Peter Sutherland
He was non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International (a registered UK broker-dealer, a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs) until June 2015. Until June 2009 he was non-executive chairman of BP being replaced byCarl-Henric Svanberg formerly chief executive officer of Ericsson. Sutherland was a director of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group until he was asked to leave the board when it had to be taken over by the UK government to avoid bankruptcy. He also formerly served on the board of ABB.

Peter Sutherland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He is a pro-corporate lobbyists. He doesn't care about how mass immigration impacts on locals. He is not competing with immigrants for housing, education or healthcare.

Peter Sutherland, UN special envoy on migration

Mr. Sutherland said: “People are to be unified on the basis of their shared values not on the needs of national identities such as those which some have thought of in the past to divide humanity or through the promotion of ethnic loyalties calculated to engender xenophobia and racism.”
The Michael Littleton Memorial Lecture 2014 - The Michael Littleton Memorial Lecture - RTÉ Radio 1

It sounds very Orwellian. But even if some might like this plan, could it really work?

I suspect that without strict enforcement, such as in Tito's Yugoslavia it will not work.

And even then, when the strong leader was toppled, the country descended into war and broke up.

“I worry greatly that the rhetoric coming from the Republicans, particularly Donald Trump, is sending a message to Muslims here … and … around the world, that there is a ‘clash of civilizations.'”

So said Hillary Clinton in Saturday night’s New Hampshire debate.

Yet, that phrase was not popularized by Donald Trump, but by Harvard’s famed Samuel Huntington. His “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
” has been described by Zbigniew Brzezinski as providing “quintessential insights necessary for a broad understanding of world affairs in our time.”

Islam and the West: An Irreconcilable Conflict?

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