Migrant caravan treks through Mexico en route to US


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
The caravan is believed to be the largest trying to enter the US in over a year. It casts doubt on the effectiveness of Biden's policies to curb migration.A caravan of thousands of migrants traveled through Mexico en route to the US border on Sunday, stopping in the southern Mexican town of Alvaro Obregon to spend Christmas Eve.
The caravan is estimated to comprise some 6,000 people, including families and young children. It is believed to be the largest since June 2022.
Wow what a cluster fuck! Get ready for more taxes, you will have to house ,feed school,free medical,and take of this invasion.

Nobody is going to give them anything, The sanctuary city idea is dead as a doornail. Every city that was one, will dump these people anywhere they can get rid of them.

All these people will do is experience homelessness, starvation, and extreme freezing cold, if they even survive through it.

The previous migrants are already going back to Venezuela.

What this, the third thread on this with the same picture in the last couple of days? Maybe more.
Everytime the right wing fails to make things stick, they start inventing "caravans".
Well, the OP link article says >> "A caravan of thousands of migrants traveled through Mexico en route to the US border on Sunday, stopping in the southern Mexican town of Alvaro Obregon to spend Christmas Eve."

So you are claiming this is not happening ? :laugh:

And the link is MSN - not exactly "right wing" :rolleyes:
Six thousand new immigrants means that six thousand blacks will be pushed to the back of the line.
I see, that the deaths associated with it were the cause of human interaction playing out God's plan, how ecclesiastical of love thy neighbor operates.
God's plan includes even more bloody events in the future. Ya gotta "break some eggs" ya know. :omg:

* I haven't killed anyone; in fact, I have helped bring several new lives into the world. 😇
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The caravan is believed to be the largest trying to enter the US in over a year. It casts doubt on the effectiveness of Biden's policies to curb migration.A caravan of thousands of migrants traveled through Mexico en route to the US border on Sunday, stopping in the southern Mexican town of Alvaro Obregon to spend Christmas Eve.
The caravan is estimated to comprise some 6,000 people, including families and young children. It is believed to be the largest since June 2022.
Wow what a cluster fuck! Get ready for more taxes, you will have to house ,feed school,free medical,and take of this invasion.

View attachment 878498
Which republican is funding this one?
Open Borders is part of the corrupt Democrat Party's one-party country goal.
The Democrats have bragged for decades how the Republican Party is doomed because of "changing demographics".
But now they call their 'great replacement goal' a white supremist conspiracy theory.
The Democrat/Left tell us how important diversity is and how it should be our goal.
Black people are part of diversity, Latino people are part of diversity and Asian people are part of diversity, but White people are not part of diversity.
The fewer white people there are the more diverse we are.
But we are not supposed to notice how incredibly racist the Left is.
In fact, the Left will accuse people of being racist if they point out the Democrat Racism Problem.
It's amazing.
Liberals LOVE to say no illegals are crossing the border and the border is closed. I hope the illegals visit the Liberals in their back yard :)
When they get closer, Mexico will put them on Busses and Trains. And of course embedd another Mexican prison load. Stupid Evil Obiden will take care of them. Why should Mexico pay costs associated with lockup?
As more illegals, criminals, terrorists prepare to crash what was once our national border,

Biden Heads Back to DC From Vacation at Camp David – Will Leave for Another Weeklong Holiday on the US Virgin Islands Tomorrow​

The caravan is believed to be the largest trying to enter the US in over a year. It casts doubt on the effectiveness of Biden's policies to curb migration.A caravan of thousands of migrants traveled through Mexico en route to the US border on Sunday, stopping in the southern Mexican town of Alvaro Obregon to spend Christmas Eve.
The caravan is estimated to comprise some 6,000 people, including families and young children. It is believed to be the largest since June 2022.
Wow what a cluster fuck! Get ready for more taxes, you will have to house ,feed school,free medical,and take of this invasion.

View attachment 878498

Or, be prepared for people who will put into the pension pots that otherwise would run out.

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