Mike Rowe Had It Right


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.

This came up in my Facebook feed this morning....I wanted to share it here.

Mike Rowe

June 7, 2015 ·
Hey Mike

Your constant harping on “work ethic” is growing tiresome. Just because someone’s poor doesn’t mean they’re lazy. The unemployed want to work! And many of those who can’t find work today, didn’t have the benefit of growing up with parents like yours. How can you expect someone with no role model to qualify for one of your scholarships or sign your silly “Sweat Pledge?” Rather than accusing people of not having a work-ethic, why not drop the right-wing propaganda and help them develop one?
Craig P.

Hi Craig, and Happy Sunday!

I’m afraid you’ve overestimated the reach of my foundation, as well as my ability to motivate people I’ve never met. For the record, I don’t believe all poor people are lazy, any more than I believe all rich people are greedy. But I can understand why so many do.
Everyday on the news, liberal pundits and politicians portray the wealthy as greedy, while conservative pundits and politicians portray the poor as lazy. Democrats have become so good at denouncing greed, Republicans now defend it. And Republicans are so good at condemning laziness, Democrats are now denying it even exists. It's a never ending dance that gets more contorted by the day.

A few weeks ago in Georgetown, President Obama accused Fox News of “perpetuating a false narrative” by consistently calling poor people “lazy.” Fox News denied the President’s accusation, claiming to have only criticized policies, not people. Unfortunately for Fox, The Daily Show has apparently gained access to the Internet, and after a ten-second google-search and a few minutes in the edit bay, John Stewart was on the air with a devastating montage of Fox personnel referring to the unemployed as “sponges,” “leeches,” “freeloaders,” and “mooches.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/.../daily-shows-jon.../

Over the next few days, the echo chamber got very noisy. The Left howled about the bias at Fox and condemned the one-percent, while the Right shrieked about the bias at MSNBC and bemoaned the growing entitlement state. But through all the howling and shrieking, no one said a word about the millions of jobs that American companies are struggling to fill right now. No one talked the fact that most of those jobs don’t require an expensive four-year degree. And no one mentioned the 1.2 trillion dollars of outstanding student loans, or the madness of lending money we don’t have to kids who can’t pay it back, educating them for jobs that no longer exist.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

You wrote that, “people want to work.” In my travels, I’ve met a lot of hard-working individuals, and I’ve been singing their praises for the last 12 years. But I’ve seen nothing that would lead me to agree with your generalization. From what I’ve seen of the species, and what I know of myself, most people - given the choice - would prefer NOT to work. In fact, on Dirty Jobs, I saw Help Wanted signs in every state, even at the height of the recession. Is it possible you see the existence of so many unfilled jobs as a challenge to your basic understanding of what makes people tick?

Last week at a policy conference in Mackinac, I talked to several hiring managers from a few of the largest companies in Michigan.

They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.

These are the people you’re talking about Craig, and their number grows everyday. I understand you would like me to help them, but how? I’m not a mentor, and my foundation doesn’t do interventions. Do you really want me to stop rewarding individual work ethic, just because I don’t have the resources to assist those who don’t have any? If I’m unable to help everyone, do you really want me to help no one?

My goals are modest, and they’ll remain that way. I don’t focus on groups. I focus on individuals who are eager to do whatever it takes to get started. People willing to retool, retrain, and relocate. That doesn’t mean I have no empathy for those less motivated. It just means I’m more inclined to subsidize the cost of training for those who are. That shouldn’t be a partisan position, but if it is, I guess I’ll just have to live with it.


PS. The Sweat Pledge wasn’t supposed to be partisan either, but it’s probably annoyed as many people as its inspired. I still sell them for $12, and the money still goes to mikeroweWORKS. You can get one here, even if you’re not applying for a scholarship. http://profoundlydisconnected.com/foundation/poster/
PPS. If you’d like Craig, I’ll autograph one for you!


I don't agree with everything Rowe says and does but he's correct in this..especially the part in bold text. We had a young couple in the other day. She was pregnant and her boyfriend/soon-to-be-Father was there with her. Nothing too serious...she was running a fever but the baby was okay. After about an hour they were dc'd. I was down there because we had a criminal justice draw going on for a DWI and I'm supposed to be there for those. Anyway, the father was on his phone the entire time; I think he held her hands for a moment...once. They barely spoke.

