremely different physically as well
That’s very likely. Very few people on the planet have the style of full facial birthmark I have. Many more have the neurological condition associated with it. Not a lot of those folks have the quality of life that I do. Some days I encrypt them their blissful ignorance.

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