Mike Johnson wants a commission to study cuts in SS and Medicare.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
This stale old chestnut.....AGAIN?!?


Yup, I am sure the MAGA repubs are seeing the possibility of another tax cut for the wealthy down the road. Someone has to pay for it....such as SS and Medicare recipients.
Certainly not you even though along with your SNAP bennies I am sure your SS income is solid.
And jimboliar, guess which party makes up the vast majority of "the wealthy"???
It seems their long term plans, using "Medicare Advantage" which takes away from the pool of REAL Medicare. This effort will take time but
eventually, like all the "teabaggers" strategies, once REAL Medicare is depleted enough they money to fund it will dwindle.
Then, when the "medicare advantage" CEO's and stockholders have their way, their profits will rise exponentially.
All those that have some sense of responsibility and understanding should contact their Representatives and Senators and let them know to keep Medicare fully functional.

Yup, I am sure the MAGA repubs are seeing the possibility of another tax cut for the wealthy down the road. Someone has to pay for it....such as SS and Medicare recipients.

Yup, I am sure the MAGA repubs are seeing the possibility of another tax cut for the wealthy down the road. Someone has to pay for it....such as SS and Medicare recipients.
Tax cut for the rich? I'm middle class, not rich, but Trump's tax cut saved me 4 Gs a year. Viva Trump, for the people.

Yup, I am sure the MAGA repubs are seeing the possibility of another tax cut for the wealthy down the road. Someone has to pay for it....such as SS and Medicare recipients.
There is no reason cuts can't be made. Cuts don't necessarily mean everyone gets cut, as the left would have you believe.
Certainly not you even though along with your SNAP bennies I am sure your SS income is solid.
And jimboliar, guess which party makes up the vast majority of "the wealthy"???
'The idea that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going "bankrupt" is standard Republican hogwash. So is the idea that Social Security will go "belly up" in some number of years—even if Congress sits on its hands, the program will still have enough revenue to cover three-quarters of the benefits due.

The notion that those programs are drivers of the federal debt is also a bog-standard GOP talking point," Hiltzik added. "A far more significant portion of the federal budget deficit is the lavish tax cut that Johnson's party gifted to corporations and the wealthy in 2017, a $1.5-trillion giveaway from which the U.S. economy received no significant gain.'

Nobody is going to cut SS or Medicare. It'd be political suicide
However, government will jack up the taxes mark my words. Not a theory, government has already proposed multiple schemes of TAX INCREASES.

After decades of mismanagement by stupid government MF'ers and congress stealing $2 trillion of our SS contributions to spend on other crap, now the incompetent government idiots are going to jack up the taxes and push back the date you can claim SS in the hopes that you just die before you collect a dime. All you Dems enjoy working on the factory floor until you are 70 years old.

Yup, I am sure the MAGA repubs are seeing the possibility of another tax cut for the wealthy down the road. Someone has to pay for it....such as SS and Medicare recipients.
See if you can find the contradiction in these two consecutive statements from your link:

1) The idea that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going "bankrupt" is standard Republican hogwash. So is the idea that Social Security will go "belly up" in some number of years—even if Congress sits on its hands, the program will still have enough revenue to cover three-quarters of the benefits due.

2) "The notion that those programs are drivers of the federal debt is also a bog-standard GOP talking point," Hiltzik added.
If underneath all the histrionics about "cuts" and "death panels" in the OP link, the Republican plan is to raise the retirement age, then I am 100 percent on board.

If you didn't notice the OP never discussed what the actual Republican plan is, that was deliberate. The article was pure fearmongering.
It seems their long term plans, using "Medicare Advantage" which takes away from the pool of REAL Medicare. This effort will take time but
eventually, like all the "teabaggers" strategies, once REAL Medicare is depleted enough they money to fund it will dwindle.
Then, when the "medicare advantage" CEO's and stockholders have their way, their profits will rise exponentially.
All those that have some sense of responsibility and understanding should contact their Representatives and Senators and let them know to keep Medicare fully functional.
President George W. Bush and Republicans (and a handful of on-the-take Democrats) in Congress created the Medicare Advantage scam in 2003 as a way of routing hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of for-profit insurance companies.

Those companies, and their executives, then recycle some of that profit back into politicians’ pockets via the Citizens United legalized bribery loophole created by five corrupt Republicans on the Supreme Court.

Just the overcharges happening right now in that scam are costing Americans over $140 billion a year: more than the entire budget for the Medicare Part B or Part D programs. These ripoffs — that our federal government seems to have no interest in stopping — are draining the Medicare trust fund while ensnaring gullible seniors in private insurance programs where they’re often denied life-saving care.

'The idea that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are going "bankrupt" is standard Republican hogwash. So is the idea that Social Security will go "belly up" in some number of years—even if Congress sits on its hands, the program will still have enough revenue to cover three-quarters of the benefits due.

The notion that those programs are drivers of the federal debt is also a bog-standard GOP talking point," Hiltzik added. "A far more significant portion of the federal budget deficit is the lavish tax cut that Johnson's party gifted to corporations and the wealthy in 2017, a $1.5-trillion giveaway from which the U.S. economy received no significant gain.'

Come on Mrs Jones, this garbage goes on all the time. Truth be known, its your Dimtard ilk that would cut it if anyone did. As for spending, Republicans are not conservative spenders but compared to this Reich we are penny pinchers.
So back to your crypt its daylight again, your babbling only makes Trump look stronger.

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