Its hard to size someone up in the 20 minutes or so I was down there but when I read this post by Rowe this morning, it fit right in. It wasn't that he was so distant...it was that he didn't know...innately...that he was supposed to hold her hand, stop texting, pay attention. Much like the people Rowe was talking about...they don't know they are supposed to, at least, act a certain way when engaging the boss, customers, your pregnant girlfriend.

What Rowe said about the youth is getting "worse" from his standpoint. The idea of gettin up every morning and working for 8-10 hours is a dying idea I think. It is good that several youth are trying to become content providers instead of content consumers. ETSY and Twitch are outlets for these people who wish to do just that. You make something; you sell it be it physical goods or virtual items like your DJ-ing skills or cooking classes. The long term viability of such things (let alone no insurance, no retirement, etc...) is questionable but the "work ethic" that Rowe and persons like me value is changing. It is becoming something else..."success ethic" maybe? Its sad that for many, this is misguided. There simply isn't a market for most of what is being put out for sale.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

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They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.
Oh fuck him. He was a singer and actor who got a degree in "communication studies". Now he spends his time whining about people going to college to get useless degrees. Sorry Mike, not everyone gets lucky and has a show that unexpectedly becomes a hit, or gets to be a TV host. So you sit there on your whiny ass and collect royalties, and complain about everyone not "working hard". You opera-sang and glad-handled your way to pretending to do "dirty jobs" and walking away with the annual pay of the people you exploit after sucking at their jobs for half a day.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

I would like to see a link for that, please.
They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.
Oh fuck him. He was a singer and actor who got a degree in "communication studies". Now he spends his time whining about people going to college to get useless degrees. Sorry Mike, not everyone gets lucky and has a show that unexpectedly becomes a hit, or gets to be a TV host. So you sit there on your whiny ass and collect royalties, and complain about everyone not "working hard". You opera-sang and glad-handled your way to pretending to do "dirty jobs" and walking away with the annual pay of the people you exploit after sucking at their jobs for half a day.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

I would like to see a link for that, please.

30 Mind-Blowing Interview Statistics to Get You Going in 2021

They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.
Oh fuck him. He was a singer and actor who got a degree in "communication studies". Now he spends his time whining about people going to college to get useless degrees.
I don't detect any whining. What I do detect from Rowe and many conservatives is that somehow the acquisition of knowledge is useless unless you can translate it into earnings. If that is the position, that's fine but I think learning for the sake of learning is its own reward. There is, however, a threshold as to where the costs of education become prohibitive.

Anyway, for the sake of the thread, I don't detect Rowe doing much whining. He is pointing out that if you spend $80K on an education that isn't going to produce a ROI...that is serious money for someone whose skillset is going to deliver $15-20K per year.
Sorry Mike, not everyone gets lucky and has a show that unexpectedly becomes a hit, or gets to be a TV host. So you sit there on your whiny ass and collect royalties, and complain about everyone not "working hard". You opera-sang and glad-handled your way to pretending to do "dirty jobs" and walking away with the annual pay of the people you exploit after sucking at their jobs for half a day.
You're sort of dismissing the message because of the messenger. If you'd like to address what he wrote...feel free.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

I'd like to see that link too (I don't know if you've posted it yet downstream--apologies if you have).

I think there is a lot to be said about your post.

As for your bullet point list...there seems to be a lot of overlap and strangely specific nitpicking. My thoughts are that it's a little of both; applicants of a certain age who are self absorbed and employers who still think that there is no need to change their culture to reflect the new realities that there are a lot of folks today who look at 40 years, working 50 weeks a year, having 10 days off and being constantly reminded how replaceable they are at and by the same company as a death sentence of sorts. I can't say I blame them. My resume reveals a lot of companies that are no longer there...not just the place I worked at being closed but gone...from the face of the earth. I can't imagine where I would be had I "stuck it out" with them for 10-15 years only to have them close.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

I would like to see a link for that, please.

