Middle Class brainwashed into voting Republican

I don't believe in "too big to fail", whether it's a business or a state.
Spot on. The bailouts should have never happened...and that means TARP, and Porkulus. They should have lawfully filed for bankruptcy.

Yup. That's why bankruptcy laws are there -- so operations can continue.
Smarter people are aware and understand the bankruptcy process. It was the emotional and uninformed which drove the federal government to bail out companies such as GM.
The argument there was " people will lose confidence in GM's ability to honor the warranties on the vehicles they sold".. Horse hockey.
Manufacturers warranties are sold to insurance companies which are the actual payors of claims for covered issues.
I the case of the large financial institutions, their people lobbied hard and basically scared the living shit out of Washington, convincing the government that if one or more of these firms failed there would be widespread panic on the financial markets, runs on banks by people emptying their accounts and hoarding cash, etc. So the government caved and spent a shit load of money to make sure these firms stayed solvent.
You know why I vote Rep. Because they are the ones who support our military interest and Reagan gave us the biggest pay raise 10 percent and that was at the time most military were below the poverty rate. I think its shameful how low the military personal are paid especially what they are called to do. The DemocRATs no matter who is in office cut the military to the bones. I dont mean the wars. I mean the personal and its not fair. So no matter what RAT that is in office I will not vote for them. Every president should support the military but the RATS like to use them but not give them pay raises, it always seems the shut downs are when the RATS are in office even though they blame the REP , its a RAT president and threaten not to pay the personal even though they are fighting for the country .. Like they have NOTHING To worry about at home , Now they have to worry if their family will have a roof over their head. Its shameful!!!

The military only has what it has because Democrats fight for them. Republicans fight for corporations and billionaires. See how that works. Republicans believe corporations are people. How do we know? Easy, they told us.

Do a little research. Try, "Republicans cut veteran's benefits". Put that phrase in Google and hit enter.

Uh huh, sure. You ever read past that though or do titles suffice in your world where you believe everything you need to know is in the title? You probably do because liberals favor all sorts of bills based on NOTHING but their title that are totally useless and a waste of money too.

When the left insists Republicans have "cut" something -what they really mean by it is Republicans have reduced the rate of planned INCREASE. Get a real life and stop acting like such a TOOL! Veteran's benefits have not been cut -and will not be cut. How much their next budget will be increased was reduced -but still INCREASED. The proposed cuts do NOT involve reduction of any payments to veterans for subsistence payments -money they need to just LIVE because THAT has actually been INCREASED and went into effect two days ago. Just in case you missed that. The proposed cuts have to do with changing the health care policy for those vets who served only a few years AND have no disabilities or injuries related to their service. Or do you think serving two years without incident and without being deployed during wartime should entitle someone to a lifetime of free health care? If so, add that to the list of entitlement programs this country cannot pay for and will within just a few years have to totally end with no one getting anything from them again -unless we make some serious decisions about how to reform them SO THEY CAN CONTINUE. Did you pay any attention to how they decided to do it in Greece? They didn't make any reforms to try and save their LENGTHY list of entitlement programs they couldn't pay for either -and just continued spending until the money was all gone. Broke and entitlements just ENDED for everyone. Regardless of whether a person actually needed it to survive or not. Think THAT is a better idea than trying to make sure it stays in existence for the vets who are disabled and unable to provide themselves at all? People like you are actually useless for coming up with solutions to very real problems that are rapidly growing worse! Instead you just stick your head in the sand and throw temper tantrums, convinced that bitching alone will suddenly produce the money no one will have for the next three generations. You could tax every dime from every rich person in the country and it wouldn't be a drop in the bucket to the money this country OWES.

And I LOVE the whining from liberals insisting corporations don't pay enough in taxes. The US has THE highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD -making doing business ANYWHERE and taking those jobs ANYWHERE but the US very attractive. Other countries have not made that mistake -and THEIR people got the corporations, the taxes and the jobs instead. So naturally dumb shit liberals think jacking up those rates again can't POSSIBLY have a negative effect on the economy, can't possibly end up harming those on the bottom the most. No matter how often it has proven to do just that.

