Migrants are Scamming America.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.

Most of them are brought there by a non-parent relative like an uncle, grand parent or adult sibbling, and many of them have parents already in the US.
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.
LOL, you voted for Dems. This is what you get. America Last, third world immigrants first.
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.

Most of them are brought there by a non-parent relative like an uncle, grand parent or adult sibbling, and many of them have parents already in the US.
Is there not a better and safer way to unite these kids with their parents. There should be a way to petition the court to have your kids with you? And how can a parent leave a child in a place too dangerous for them to stay in.?
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.
LOL, you voted for Dems. This is what you get. America Last, third world immigrants first.
Still a better choice than Trump.
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.
LOL, you voted for Dems. This is what you get. America Last, third world immigrants first.
Still a better choice than Trump.
Yea....sure... because stopping rampant immigration, standing up to China, bringing manufacturing jobs back to America, and not starting new wars was just “the worst”.
Months before his forced resignation this month, former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions claimed the asylum application process was "being gamed," insisting that fraudulent petitions flood the system and prevent legitimate applications from being efficiently processed. Immigrant advocates say the rollback of asylum measures is just another step in the Trump administration's assault on legal immigration.( Immigrant advocates want to get rid of ICE, detentions centers and the border)
By helping immigrants Biden and the Democrats destroying Americans.

About half of all crop hands in the United States, more than one million, are undocumented immigrants, according to the Agriculture Department. Growers and labor contractors estimate that the share is closer to 75 percent.

More than one-third of construction laborers (686,000 workers), at least 30 percent of carpenters (382,000 workers), and 45 percent of painters and paperhangers (264,000 workers) are immigrants.
(These jobs were taken away from Afo-Americans.)

Fifty-six percent of farmers who responded to the survey said they hadn't been able to hire all the employees they needed during the last five years. Of those, most said the problem is getting worse — 70% said they had more trouble finding workers in 2017 and 2018.
Immigrants do not stay at farms, they move on into the inner cities taking jobs from Americans. 11.4 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States and they are not working on farms.

Today, more than 40 million people living in the U.S. were born in another country, accounting for about one-fifth of the world's migrants.
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.
LOL, you voted for Dems. This is what you get. America Last, third world immigrants first.
Still a better choice than Trump.
Trump was starting a war within the country between different races and that is why he is the evilest and most dangerous to Americans. And a habitual, chronic, pathological, compulsive liar and that made him dangerous. The Fact Checker counted a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims made by President Trump during his White House tenure.
Not even his daughter was safe from him.


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Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.
LOL, you voted for Dems. This is what you get. America Last, third world immigrants first.
Still a better choice than Trump.
Trump was starting a war within the country between different races and that is why he is the evilest and most dangerous to Americans. And a habitual, chronic, pathological, compulsive liar and that made him dangerous. The Fact Checker counted a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims made by President Trump during his White House tenure.
Not even his daughter was safe from him.
Starting a race war? That’s the left and their BLM Bolshevik movement.

I’ve asked lefties here about his so-called “lies”, they can never come up with any.
Migrants at the border are practicing the biggest scam ever on America and Biden and the Democrats are falling for it. The majority of the kids did not travel to the border alone but with a parent who sends them across the border as they wait in Mexico, because they know they will be their ticket to enter. When the Bidens reunite them with those parents they get to stay in the US and not deported. The majority do not have parents in the US. Biden and Harris are so stupid to believe that some as young as 3 traveled to the border without a parent? Give them the kids and deport them back where they came from and see how fast they will stop coming. Wake the hell up a see that we are being scammed. And it is costing billions in taxpayers' money. The border is wide open and a welcome mat is down. Damn all you Democrats to hell.
The story that parents traveled here with their children is a story that people tell themselves to feel better about what they are allowing to happen.
Two girls age 3 and 5 were thrown over the border wall to be found by patrols.
A ten year old boy was found wandering in the desert alone. The smuggler he was with abandoned him.
A ten year old girl crossed the border with the semen of 23 contributors in her hair.
A six year old boy was alone and abandoned in a cornfield.
A twelve year old girl had been gang raped so many times she could not speak. Her traumatic mutism may be life long.

The parents don't want their children. They are like parents in Brazil who dump unwanted children on the streets. There are hunters who specialize in hunting and killing feral children

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