30 Mind-Blowing Interview Statistics to Get You Going in 2021

#10 seems weird. I think they're lowballing it!

Part of my portfolio of duties is to vet applicants--chase down their credentials to make sure they are certified in this or that.
Seldom is there a candidate who is 100% forthcoming on their application about everything. The whole "unprofessional" e-mail address thing is bizarre. What the hell difference could it make if someone has an e-mail address of "hotmessjess@######.com" (an actual member of our talent pool) or JessicaRSomething@######.com?
Stats from TalentWorks shows, it takes 100-200 applications to yield one job offer. It's time consuming as hell for job seekers to go through all that costly bullshit! Now days employers outsource their hiring & want candidates to take long time consuming psychological profile tests, talent test, drug test & countless other hoops just to land an interview. Then they reject you because of poor eye contact caused by being quarantined / socially distant for a year. Or after you filed over 100 applications at other companies HR feels you didn't research their company enough.

Many job seekers get burned out, stressed out, or financially wiped out by it & have to take a break from that shit. This crap is caused by HR department's "Job Ghosting" posting fake jobs to keep tabs on talent pools to have candidates ready when they decide they want them. Massive numbers of these fake job openings also serves as good political tools.
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Stats from TalentWorks shows, it takes 100-200 applications to yield one job offer. It's time consuming as hell for job seekers to go through all that costly bullshit! Now days employers outsource their hiring & want candidates to take long time consuming psychological profile tests, talent test, drug test & countless other hoops just to land an interview. Then they reject you because of poor eye contact caused by being quarantined / socially distant for a year. Or after you filed over 100 applications at other companies HR feels you didn't research their company enough.

Many job seekers get burned out, stressed out, or financially wiped out by it & have to take a break from that shit. This crap is caused by HR department's "Job Ghosting" posting fake jobs to keep tabs on talent pools to have candidates ready when they decide they want them. Massive numbers of these fake job openings also serves as good political tools.
No doubt that happens.

We stopped doing the psyc test and I was happy as hell about it. I would get the score and recommendation and would often find it to be useless.
The idea of gettin up every morning and working for 8-10 hours is a dying idea I think.

Rowe’s comments could have been written 2000 years ago; there are examples of Greek and Roman commentators complaining about ‘today’s youth.’

For hundreds of years, every generation as been accused of lacking a ‘work ethic’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Rowe’s observations are anecdotal, hasty generalizations, and confirmation bias.
The idea of gettin up every morning and working for 8-10 hours is a dying idea I think.

Rowe’s comments could have been written 2000 years ago; there are examples of Greek and Roman commentators complaining about ‘today’s youth.’
Were the specific complaints about the simple act of knowing to tuck in one's shirt tail (or wear a clean tunic)
For hundreds of years, every generation as been accused of lacking a ‘work ethic’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
I think some things could be further from the truth than that LOL. But yeah, I find myself doing it too. Complaints about the advantages of onset technology. When I was in nursing school, we had to use a stethoscope and sphyggy (short for the device) to monitor blood pressure. Now? I doubt nurses would know how to do it.
Rowe’s observations are anecdotal, hasty generalizations, and confirmation bias.
Can't they be all of that and correct at the same time?
Don't listen to the political lies. Biden's Job Gains are better than any Republican President's average in US History! In fact Biden is averaging 540,000 additional Jobs per month & that is the highest average for any president in history! Trump lost (-306,000) in December & his 3 month average just prior to Biden taking office was only 63,000


This came up in my Facebook feed this morning....I wanted to share it here.

Mike Rowe

June 7, 2015 ·
Hey Mike

Your constant harping on “work ethic” is growing tiresome. Just because someone’s poor doesn’t mean they’re lazy. The unemployed want to work! And many of those who can’t find work today, didn’t have the benefit of growing up with parents like yours. How can you expect someone with no role model to qualify for one of your scholarships or sign your silly “Sweat Pledge?” Rather than accusing people of not having a work-ethic, why not drop the right-wing propaganda and help them develop one?
Craig P.

Hi Craig, and Happy Sunday!

