Millions Of Electric Car Batteries Retiring By 2030, Are We Ready To Deal With What Could Be Ticking Time Bombs?

Your post is a load of hooee. EVs are more expensive, less reliable, have MUCH less range and occasionally spontaneously combust resulting in a fire that burns for hours. Nobody wants them because the consumer is finally waking up to the insanity.
Spontaneous combustion problems will end once the collective IQ understands fire prevention apparati for lithium batteries. There's also no reason why charging can't also happen at the vending-storage facility, because if it's below ground, charging tech can set on top of it either in urban or rural settings.

In other words, duh, the customer drops off the spent battery and it only goes a few yards to where it's recharged again.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Badger2 is boycotting Verizon so as to save $80 per month to invest in other things, and also does not have a camera. Since you're proven to invest in imaginations in other areas of life, you're on your own.
I’m figuring the costs of operating an EV. I’m accurate. I know my light bill and you know yours and like most modern cars, I can read the miles per kWh. Geesus, it’s not even close. 90% of EV Drivers charge at home, not at fast charge places.

Plus, the normal commuter can charge 60 miles on a 110w outlet over night. The majority of driving doesn’t even require a special fast charge…..just a 110.
You can read your light bill right ? The power draw on 110 is less than a small room air conditioner. Do the math. It taxes no one.

im only discussing operating costs. New battery prices are dealer installed prices, not after market. It’s hilarious how you inflate prices. You can get EVs for the average price of new ICE cars with the same performance….

Are they expensive ? You pay no more than an ICE car with the same capabilities…..You want a cheapo computer car, get a Chevy Bolt. Nearly everyone offers a variant in the mid price range.
Li recycling should lower battery price.
Ha ha. I live in a rust belt and have ZERO rust on my cars and trucks. Body work is expensive. Rust prevention is easy and very cheap if you do it yourself. A friend who restores and maintains antiques showed me how decades ago and I’ve avoided rust in cars for decades in a state that literally hoses salt on the roads. It’s no secret…any body shop will show you how. Many treat their own cars. You do this to any car, you can keep it a life time.
Because of inherent design flaws of this basic trike (called a Chaise III), to do it again would mean starting from scratch and perhaps contracting out the axle/differential/cassette/crank assemblage. The plan is to evolve and refine a design with square aluminum tubing and tung-oiled, high-grade, pressure-treated plywood.

No one seems to know where the Chaise III came from, at first we thought it was the UK. This trike resembles the Hase Bikes "Kettwiesel," except for a 1000W electric motor on the front wheel (should be 750W according to Wisconsin regulations).


Kettwiesel Fairing and Poncho
Badger2 is boycotting Verizon so as to save $80 per month to invest in other things, and also does not have a camera. Since you're proven to invest in imaginations in other areas of life, you're on your own.
I'm going to need the testimony of the chick you banged on the back of your E-tricycle then.
Here is the camping set-up.

Vista I

A Rambo Game Cart has been converted into a flat-bed that (expands [italics]) to accommodate the Vista I (37" x 80")

Rambo Game Cart
This is a breakdown of initial cost, mileage, and weight for Electric Semi tractor trailer.

This is outrageous costs. Also financially unworkable for the independent truck driver.

Probably not. This version of powering cars is not the final one, and we're acting like it is. The weaknesses of this system are glaring.

We keep looking for band aids, quick fixes. We have to keep any ideas comparatively simple and short term in scope, because we've lost the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate -- the qualities that made us exceptional.
Thats a typical Mac1958 post

Complain about the process, throw mud on everyone else, and no practical ideas of his own
Even beer, soda, and light bulbs use petroleum products.
They reckon oil use dated back to 2000BC. So is that about the middle of the bronze age. So alarmists are wanting civilisation transported back to then? Blimey, that beats the Lefties here in the UK wanting the country to go back to the 1970's with their policies.
Yes, and unlike Musk's cybertruck, the camping feature of the etrike not only includes enclosed sleeping on the vehicle but also a small flatbed trailer for the Teton Vista 1 instant popup tent.
I can imagine it's wheels might flex with a pallet of bricks and a cement mixer loaded onto it.
This is a breakdown of initial cost, mileage, and weight for Electric Semi tractor trailer.

This is outrageous costs. Also financially unworkable for the independent truck driver.

View attachment 866546
As soon as the haulage industry is effected by price, that's passed onto the price of the goods that's being hauled. So a loaf of bread might hit $100 sooner than we think.
I can imagine it's wheels might flex with a pallet of bricks and a cement mixer loaded onto it.
Yes, the cybertruck can tow 11,000 pounds of space modules, the etrike can haul three bags of groceries (or six gallons of water) without the trailer. Cybertruck 0-60 in four seconds, etrike 0-8 in 2.5 seconds.
As soon as the haulage industry is effected by price, that's passed onto the price of the goods that's being hauled. So a loaf of bread might hit $100 sooner than we think.
Then we'll work on in-transit propane baking for a delivered-fresh product.
A Jackery 1000 (now at $1200) weighs 32 pounds, a one-pound cylinder of propane bakes the potato in transit.
Amazing. I just wrap them in foil and place them on my engine block to cook them while driving.

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