MILK is racist..............!!!!!!!!!!!!

PETA Attacks Milk as Symbol of ‘White Supremacists’
Animal rights organization PETA is calling on people to stop drinking milk over its alleged ties to “white supremacists.”


Everyday you think you've heard it all then something like this comes along.

You leftist are severely mentally clipped, you really need to seek mental health and be put into an insane asylum you are generating a nation of pussies who can't function in the real world .

You are socities mental loser.

I SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS: I drink chocolate milk as well. :p

Theres one overriding singularity. White supremacy is not only a failure, it has been and always will be a monumental fraud.
Rural America does not let race consume every aspect of their lives like urban America does.... urban America needs to get a life...

The Left is truly losing it.

Cows’ milk has long been a symbol used by white supremacists. One more reason to #DitchDairy. What Does Drinking Milk Have to Do with White Supremacy? | | PETA — PETA ❤️ (@peta) October 19, 2018
More @ Deranged Leftists Are Now Declaring Milk To Be Racist milk is racist--somehow in the insane world of the white haters/male haters/American haters/common sense haters/etc

they TRULY have lost their minds ----
PETA claims cow’s milk is a symbol of white supremacy. you know why we laugh and don't care everytime someone claims RACISM /RACIST--because most of the time it's bullshit
..I've asked many times for people to prove if something is racially motivated--but I get no answers
Why activists are campaigning against milk
Arguable: Milk is for Nazis, says PETA - The Boston Globe
Of course.

Is anyone surprised?
I thought this was a joke at first---
I am a little surprised that PETA would say something like this
...but it shows the hate/bigotry/idiocy/lies/etc are in more places than you would think

Just about anything you eat, the "left" will find something racist. Red meat, burnt hotdogs (black hotdogs). Even your "green" veggies!
Anything with color is now consider "racist".

Unless you’re talking about an orange president.
Of course milk (as we commonly use the term) is 'racist'. It's made for the Bovine race. That's why it doesn't make sense to drink it unless one is .... Bovine. milk is racist--somehow in the insane world of the white haters/male haters/American haters/common sense haters/etc

they TRULY have lost their minds ----
PETA claims cow’s milk is a symbol of white supremacy. you know why we laugh and don't care everytime someone claims RACISM /RACIST--because most of the time it's bullshit
..I've asked many times for people to prove if something is racially motivated--but I get no answers
Why activists are campaigning against milk
Arguable: Milk is for Nazis, says PETA - The Boston Globe
Of course.

Is anyone surprised?
I thought this was a joke at first---
I am a little surprised that PETA would say something like this
...but it shows the hate/bigotry/idiocy/lies/etc are in more places than you would think

I'm not. PETA is frickin' nuts. :cuckoo:
Since it's a biological FACT that all mammals are designed to thrive on milk from birth, why would us human mammals be any different? Have you ever put a bowl of milk on the floor for a cat or dog (or the raccoon family that lives in my rural backyard) and seen how FAST that milk disappears? I honestly don't get where vegan retards get the idea that something is WRONG with us MAMMALS drinking MILK! On which our universal, mammalian cell chemistry is designed to thrive!

"Milk" is species-specific. It's generated by mothers for their offspring of that species specifically. That's why human females lactate.

You don't give (cow's) milk to a dog or cat just because they'll consume it. It ain't good for them. You could put a bowl of anitifreeze down and they'll lap that up too. Next day they'll be dead.
Must be true. I drink a lot of milk.

When I take off my shirt at the beach, the sun puts on sunglasses. I'm whiter than white. :auiqs.jpg:

I used to drink milk like water, growing up. Didn't know any better. Friend of mine pointed out that's made specifically for cows. I tried to come up with a counterargument, couldn't do it.

If I do it now my lungs let me know in short order. I turn Phlegmish.
Must be true. I drink a lot of milk.

When I take off my shirt at the beach, the sun puts on sunglasses. I'm whiter than white. :auiqs.jpg:

I used to drink milk like water, growing up. Didn't know any better. Friend of mine pointed out that's made specifically for cows. I tried to come up with a counterargument, couldn't do it.

If I do it now my lungs let me know in short order. I turn Phlegmish.
We are the only species on the planet that does this.

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