If you spend $2000 a year renting brain-frying video games and decide next year you will spend $4000 instead -that is a PROPOSED increase to your video game budget. It isn't a REAL one yet -but one you are planning on doing. It hasn't happened yet because it isn't next year and you are still operating on your current budget. But after finding out you didn't get the raise you were expecting, you decide you are going to cut that proposed increase for next year and "only" spend $3000 next year renting video games instead. Tell me you aren't REALLY stupid enough to believe you actually cut your video game renting budget when you really increased it by 50%. THAT is exactly what happened with the veteran's budget. It was INCREASED -just not as much as they originally planned. Now the bad news is -Democrats like to pretend that is a cut. But if that is a "cut" in your world, then you really aren't wrapped tight enough. Politicians do it to try and manipulate the opinions of morons like you but they know it isn't a cut -but they have no problem if YOU think it is. NO problem if you want to look like a dufus squealing how Republicans cut veterans' benefits when in reality they were increased another 7% including a subsistance rate increase effective two days ago.

Maybe you missed it but there is no more money -Congress went on an out of control spending spree with money no one has or will ever have. Our credit rating was reduced for the first time because of it. If nothing is changed, the financial collapse of our system is just a few years down the road. Like Greece which has had to totally end all sorts of government entitlements because they have NO MONEY. ALL government departments SHOULD have an across the board 10% REAL cut -not a proposed reduction in an INCREASE but a real cut where they end up with less money. So our government can remain financially solvent. So people can continue receiving vital government services. So the US doesn't end up like Greece where they are just suddenly stopped and liberal babies start burning and destroying property because they are so fucking stupid as to believe that creates more money in government coffers. In addition some government agencies should have their budgets cut even MORE and on top of that some agencies/departments should be abolished entirely. But like the politicians in Greece, no one has the CHARACTER to tell people the truth, no one is willing to put the nation's best interests before that of their own political future and no one is willing to step up to the plate and make the hard decisions -before the only decision left is the abrupt end to necessary services entirely.

Finally -I had to hold back my laughter to write the above and before getting to this part. In your delusional world it is DEMOCRATS who support the military and Republicans who do not? For real you actually BELIEVE this one? Really? I mean for REAL really? ROFLMAO! Come on, you seriously can't be that stupid. Surely not. But rather than go into a big long discussion about what a completely asinine and STUPID statement that was -let's just consider the most convincing evidence your head is up your own ass on this one. If Democrats were actually the ones who support the military and Republicans are the ones who use 'em up and spit 'em type thing -then why on earth would those IN the military be SUCH consistent and reliable Republican voters? Any clues on that one? LOL

My son is getting ready to deploy for his 8th tour in Afghanistan, my brother just retired as a Colonel from the Army after serving two tours in Iraq in addition to his decades of service going back to Vietnam when he SOOO enjoyed all that Democrat "support". The idea that Democrats are the ones who support them is laughable. You have no clue what military support even is.
"When the left insists Republicans have "cut" something -what they really mean by it is Republicans have reduced the rate of planned INCREASE"...
That is a brilliant line right there....I am repping you for that...Spot on!!!!!!
So, knowing Republicans have done nothing, and campaign on doing nothing for the next two years; why are people willing to vote for them? Republicans promise to help corporations by getting rid of regulations, but that only helps the wealthy.

Republicans will do nothing for working-class Americans, and in fact, they will undo laws Democrats passed to protect Americans who are not in the 2% wealthiest category. John Boehner said, “WE are not going to be any different than what we’ve been.” and intends to continue helping his corporate financiers instead of working Americans.

Tea Party is the Republican Party Waterloo, as independents are running away from the radical policies the tea party has forced onto the GOP this year. Independents are not happy with Obama, but poll after poll has shown that Independents would prefer him over the new Tea Party lead GOP. The Tea Party is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party, and 2012 will be the final nail that splits the GOP up for years to come.
Dear America, Why Are We Voting Against Our Own Self Interests?