I’m afraid you’ve overestimated the reach of my foundation, as well as my ability to motivate people I’ve never met. For the record, I don’t believe all poor people are lazy, any more than I believe all rich people are greedy. But I can understand why so many do.
Everyday on the news, liberal pundits and politicians portray the wealthy as greedy, while conservative pundits and politicians portray the poor as lazy. Democrats have become so good at denouncing greed, Republicans now defend it. And Republicans are so good at condemning laziness, Democrats are now denying it even exists. It's a never ending dance that gets more contorted by the day.

A few weeks ago in Georgetown, President Obama accused Fox News of “perpetuating a false narrative” by consistently calling poor people “lazy.” Fox News denied the President’s accusation, claiming to have only criticized policies, not people. Unfortunately for Fox, The Daily Show has apparently gained access to the Internet, and after a ten-second google-search and a few minutes in the edit bay, John Stewart was on the air with a devastating montage of Fox personnel referring to the unemployed as “sponges,” “leeches,” “freeloaders,” and “mooches.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/.../daily-shows-jon.../

Over the next few days, the echo chamber got very noisy. The Left howled about the bias at Fox and condemned the one-percent, while the Right shrieked about the bias at MSNBC and bemoaned the growing entitlement state. But through all the howling and shrieking, no one said a word about the millions of jobs that American companies are struggling to fill right now. No one talked the fact that most of those jobs don’t require an expensive four-year degree. And no one mentioned the 1.2 trillion dollars of outstanding student loans, or the madness of lending money we don’t have to kids who can’t pay it back, educating them for jobs that no longer exist.

I started mikeroweWORKS to talk about these issues, and shine a light on a few million good jobs that no one seems excited about. But mostly, I wanted to remind people that real opportunity still exists for those individuals who are willing to work hard, learn a skill, and make a persuasive case for themselves. Sadly, you see my efforts as “right wing propaganda.” But why? Are our differences really political? Or is it something deeper? Something philosophical?

You wrote that, “people want to work.” In my travels, I’ve met a lot of hard-working individuals, and I’ve been singing their praises for the last 12 years. But I’ve seen nothing that would lead me to agree with your generalization. From what I’ve seen of the species, and what I know of myself, most people - given the choice - would prefer NOT to work. In fact, on Dirty Jobs, I saw Help Wanted signs in every state, even at the height of the recession. Is it possible you see the existence of so many unfilled jobs as a challenge to your basic understanding of what makes people tick?

Last week at a policy conference in Mackinac, I talked to several hiring managers from a few of the largest companies in Michigan.

They all told me the same thing - the biggest under reported challenge in finding good help, (aside from the inability to “piss clean,”) is an overwhelming lack of “soft skills.” That’s a polite way of saying that many applicants don’t tuck their shirts in, or pull their pants up, or look you in the eye, or say things like “please” and “thank you.” This is not a Michigan problem - this is a national crisis. We’re churning out a generation of poorly educated people with no skill, no ambition, no guidance, and no realistic expectations of what it means to go to work.

These are the people you’re talking about Craig, and their number grows everyday. I understand you would like me to help them, but how? I’m not a mentor, and my foundation doesn’t do interventions. Do you really want me to stop rewarding individual work ethic, just because I don’t have the resources to assist those who don’t have any? If I’m unable to help everyone, do you really want me to help no one?

My goals are modest, and they’ll remain that way. I don’t focus on groups. I focus on individuals who are eager to do whatever it takes to get started. People willing to retool, retrain, and relocate. That doesn’t mean I have no empathy for those less motivated. It just means I’m more inclined to subsidize the cost of training for those who are. That shouldn’t be a partisan position, but if it is, I guess I’ll just have to live with it.


PS. The Sweat Pledge wasn’t supposed to be partisan either, but it’s probably annoyed as many people as its inspired. I still sell them for $12, and the money still goes to mikeroweWORKS. You can get one here, even if you’re not applying for a scholarship. http://profoundlydisconnected.com/foundation/poster/
PPS. If you’d like Craig, I’ll autograph one for you!


I don't agree with everything Rowe says and does but he's correct in this..especially the part in bold text. We had a young couple in the other day. She was pregnant and her boyfriend/soon-to-be-Father was there with her. Nothing too serious...she was running a fever but the baby was okay. After about an hour they were dc'd. I was down there because we had a criminal justice draw going on for a DWI and I'm supposed to be there for those. Anyway, the father was on his phone the entire time; I think he held her hands for a moment...once. They barely spoke.

