Millions on East Coast could be in Danger!


Hurricane Sandy sends tree through roof, but residents weathering storm at home |'s getting pretty bad.
We're supposed to get a foot of heavy wet snow overnight and into tomorrow...I'm next door to PA...the forecaster said we will also be getting 40 to 50 mph winds..possibly faster than that.
So far it's calm and cool here...well...actually it's frickin' freezing outside...feel bad for the trick or treaters that are supposed go out on the town tomorrow night... :(

On CNN, Erin Burnett, is walking through several inches of water, and it's still rising. Here's a shot from Twitter Bill Karins:
Read more: Battery Park Flooding - Business Insider

And here's an amazing shot from @AlexSilverman of a grocery store near Battery Park (which happens to be where I frequently shop)

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Joe Weisenthal | 34 minutes ago | 5,259 | 7
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inShare. Email Share on Tumblr digg By multiple accounts, there's serious flooding in Battery Park, on the lower west coast of Manhattan.

On CNN, Erin Burnett, is walking through several inches of water, and it's still rising. Here's a shot from Twitter Bill Karins:


And here's an amazing shot from @AlexSilverman of a grocery store near Battery Park (which happens to be where I frequently shop)

Alex Silverman

Carlos Whitt tweeted this picture, which is at 14th and Avenue C (not near The Battery).
MTA - subways are flooding.
Supposedly 5 confirmed deaths in NY.
the Port Authority has closed LaGuardia Airport until further notice
at least 2.8 million without power.

If you can Zoom-boing, please let us know you are ok.
I just talked with somebody in New York.... and it's really bad!

Everyone on the east coast & in the north east, stay safe in the storm!
Hoboken mayor on CNN- "Things are not good in our city right now. The Hudson has breached from both north and south."
Mitt Romney suggested that responsibility for disaster relief should be taken from the big, bad federal government and given to the states, or perhaps even privatized.

Hurricane Sandy would like to know if he’d care to reconsider.

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