Michigan library defunded for refusing to ban LGBTQ books


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
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‘The library’s refusal to submit to the demands led to a campaign urging residents to vote against renewed funding for the library. A group calling itself Jamestown Conservatives handed out flyers condemning Gender Queer for showing “extremely graphic sexual illustrations of two people of the same gender”, criticizing a library director who “promoted the LGBTQ ideology” and calling for making the library “a safe and neutral place for our kids”. On Facebook, the group says it exists to “keep our children safe, and protect their purity, as well as to keep the nuclear family intact as God designed”.’
The Jamestown Fascists would be more accurate.

The right’s war on the truth, facts, and education continues – with lies about ‘grooming’ and ‘promoting gay ideology,’ neither of which exists.
Jamestown has a library? ...

ETA: Oh ... right ... they don't ... not anymore ... duh ... now I know more about ten thousand Michigan corn farmers than I knew before ... the boys there get after the ewes so they don't want to be promoting that kind of funny business ...

Local control ... we don't understand their problems ...
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The Jamestown Fascists would be more accurate.

The right’s war on the truth, facts, and education continues – with lies about ‘grooming’ and ‘promoting gay ideology,’ neither of which exists.
political correctness doesnt exist either.... right jones?....
The Jamestown Fascists would be more accurate.

The right’s war on the truth, facts, and education continues – with lies about ‘grooming’ and ‘promoting gay ideology,’ neither of which exists.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the reasoning that your feeble mind used to come to the stupid conclusion that neither "grooming" nor "promoting gay ideology" exist?

You're a moron.
The Jamestown Fascists would be more accurate.

The right’s war on the truth, facts, and education continues – with lies about ‘grooming’ and ‘promoting gay ideology,’ neither of which exists.
Libertarians, a large and vocal portion of the repub party, are always insisting that every segment of society has a right to express their opinion....especially white supremacist. But when it comes to the gay community of those who want to accurately tell the story of slavery...well that is where they draw the line.

Do you really think the banning of books will stop with LGBTQ and racism as topics. The far right complains about cancel culture until THEY are the ones doing the canceling.
If you think parents have no right to insulate their children from such content then YOU are delusional. Your party's celebration of such perversions is a big part of the reason they are going to be sent packing in November. That entire class of citizens is a tiny fraction of our population and the Dems are trying to ram their lifestyle down the throats of people who believe them to be mentally ill.

Keep effing around and you lot are going to find out.
The Jamestown Fascists would be more accurate.

The right’s war on the truth, facts, and education continues – with lies about ‘grooming’ and ‘promoting gay ideology,’ neither of which exists.
The library is funded by tax dollars and the voters voted to cut off funds

Which the voters have a right to do
If the library was publicly tax funded, then the people spoke.
Not the best decision, but it is a small town and budget money only goes so far.
Interesting the polling place where the vote was held was in the library they were voting on whether to fund or not.
While I read a great deal, I have not been to a public library since the 2005, and that was for research, now more easily carried out online.
I wonder if they will burn down any local book stores. Probably not. I doubt the town has a book store.

Do you really think the banning of books will stop with LGBTQ and racism as topics. The far right complains about cancel culture until THEY are the ones doing the canceling.
They should have "groomer" alerts like amber alerts. Children are being abused by this kind of knowledge at an age when they just are not capable of understanding it..
If they can't stop perverting children they can't have the people whose children they are molesting pay for the library. Simple. Get gays to support the library.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the reasoning that your feeble mind used to come to the stupid conclusion that neither "grooming" nor "promoting gay ideology" exist?

You're a moron.
he also thinks political correctness doesnt exist....
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