I don't get it. Most people loath the super rich, and yet they sit around glued to FOX and vote to keep giving them tax breaks and favors. All the while, the buy the same old line of "they are the ones creating jobs" from the GOP. Guess what....THEY ARE SITTING ON THEIR TRILLIANS NOT CREATING JOBS.

Before Obama they where creating jobs, after Obamas election when he went into economic destruct mode they began sitting on there BILLIONS.
And when you ask why people vote against their self interest, I dont. I vote for what's best for my country, not what's best for the lazy and the socialist. Class warfare won't work here, you guys better get that revolution going soon, the clock is winding down on you.
Dear America, Why Are We Voting Against Our Own Self Interests?

I don't get it. Most people loath the super rich, and yet they sit around glued to FOX and vote to keep giving them tax breaks and favors. All the while, the buy the same old line of "they are the ones creating jobs" from the GOP. Guess what....THEY ARE SITTING ON THEIR TRILLIANS NOT CREATING JOBS.

It's laughable that you think jobs are created by the poor. Of course I mean this by the assumption that if you want to tax the ass off the rich then the poor will step up and create the jobs that Obama is calling for right? Does that make any sense to you whatsoever? You're a puppet playing the puppetmasters "socialists" game for them.
Look at your sig line Jim.

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine." ---Thomas Jefferson

When the majority wants something for nothing, should they be able to just vote in the people who will give it to them, and force the producers, the "rich" to pay for it.

Is that fair?

Hell no!

Another great American President said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."

What I can do for my country is force the government to reduce spending...then, if necessary, we can raise taxes.

But reduce the spending first...no promises of cut 10 years from now, but raise taxes now.

Cut spending...reduce the size and scope of government...do it now...then we'll look at increasing revenues.

You do know that when they say Raising revenues that is code speak for raising taxes dont you?
The GOP would rather take the food out of a child's mouth, rather than remove an unfiar advantage for a rich man in the tax code. They have said as much. Don't you people understand that for every dollar that the rich are able to withhold from paying their fair share in taxes, you the middle class, have to make up that dollar.

Obviously you don't mind paying extra taxes so that the super rich can enjoy unfair tax breaks. That is very estute of you. You are being played for fools, and seem to be enjoying it.


I hope you realize just how stupid that comment about taking food out of the mouth of a child is. How the hell can anyone take this kind of overly emotional, hysterical bullshit seriously?
So, knowing Republicans have done nothing, and campaign on doing nothing for the next two years; why are people willing to vote for them? Republicans promise to help corporations by getting rid of regulations, but that only helps the wealthy.

Republicans will do nothing for working-class Americans, and in fact, they will undo laws Democrats passed to protect Americans who are not in the 2% wealthiest category. John Boehner said, “WE are not going to be any different than what we’ve been.” and intends to continue helping his corporate financiers instead of working Americans.

Tea Party is the Republican Party Waterloo, as independents are running away from the radical policies the tea party has forced onto the GOP this year. Independents are not happy with Obama, but poll after poll has shown that Independents would prefer him over the new Tea Party lead GOP. The Tea Party is the worst thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party, and 2012 will be the final nail that splits the GOP up for years to come.
" Republicans promise to help corporations by getting rid of regulations, but that only helps the wealthy."
That just might be stupid quote of the year.
Your premise implies that only wealthy people are employed by ( buzz word of evil) "corporations"....
When people post nonsense such as your flash of brilliance, they look like schmucks.
I don't need to depend on the Federal Government to be successful or to provide me with a job, I just need them to get out of the way and allow me to be successful or "learn" (remember that word?) from my own mistakes. I do not need a Big Government to do anything FOR me, something the progessives don't understand. This idea of "dependency", that I simply can not make it on my own, I don't understand coming from the left. I'm not looking for a silver spoon, I'm not acting like a jealous teenage rich kid, looking to someone else (the rich) to provide for my own way of life. What ever happened to hard work, education, self discipline, and simply applying yourself?

