Mike Rowe explains why Scott Walker didn't need college....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Mike Rowe, host of Dirty Jobs was asked if he thought graduating college was important........obviously because the minions in the media wing of the democrat party have received their orders to destroy Scott Walker.........his response is an example of why he is pretty great....

you need to read it......

Mike Rowe asked if finishing college is important for elected officials BEST response you ll ever see The Federalist Papers

Mike Rowe was asked about Scott Walker and the importance of a college education for elected officials.

Kyle Smith writes…

Howard Dean recently criticized Gov Scott Walker for never finishing college, stating that he was “unknowledgeable.” What would your response be on college as a requirement for elected office?

Hi Kyle,

Back in 1990, The QVC Cable Shopping Channel was conducting a national talent search. I had no qualifications to speak of, but I needed a job, and thought TV might be a fun way to pay the bills. So I showed up at The Marriott in downtown Baltimore with a few hundred other hopefuls, and waited for a chance to audition. When it was my turn, the elevator took me to the top floor, where a man no expression led me into a suite and asked me to take a seat behind a large desk. Across from the desk, there was a camera on a tripod. On the desk was a digital timer with an LED display. I took a seat as the man clipped a microphone on my shirt and explained the situation.

Mike Rowe's excellent response to this question has, of course, placed his name on the target list of the minions of the democrat party...they have ignored him in the past....despite his repeatedly championing hard work, small business, entrepreneurs, and just busting your ass to get ahead........but now, with the defense of Scott Walker......

He will be destroyed.........the Borg Collective will not tolerate dissent......
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Fourth thread started by Conservatives to whine about how Democrats are smearing Walker about his lack of college degree.

Not one thread by liberals actually complaining about Walker's lack of degree.

Virtually one cares that Walker doesn't have a degree.

I did a poll here on USMB- and as I recall- of 11 votes- only one 'unidentified' person thought his lack of degree was relevant.

I certainly don't.

But the Cons sure want to talk on and on and on about what a victim Walker is because of his lack of a college degree.
Education isn't necessary for a Republican.

Tits on a pup. They wouldn't have any use for it.
Yes....you are a lib.......you wouldn't see the truth if if bit you.....the democrat party sees Walker as a potential threat, and an actual threat since he beat them 3 times in 4 years....and they are going to create the meme about him as soon as they can...and that meme is that he is an uneducated fool......pretty much what they do to every Republican.....

Their minions in the media wing of the democrat party have recieved their directives and are now acting on them....it isn't you silly libs here on U.S. that they are concerned with....but the rest of the voting public....you know....the ones who pay no attention to the democrats until the day of the election...and then all they remember from the commercials between American Idol and The Voice is that Scott Walker doesn't have a college degree...because that is all they have heard in commericals....their television comedies, their movies, their television shows of any type...

Because Republicans play politics....they win some they lose some they wait for the next election.....

democrats fight complete and total political war against their enemies and they take no prisoners, and give no quarter, an enemy now is an enemy forever.......ask Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin.......

So yeah....we are trying to get out ahead of the democrat destruction machine.........you don't have to worry....your candidates are democrats and are protected by your minions in the media, in education, and in entertainment....

Just look at that creepy buffoon joe biden....what he did to the new Secretary of States wife in public, the racist comments he is constantly spewing........and he gets away with it...why.....because he is a democrat.......

Our side doesn't have that protection.....
Fourth thread started by Conservatives to whine about how Democrats are smearing Walker about his lack of college degree.

Not one thread by liberals actually complaining about Walker's lack of degree.

Virtually one cares that Walker doesn't have a degree.

I did a poll here on USMB- and as I recall- of 11 votes- only one 'unidentified' person thought his lack of degree was relevant.

I certainly don't.

But the Cons sure want to talk on and on and on about what a victim Walker is because of his lack of a college degree.
It's their victim mentality. If it's not one imaginary boogeyman trying to stop them it's 1 or 2 others.
Obviously Walker doesn't think anyone else needs college, either. But sports stadiums are an absolute neccessity, no matter what it does to the budget deficit in Wisconsin.
Silly libs don't realize that with every silly "didn't go to college" rant the bottom line of their car repair bill goes up another fifty bucks.

And wait until they have a clogged crapper!
Obviously Walker doesn't think anyone else needs college, either. But sports stadiums are an absolute neccessity, no matter what it does to the budget deficit in Wisconsin.
Let me guess...

