Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii carcasses found along miles of beach .........


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.


35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS) « – Energy News

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?
Really? When I was a kid, in spring guzzillions of fish washed up on the banks of Lake Ontario. They said it was due to salt water from the St. Lawrence gets into the lake. I wonder now. The lake was really dirty then.
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?

I think the point is we don't know for sure. In spite of all out technology and knowledge, there are still many unexplained mysterious regarding our planet. Fortunately we can somehow predict future climate events based simply on the amount of carbon in the atmosphere (sarcasm!).

It's Hawaii, which was formed by volcanic activity, perhaps there was a huge release of gasses which killed these creatures.
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?

I think the point is we don't know for sure. In spite of all out technology and knowledge, there are still many unexplained mysterious regarding our planet. Fortunately we can somehow predict future climate events based simply on the amount of carbon in the atmosphere (sarcasm!).

It's Hawaii, which was formed by volcanic activity, perhaps there was a huge release of gasses which killed these creatures.
I was thinking the same thing, about the volcano theory.

Remember several years ago, I think it was in spring, also, the scare about birds dying? Flocks of them, thousands or hundreds, in a couple different areas of the country. Whatever caused it, it didn't continue though.

No, it wasn't in Spring--I think it was around New Year's.
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs

It's my fault. God had me watch them for a few months but like the fish I buy and put in my fish bowl, they die with in a matter of weeks.
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?

reactor meltdown?
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS) « – Energy News

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?

reactor meltdown?
Pretty sure we would have heard about that.
Mother Nature's meltdown (volcanic activity) likely, don't you think? If it's happening more often, does that mean more Hawaiian islands are in the making, or is one of the big ones about to blow?
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS) « – Energy News

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?
Really? When I was a kid, in spring guzzillions of fish washed up on the banks of Lake Ontario. They said it was due to salt water from the St. Lawrence gets into the lake. I wonder now. The lake was really dirty then.
I remember that....a lot was about the horrible pollution back then.
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS) « – Energy News

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?
Really? When I was a kid, in spring guzzillions of fish washed up on the banks of Lake Ontario. They said it was due to salt water from the St. Lawrence gets into the lake. I wonder now. The lake was really dirty then.
I remember that....a lot was about the horrible pollution back then.
We went out in a row boat fishing one day. I got out and helped pull it in when we got back to shore. The brand new white bell bottoms I had just spent two months making in home ec class were stained up to the knees bright green. Not Clorox nor anything else would get it out. THAT's polluted.
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS) « – Energy News

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?

reactor meltdown?
Pretty sure we would have heard about that.
Mother Nature's meltdown (volcanic activity) likely, don't you think? If it's happening more often, does that mean more Hawaiian islands are in the making, or is one of the big ones about to blow?

What part of MSM doesnt' report these issues to much if at all dont yah get.
TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS)

KGMB, May 4, 2017 (emphasis added): Tens of thousands of crustaceans wash ashore along miles of Mokuleia beaches — There’s an odd pink tint to the sand along Mokuleia thanks to tens of thousands tiny crustaceans that have washed ashore. But what the creatures are and where they came from is a bit of a mystery. “I don’t know what’s going on over there. But I’ve never seen anything like this,” said resident said Elisah Rivera. “And it’s millions, it’s not thousands, it’s millions. We actually walked all the way along the way, and it went all the way, about two miles down.”… It’s unclear what they are. Some
say they’re crabs, others say shrimp, some suspect lobsters. The state Department of Land and Natural Resources says they appear to be baby shrimp… Environmentalist Carroll Cox he found about a dozen dead sea cucumbers washed up on shore as well. He believes the creatures are baby crabs. ‘There are other species. I just noticed sea cucumbers found in a small area along with the crab. So that causes concern when you have more than one species impacted with an event. That should trigger some alarm,” Cox said…

TV: Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii — Carcasses found along miles of beach — “That should trigger some alarm” — “I don’t know what’s going on over there… I’ve never seen anything like this” (VIDEOS) « – Energy News

The news keeps warning and the sheep keep denying, such as oh this happens all the time well here is a news flash it is happening more often than it normally would. Fish are dying by the millions all over the world. Sometimes back to back cases of it.

