MILO! Should he have a bigger platform?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019
Milo is amazing! He’s tells you like it is!
Should trump have him in the White House ??
I think so
he was kicked off twitter, then instagram. he needs to start his own website, or channel, or publishing company, or something like that
Milo was torpedoed by the Left smearing him as endorsing Pedophilia which he never did. I've always liked Milo as my posts from years ago prove out. He is a huge threat to the Left that's why he was targeted.
He lost most of his platform because he is just a provocateur. There is nothing good about purposefully framing your message to be provocative. His intelligence, message and talent is really being wasted.

That is why I like Peterson. He is as sharp as they come and beyond reproach specifically because he does not set out to be provocative. He sets out to simply tell the truth. If Milo would put his wit to that he would have gone a lot further.
Milo is amazing! He’s tells you like it is!
Should trump have him in the White House ??
I think so
Milo doesn't have a platform anymore because most people despise neo nazis.

Neo Nazi?
Where does that come from?
I'm sure those nazi salutes were just a joke bro.
Explosive Video: Milo Yiannopoulos And White Supremacists At Karaoke
He never gave a Nazi salute.

Do you actually have something real or just some bs from the crowd?

For a Neo Nazi he has a strange choice in husbands, don't you think?
He lost most of his platform because he is just a provocateur. There is nothing good about purposefully framing your message to be provocative. His intelligence, message and talent is really being wasted.

That is why I like Peterson. He is as sharp as they come and beyond reproach specifically because he does not set out to be provocative. He sets out to simply tell the truth. If Milo would put his wit to that he would have gone a lot further.

Don't mention brilliant Milo and nonsense Peterson in the same post please.

Except to point out how they are opposites.

Peterson doesn't even know what truth means. He really has trouble with meaning of things.

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