Its hard to size someone up in the 20 minutes or so I was down there but when I read this post by Rowe this morning, it fit right in. It wasn't that he was so distant...it was that he didn't know...innately...that he was supposed to hold her hand, stop texting, pay attention. Much like the people Rowe was talking about...they don't know they are supposed to, at least, act a certain way when engaging the boss, customers, your pregnant girlfriend.

What Rowe said about the youth is getting "worse" from his standpoint. The idea of gettin up every morning and working for 8-10 hours is a dying idea I think. It is good that several youth are trying to become content providers instead of content consumers. ETSY and Twitch are outlets for these people who wish to do just that. You make something; you sell it be it physical goods or virtual items like your DJ-ing skills or cooking classes. The long term viability of such things (let alone no insurance, no retirement, etc...) is questionable but the "work ethic" that Rowe and persons like me value is changing. It is becoming something else..."success ethic" maybe? Its sad that for many, this is misguided. There simply isn't a market for most of what is being put out for sale.
Rowe usually gets it right.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

You stated the issue, apparently without even knowing you did.

20 applicants - 1 job

Employers can be as picky as they want in that shitty job market.

What could possibly be driving this employer's market? You know the answer.
Don't listen to the political lies. Biden's Job Gains are better than any Republican President's average in US History! In fact Biden is averaging 540,000 additional Jobs per month & that is the highest average for any president in history! Trump lost (-306,000) in December & his 3 month average just prior to Biden taking office was only 63,000

Yeah, but that shit be having a slant. Go look at the numbers before the Chinese Bio-attack.

Furthermore, a president can only have an indirect effect on the job market. Tax policy, border security, and immigration policy provide the best avenues for improving the jobs market.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

Uh, those are good reasons for accepting and rejecting candidates. A candidate shows that he/she is taking the job seriously when they make sure they do things in the most professional manner possible, especially when the job is customer facing.

Now of course employers don't want to pay more and why would they? At the same time, employees want to get paid more. Again, why not? It's then incumbent on the employer to make the job as attractive as possible to attract the best candidates and on the employee to make themselves as valuable as possible to get paid more. If you want to get on the job training, don't expect to get paid as if you are already trained, and don't expect the employer to offer the training if they can get already qualified employees. IOW, do everything you can to further your own career.
These businesses are crying wolf! Many people are applying for these jobs, employers just don't want to pay more after the cost of surviving went up because of all the money printed or employers want people experience & skills without having to train them.

There are more than 20 applicants for every job opening, but employers want to be picky & PC.

  • 76% of resume rejections are due to unprofessional email addresses.
  • 92% of companies use social media platforms to look up candidates.​

  • 91% of employers prefer their candidate to have work experience.​

  • 71% of employers wouldn’t hire someone who doesn’t follow the appropriate dress code.​

  • 67% of job seekers are unable to make eye contact.​

  • 39% of the candidates get rejected due to overall confidence level, voice quality, or lack of smile.​

  • 63% of recruiters say that lack of talent is their biggest problem.​

Uh, those are good reasons for accepting and rejecting candidates. A candidate shows that he/she is taking the job seriously when they make sure they do things in the most professional manner possible, especially when the job is customer facing.

Now of course employers don't want to pay more and why would they? At the same time, employees want to get paid more. Again, why not? It's then incumbent on the employer to make the job as attractive as possible to attract the best candidates and on the employee to make themselves as valuable as possible to get paid more. If you want to get on the job training, don't expect to get paid as if you are already trained, and don't expect the employer to offer the training if they can get already qualified employees. IOW, do everything you can to further your own career.
KissMyAss's post demonstrates how so many people have ZERO understanding of economic principles or "laws."

Supply v. Demand, Law of Diminishing Return, perception of value is value, etc.

Even more so, they can't connect the dots on how economic principles/laws relate to employment and the job market.

It is a harsh indictment of our education system, but I believe the Marxists who control education deliberately miseducate on economics.

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