View attachment 129006

35 tons of dead fish wash up in China lake


Revelation 11:18 ...'And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.'

MASS ANIMAL DEATH LIST 219 Known MASS Death Events in 54 Countries (or Territory)

21st May 2017 - 50,000 cattle dead due to flooding in Corrientes, Argentina. Link

21st May 2017 - Tens of thousands of fish die 'suddenly' in Guangxi, China. Link

19th May 2017 - Dozens of dead sea birds found washed up on a beach in San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Link

18th May 2017 - Die off of sea birds along the coast of Florida, America. Link

18th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Kondalampatti, India. Link

18th May 2017 - Massive die off of fish in the Yangtze River in China. Link

16th May 2017 - 103 dead dolphins washed up along Black Sea coast since April, in Russia. Link

16th May 2017 - Thousands of dead sardines wash up on the coast of Muscat, Oman. Link

14th May 2017 - MASSIVE die off of clams, fish, oysters and shrimp in Kien Giang Province,
Vietnam. Link

12th May 2017 - 400 cattle have died due to drought in Campeche, Mexico. Link

11th May 2017 - 'Mega-swarm' of jellyfish wash up, 'never seen this big before', on beaches in Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of fish dead in a lake in Polk County, Florida, Wales. Link

11th May 2017 - Thousands of animals and birds dead due to a storm in Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina. Link

10th May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish appear in the waters of Chaguaramas, Trinidad. Link

9th May 2017 - 6 dead dolphins have washed up along the coast of Alagoas, Brazil. Link

9th May 2017 - Large die off of fish in a lake in Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada. Link

8th May 2017 - 2,200 reindeer to be killed due to disease in Nordfjella, Norway. Link

6th May 2017 - Hundreds of leopard sharks washing up dead in San Francisco Bay, America. Link

6th May 2017 - 18,000 cattle dead after flash flooding in Samburu, Kenya. Link

6th May 2017 - 100 Eels found dead in a stream in Glamorgan, Wales. Link

4th May 2017 - 10,000 cattle dead due to 'rare Spring snow storm' in Colorado, America. Link

4th May 2017 - Hundreds of migratory birds found dead in Galveston, Texas, America. Link

3rd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish wash up in Navesink River in New Jersey, America. Link

2nd May 2017 - Hundreds of dead fish found in a lake in Bengaluru, India. Link

1st May 2017 - 100 TONS of fish die in lake Kunashak in Russia. VIDEO HERE and News Link

1st May 2017 - Mass die off of fish along 3km of river in Quang Nam, Vietnam. Link

1st May 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in the waters of Dunkerque, France. Link

30th April 2017 - 12+ turtles found dead, 'a mystery' in a park in Queens, New York, America. Link

30th April 2017 - Large number of dead fish found in a river in Guangxi, China. Link

30th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found floating in the Yarkon River in Israel. Link

29th April 2017 - Massive die off of deer newborns and female deer this winter, 'catastrophic' in Wyoming, America. Link

29th April 2017 - TONS of dead fish wash up on beaches in Kuwait. Link

28th April 2017 - Dozens of dead birds found, 'due to heat' in Matlapa, Mexico. Link

27th April 2017 - 50,000 hens killed due to avian flu in Nykoping, Sweden. Link

26th April 2017 - 41 humpback whales have washed up dead during the past year, 'unusual mortality event' declared, along east coast of America. Link

26th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish are washing up in St. Petersburg, Florida, America. Link

25th April 2017 - Hundreds of sea birds washing up dead or dying in Santa Barbara, California, America. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a lake in Coahuila, Mexico. Link

24th April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish found in a reservoir in Basilicata, Italy. Link

23rd April 2017 - 1,200 TONS of fish have died throughout 4 districts of Bangladesh. Link

23rd April 2017 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in a lake in Georgia, America. Link


Mass Animal Deaths 2017 - Updated List of Worldwide Die Offs
So what's your point? Global climate change or the Apocalypse?

reactor meltdown?
Pretty sure we would have heard about that.
Mother Nature's meltdown (volcanic activity) likely, don't you think? If it's happening more often, does that mean more Hawaiian islands are in the making, or is one of the big ones about to blow?


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