You are a pathetic weakling who has always been jealous of those people performing in the stadiums who fucked all the girls who you only wish would have gave your weakling dumb ass the time of day.

Obviously Walker doesn't think anyone else needs college, either. But sports stadiums are an absolute neccessity, no matter what it does to the budget deficit in Wisconsin.

Oh...you mean the lie that he cut money from the university in Wisconsin...the one sitting on a billion dollars in endowments....yeah....my heart bleeds for them.....
"Mike Rowe explains why Scott Walker didn't need college..."

Again, it's only you and other nitwits on the right making an issue of Walker failing to complete college.

again...you have no clue about another issue.......
Qualifications for the Office of President

  • Age and Citizenship requirements - US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
  • No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States.
    Term limit amendment - US Constitution, Amendment XXII, Section 1 - ratified February 27, 1951
  • No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once.

Graduating from college isn't a requirement to be President and nor should it be a requirement. The Constitution makes it rather plain what are the qualifications and Walker meets each of them. Those complaining he didn't graduate and therefore should be overlooked are only doings do for purely partisan reasons.
"Mike Rowe explains why Scott Walker didn't need college..."

Again, it's only you and other nitwits on the right making an issue of Walker failing to complete college.

Upset our side is finally learning the best defense is a good offense?
Yes....you are a lib.......you wouldn't see ...

The reason for 4 threads complaining about liberal complaining that is not happening?

No I wouldn't see it.

Fourth thread started by Conservatives to whine about how Democrats are smearing Walker about his lack of college degree.

Not one thread by liberals actually complaining about Walker's lack of degree.

Virtually one cares that Walker doesn't have a degree.

I did a poll here on USMB- and as I recall- of 11 votes- only one 'unidentified' person thought his lack of degree was relevant.

I certainly don't.

But the Cons sure want to talk on and on and on about what a victim Walker is because of his lack of a college degree.
Yes....you are a lib.......you wouldn't see ...

The reason for 4 threads complaining about liberal complaining that is not happening?

No I wouldn't see it.

Fourth thread started by Conservatives to whine about how Democrats are smearing Walker about his lack of college degree.

Not one thread by liberals actually complaining about Walker's lack of degree.

Virtually one cares that Walker doesn't have a degree.

I did a poll here on USMB- and as I recall- of 11 votes- only one 'unidentified' person thought his lack of degree was relevant.

I certainly don't.

But the Cons sure want to talk on and on and on about what a victim Walker is because of his lack of a college degree.
You're a typical LIB **** liar.
Your fucking previous fucking loser wannabe President said this:
“The issue is, how well educated is this guy?” said Dean, a former Vermont governor who ran for the Democratic nomination in 2004, on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Feb. 12, amid a surge in polls for Walker. “I worry about people being president of the United States not knowing much about the world and not knowing much about science.”
WELL? Fucking post something to refute what Dean said. Waiting asshole.
Yes....you are a lib.......you wouldn't see ...

The reason for 4 threads complaining about liberal complaining that is not happening?

No I wouldn't see it.

Fourth thread started by Conservatives to whine about how Democrats are smearing Walker about his lack of college degree.

Not one thread by liberals actually complaining about Walker's lack of degree.

Virtually one cares that Walker doesn't have a degree.

I did a poll here on USMB- and as I recall- of 11 votes- only one 'unidentified' person thought his lack of degree was relevant.

I certainly don't.

But the Cons sure want to talk on and on and on about what a victim Walker is because of his lack of a college degree.
You're a typical LIB **** liar.
Your fucking previous fucking loser wannabe President said this:
“The issue is, how well educated is this guy?” said Dean, a former Vermont governor who ran for the Democratic nomination in 2004, on MSNBC's Morning Joe on Feb. 12, amid a surge in polls for Walker. “I worry about people being president of the United States not knowing much about the world and not knowing much about science.”
WELL? Fucking post something to refute what Dean said. Waiting asshole.

As I said

Fourth thread started by Conservatives to whine about how Democrats are smearing Walker about his lack of college degree.

Not one thread by liberals actually complaining about Walker's lack of degree.

Virtually one cares that Walker doesn't have a degree.

I did a poll here on USMB- and as I recall- of 11 votes- only one 'unidentified' person thought his lack of degree was relevant.

I certainly don't.

But the Cons sure want to talk on and on and on about what a victim Walker is because of his lack of a college degree.

And what is it with Conservatives and the word 'fuck'? Is it just a lack of imagination or lack of vocabulary that makes that their go to word?

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