The Week in Review: A Week of DemonRAT/Media Narrative Epic Fails

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Always an interesting and unusually truthful rendition of how the ABNORMALS continue to fuck up and try to destroy our great democracy!

Every week in American politics is different. They all have their ebbs and flows, their dramas, their comedies, their pratfalls and their tragedies.

Typically, they all have their own narratives, the overriding major story or stories that our fake news media conspire with the Democrat Party to push into the public domain for political advantage. Sometimes, a single narrative dominates the entire week – as happened a few weeks ago with the whole Kavanaugh drama. Most of them end up being ineffective, although a few end up having legs, and at the end of most weeks you can typically look back and identify one that served as the overriding Democrat/media theme for that 7-day period.

But not this week. This week is different. This week, there was no single overriding narrative that any normal American paid special attention to.

The Khashoggi murder at the Saudi consulate in Turkey came closest – it lasted the whole week, and the media obsessed over it for sure. But at the end of the day, very few normal Americans actually cared what happened to this radical Islamic, Muslim Brotherhood-pushing opinion writer. It was an utterly failed narrative, but because Khashoggi was a fellow fake journalist, the U.S. media couldn’t stop pushing it.

But hey, whether the narratives or effective or not, the one thing we know for sure about our hated fake news media is that they will keep on pushing them on behalf of their Democrat masters, because they’ve been doing it for so long now, they don’t know how to do anything else.

And now, without further adieu, let’s go to the Week in Review (see what I did there?):

It was the week that Democrats hired a bunch of crisis actors to form a “migrant caravan” that amazingly consists of about 80% military-age males (see photo below) to make its way up through Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico to conveniently arrive at the Rio Grande a few days before Election Day. Thanks to the intervention of President Donald Trump, the “caravan” was halted at Mexico’s southern border. As of this morning, half of the original 4,000 are on their way back to Honduras and the other half are in a Mexican detention camp.

It was the week that the fake news media finally began admitting what the Campaign Update has been telling you for several weeks, which is that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is systematically closing up his shop. The newsfakers at Politico ran a piece on Friday titled “Mueller Report PSA: Prepare for Disappointment”. The subhead reads “And be forewarned that the special counsel’s findings may never be made public.” Campaign Update readers knew all of that a week ago.

Speaking of Democrat disappointment, it was the week that the fake news media and pollsters who have been pushing their “Blue Wave” fantasy for a year suddenly began getting cold feet and speculating about what will happen if the Republicans maintain control of both houses of congress again? Go figure.

It was the week that the Pantsuit Princess let it be known she is contemplating running yet again in 2020 and many Democrat Party leaders contemplated slitting their own wrists.

It was the week that our fake news media demonstrated that it cares infinitely more about the murder of an obscure Saudi national opinion writer than it cared about the following killings of actual Americans:

– Kate Steinle

– Seth Rich

– Benghazi

– Vince Foster

– Mary Mahoney

– James McDougal

– Ed Willey

– Ron Brown

– Mollie Tibbetts

…and this list could go on and on and on. And these fake “journalists” wonder why so many millions of Americans detest them.

It was the week that Mitch McConnell and his wife were accosted by a Democrat thug in a cafe in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. Rather than just sit and watch like a bunch of Washington D.C. slugs, McConnell’s fellow diners got pissed and ran the thug out of the place. That’s what happens when you try to pull crap like this out here in Flyover Country, boys. If you pull a stunt like that in Texas, you’ll probably end up in an emergency room.

It was the week when Elizabeth Warren became so enraged with President Trump and his constant “Pocahontas” taunts about her fake Indian heritage that she took a damn DNA test and proved herself to be 1/1,024th “right”. The hilarity that ensued with meme after meme after meme on social media was comedic gold, I tell ya, gold!

It was the week that Christine Blasey Ford disappeared completely from the public conversation, as the Democrat Party has no further use for her. The same thing will happen to all those crisis actors down in Mexico at midnight on Election Day.

Speaking of disappearing Democrat tools, it was also the week that the Creepy Porn Lawyer disappeared from the public space. Presumably all those dimwits at CNN and MSNBC who gave money to Stormy Daniels’ GoFundMe account are a little ticked that their money will now actually go reimburse President Trump for his legal expenses after the porn star and her creepy lawyer got poured out of court last week.

It was the week that oily Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had several hours to spend being interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, but couldn’t find the time to offer testimony to congress. When Rosenstein finally agreed to testify next week, he demanded the testimony take place in secret in a secure location, and with only 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats present.

It was the week that a husband and wife pair of nitwits in Katy, Texas decided it would be a peachy idea to paint a huge, 20′ x 20′ “Beto” sign on their front lawn, and then express great confusion about why their neighborhood HOA is irritated with them. I swear I don’t make this stuff up.

Finally, it was the week when the President of the United States of America sent out this hilarious message on his Twitter account:

Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump Beto O’Rourke is a total lightweight compared to Ted Cruz, and he comes nowhere near representing the values and desires of the people of the Great State of Texas. He will never be allowed to turn Texas into Venezuela!

12:34 PM - Oct 19, 2018 90.8K 49.3K people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy Funny, but oh, so true.

More at DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

NO wonder Europe and the Muslim countries LOVED the Obomanations foreign policy...and with this, Iran got $150 BILLION.....What self respecting Socialist couldn't get behind that....even gave Barry the Nobel Peace Prize...amazing!


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