Instead we have individuals that believe in entitlements: "that I simply deserve to receive what you have (handed to them on a silver platter) without doing any of the work that it requires to get there". Have we truely become "enslaved" to whatever the Federal Government can provide FOR US, or do we have the courage to make it on our own two feet and to have the integrity and character of acomplishing something for ourselves? Perhaps responsibility, accountability, self discipline, and good old fashioned hard work is the legacy we forget to demonstrate to the kids of this present generation?
This is a concept those on the political left do not understand or they dismiss it.
To them, government is the answer to everything.
Liberals look at the world and see "problems" or "crises".
Everyone else sees "challenges".
The former is a negative view, the latter a positive view.
The Left sees "try" the right sees "do".
The left hangs on the notion of the group. The right individualism. The Left sees individualism as selfishness and translates that into "the right is greedy and does not wish to share".
The left believes that because one person has "more" then by design another must have less.
We see this in their posts about "wealth distribution" sahre of the national income' , the so-called "wealth gap"....Those on the left are miserable people who have this undying need to know what the other person is doing, earning saving or investing. Once the other person has exceeded a certain wage or has accumulated more wealth than those on the left feel comfortable, they believe that to be unfair and somehow some way their mindset leads them to believe that something must have been taken from them. At that point those on the Left look to government to help them "take it back". Hence the concept of the "fair share of taxes paid".
It's a load of crap. However, show those on the left the numbers regarding which income levels carry the largest share of the federal and state tax burdens and they dismiss it as right wing propaganda.
It is almost as though liberal/progressives cannot be convinced that water is wet.:eek:

More drivel? You have created quite a liberal strawman argument there for yourself. Although I doubt you actually created it for yourself, just regurgitated it.
Really? OK, refute it with your own set of facts.
I find it amusing when you liberals get called out for precisely what you do. Your reaction, as seen in the example above is usually one of desperation.
BTW genius. Those are MY OWN WORDS based on known and indisputable facts...
The GOP would rather take the food out of a child's mouth, rather than remove an unfiar advantage for a rich man in the tax code. They have said as much. Don't you people understand that for every dollar that the rich are able to withhold from paying their fair share in taxes, you the middle class, have to make up that dollar.

Obviously you don't mind paying extra taxes so that the super rich can enjoy unfair tax breaks. That is very estute of you. You are being played for fools, and seem to be enjoying it.

No I understand that I pay the taxes so that the high school dropout can sit on his butt and collect welfare and get a free house and free food. I don't give a shit what some rich person does, they want to work 24/7 have at it. I am not paying anymore so THEY don't have, I'm paying more because the other 47% of the people DON'T PAY ANY!
This is a concept those on the political left do not understand or they dismiss it.
To them, government is the answer to everything.
Liberals look at the world and see "problems" or "crises".
Everyone else sees "challenges".
The former is a negative view, the latter a positive view.
The Left sees "try" the right sees "do".
The left hangs on the notion of the group. The right individualism. The Left sees individualism as selfishness and translates that into "the right is greedy and does not wish to share".
The left believes that because one person has "more" then by design another must have less.
We see this in their posts about "wealth distribution" sahre of the national income' , the so-called "wealth gap"....Those on the left are miserable people who have this undying need to know what the other person is doing, earning saving or investing. Once the other person has exceeded a certain wage or has accumulated more wealth than those on the left feel comfortable, they believe that to be unfair and somehow some way their mindset leads them to believe that something must have been taken from them. At that point those on the Left look to government to help them "take it back". Hence the concept of the "fair share of taxes paid".
It's a load of crap. However, show those on the left the numbers regarding which income levels carry the largest share of the federal and state tax burdens and they dismiss it as right wing propaganda.
It is almost as though liberal/progressives cannot be convinced that water is wet.:eek:

More drivel? You have created quite a liberal strawman argument there for yourself. Although I doubt you actually created it for yourself, just regurgitated it.
Really? OK, refute it with your own set of facts.
I find it amusing when you liberals get called out for precisely what you do. Your reaction, as seen in the example above is usually one of desperation.
BTW genius. Those are MY OWN WORDS based on known and indisputable facts...

Yep, they are pissed because the rich (and to them "rich" is anybody earning above minimum wage) arent willing to fork over more taxes to raise their welfare checks.
Dear America, Why Are We Voting Against Our Own Self Interests?

