Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.

And the Rush demeaning is about to start.
Your premise reeks of history:
“There was no point in seeking to
convert the intellectuals. For
intellectuals would never be converted
and would anyway always yield to the
stronger, and this will always be "the
man in the street." Arguments must
therefore be crude, clear and forcible,
and appeal to emotions and instincts,
not the intellect. Truth was
unimportant and entirely subordinate
to tactics and psychology.“

Lots of dumb in America today.
Do not agree with the OP, but her avatar is GIGGITY!!!!!
I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people.

I teach part time in my retirement. Our training center has a very diverse group of employees and we all get along like family. It's an extremely friendly and rewarding environment. Our clients are from around the world and from all over the United States. Our relationship with our clients is very relaxed and friendly. The same goes for my town of 60,000. Everyone gets along. Friendly, kind and civil towards one another. That's the normal I live in. Then you watch or listen to the MSM and the hate filled, divisive picture they paint couldn't be further from the truth of what I experience daily.

So, Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes?

There's a lot of normal out here.
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.

Rush Limbaugh couldn't get elected dogcatcher. He is just as insane as you are. Voters oppose Trump's policies and that is why they will vote against Trump. The latest is that a bi-partisan bill on background checks that cannot pass the Senate because the NRA opposes it.

If there is a landslide it is likely to be against Trump. Texas, Georgia and Arizona are in play for Democrats.
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.

And the Rush demeaning is about to start.

Why would anyone demean a drug addict? :dunno:
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.

And the Rush demeaning is about to start.

Why would anyone demean a drug addict? :dunno:

What the heck, you're late.
I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people.

I teach part time in my retirement. Our training center has a very diverse group of employees and we all get along like family. It's an extremely friendly and rewarding environment. Our clients are from around the world and from all over the United States. Our relationship with our clients is very relaxed and friendly. The same goes for my town of 60,000. Everyone gets along. Friendly, kind and civil towards one another. That's the normal I live in. Then you watch or listen to the MSM and the hate filled, divisive picture they paint couldn't be further from the truth of what I experience daily.

So, Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes?

There's a lot of normal out here.

I look at the hate filled, divisive right wing media and the picture they paint. I don't see it.
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.

And the Rush demeaning is about to start.

Why would anyone demean a drug addict? :dunno:

When The Dems Repeatedly Launch Attacks for Purely Political Reasons based on Lies, Misinformation and Propaganda, eventually it will fail, because curious people with integrity demand Evidence before they decide to Skewer someone.

No True American likes Liars and Bullies, yet this is EXACTLY the course The Democrat Party has decided is their only option to Victory.
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.

Rush Limbaugh couldn't get elected dogcatcher. He is just as insane as you are. Voters oppose Trump's policies and that is why they will vote against Trump. The latest is that a bi-partisan bill on background checks that cannot pass the Senate because the NRA opposes it.

If there is a landslide it is likely to be against Trump. Texas, Georgia and Arizona are in play for Democrats.
He-he, you're a brainwashed moron!
Ever since Typhoid Barry, Democrats believe they can win elections by spewing insults at the American public and fellating both illegals and praising America's most self-declared enemy Islam (since the 1790s Barbary Coast pirates) -- even though America doesn't need Pisslam in any way, shape or form and no good can come from importing the most demonstrably violent hate ideology on this planet.
Ever since Typhoid Barry, Democrats believe they can win elections by spewing insults at the American public and fellating both illegals and praising America's most self-declared enemy Islam (since the 1790s Barbary Coast pirates) -- even though America doesn't need Pisslam in any way, shape or form and no good can come from importing the most demonstrably violent hate ideology on this planet.
Careful, you’re talking about trumps obsession.
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.
Putin wont make it too obvious, he will keep it closer than 2016.
ME: Rush is right. People are angry at all the despicable lies and hate and attacks and false allegations.

Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me
Millions of Americans Are Seething — a Trump Landslide Wouldn’t Surprise Me

RUSH: You’re never going to see that reflected in news media. But I’m gonna tell you what I think is happening out there. And I go up and down on this. I think it consistently, but some days I really, really think it. Other days, it’s kind of not as intense. I think that there is, across a vast expanse of this country, I think that there are millions and millions and millions of Americans who are quietly seething, quietly enraged over everything that has gone on here since Trump was inaugurated.

The Mueller investigation, the false, phony claims of collusion that amounted to nothing. The media’s acting like, “Nothing happened. Okay. So we failed.” They’re not even calculating the damage to their ongoing reputations and credibility. But it is blown to smithereens. And they keep building on that. They keep adding to. Here comes this phony baloney Kavanaugh thing where it is learned that an editor spiked the very bit of morsel evidence in the story that would have disqualified the story from running.

This stuff doesn’t happen in a vacuum. People are I think — well, I don’t want to put numbers on it. If Trump won 40 states, I don’t think I’d be surprised. I believe that America is still constituted by a majority of what I call normal people. I think they’re all outraged over this. They’re livid and they’re seething. But the media’s never gonna find ’em and the media’s never gonna report their attitudes. The media’s not looking for that.


In fact, the media doesn’t even think that exists. The media believes — because the media is just Democrats — the media believes that all of America hates Trump like they do. This is one of the most major miscalculations of a public mind-set that may be happening in the course of my having paid attention to things like this, say, in the last 50 years.

And the Rush demeaning is about to start.

Why would one listen to anything spoken by a felon?

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