I don't get it. Most people loath the super rich, and yet they sit around glued to FOX and vote to keep giving them tax breaks and favors. All the while, the buy the same old line of "they are the ones creating jobs" from the GOP. Guess what....THEY ARE SITTING ON THEIR TRILLIANS NOT CREATING JOBS.

Typical Liberal. He sees a huge group of people who do not agree with him, and do not vote like him, and he assumes they have to be Brain Washed.

To funny.
There were a couple posts in this thread from conservatives talking about protecting their "individual freedoms" and "personal liberties". When pressed to define either of those, they didn't. They couldn't.

Someone who came up with those ideas themselves could have.

I've got a heat pump that won't work when it's cold outside, a toilet that needs to be repeatedly flushed twice, a pile of lightbulb that don't fit my wife's expensive lamps.. The govt is telling me that the "retirement insurance" I HAVE to pay for wants me to work probably til I'm 70 yrs old and I already have cancer and retirement isn't my problem. Can't keep the ants out of house cause we're not allowed to use real chemicals. All thanks to Government Engineering..

The locals won't let my kid run a lemonade stand even if she was gonna donate the proceeds. You can't sell caskets at KMart because (hell I don't know). I need a new washing machine -- one that ACTUALLY cleans clothes is harder to find. Probably cost me $400 but GE will get a $150 tax rebate on the deal and I'll get soap scum on black Dockers.

My political party has been named as potential souce of domestic terrorism, I get a near cavity search on the way to Grannies courtesy of the TSA -- and my kid is fondled at the airport. A neighbor gets multiple felony charges for "stealing educational resources" when she registers her kid with Grampa's address to get a better FREE Public School. Meanwhile they're cleaning up the old Hickman place after the local SWAT team bust in on bad warrant and took him out of this world permanently. Didn't even make the news. And the courts are making it easier to screw up on bad raids.

The things that GOVT IS SUPPOSED TO DO -- are broken.. Our voting system is subject to monkey business and fraud. Our borders have become a perrenial political issue. Jail those business employers and give the gate-crashing kids free birthing and school. And we are going to war AGAIN without a declaration of hostilities.. The dollar is getting devalued faster than a new fall season sitcom and I've got to split large deposits between 2 banks or be a suspected terrorist and wait for 4 days for the money to clear.

Nope --- no problems here. Free-ist damn country in the world.. And well-managed too.
Damn --- I don't know what the f(*% I'd do without ceding my freedom to the gobermint..

Don'tBeStupid -- wake the hell up, look your kids in the eye and tell them It's still a free country..
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America. By the wealthy, for the wealthy. And that goes for both parties. Both get their pocketbooks stuffed by the ultra wealthy. When you make the school teacher who makes a pittance the scapegoat you've done your job. War has been declared on the middle class and if you cant see it you are completely blind.
Tea-Tard Republican Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama To Hitler, Gets Pulled From 'Monday Night Football'

UPDATE: ESPN has released a statement expressing their disapproval of Williams' comments, and will pull his intro from tonight's Monday Night Football telecast.

“While Hank Williams, Jr. is not an ESPN employee, we recognize that he is closely linked to our company through the open to Monday Night Football. We are extremely disappointed with his comments, and as a result we have decided to pull the open from tonight’s telecast.”

A source at ESPN told The Huffington Post that they are still evaluating whether they will use the song in the future.

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama To Hitler, Gets Pulled From 'Monday Night Football' (VIDEO)

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama to Hitler.- Fox & Friends - 10/3/11 - YouTube
The Disney Company ( owner of ESPN and ABC) has always been a hypersensitive politically correct hack Lefty company.
And this what to do with the subject matter of the thread?
America. By the wealthy, for the wealthy. And that goes for both parties. Both get their pocketbooks stuffed by the ultra wealthy. When you make the school teacher who makes a pittance the scapegoat you've done your job. War has been declared on the middle class and if you cant see it you are completely blind.
All you lefties know how to do is complain.
- The Tea Party supports the Wealthy

- The Anti-Wall Street Movement supports the Middle Class

Chose your side and lets get on with it!

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