Michigan lawmakers have voted to suspend the state's 27.2-cents-a-gallon gasoline & diesel taxes, Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer will veto bill


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Governor Whitmer and a whole group of other governors called on congress to pause the gas tax which would've lead to a 18c decrease in price, but congress threw that idea out...and now she's opposed to do it in her own home state...some dude in the press called her out for her hypocrisy


The Republican-controlled Michigan Legislature sent Gov. Gretchen Whitmer a bill to suspend for six months the state's 24-cent tax on gasoline.

Whitmer promises to veto it, even though she recently joined other Democratic governors in calling on Congress to suspend the federal fuel tax.

The governor says since the Legislature didn't get enough votes to fast track the bill's effective date, it won't do consumers much good. That's lame. The higher gasoline prices will be around for a long time, especially if the governor prevails in shutting down the Line 5 petroleum pipeline.

Hypocrisy has been the hallmark of Whitmer's tenure, and here she goes again
If inflation continues to rise, along with gas prices.......our wonderful govt. may be about to get a dose of what it's like to see a real, serious revolt.

Its long over due.
I wonder what they're gonna call it when there is an armed rebellion. An insurrection?


They pretty much ruined that word.
For Michiganders, November cannot come soon enough.

If they don't overwhelmingly kick her out there is no hope for Michigan. She has been a dreadful Governor, the Joe Biden of Governors.
I wonder what they're gonna call it when there is an armed rebellion. An insurrection?


They pretty much ruined that word.
A boon to the estate sale industry when your attempted rebellion is put down.
Either way, I win.

Valhalla, I am coming.

Don't forget the 6% sales tax on gasoline either so $4.00 a gallon gas means the state get 54.5 cents per gallon.
Governor Whitmer and a whole group of other governors called on congress to pause the gas tax which would've lead to a 18c decrease in price, but congress threw that idea out...and now she's opposed to do it in her own home state...some dude in the press called her out for her hypocrisy


The Republican-controlled Michigan Legislature sent Gov. Gretchen Whitmer a bill to suspend for six months the state's 24-cent tax on gasoline.

Whitmer promises to veto it, even though she recently joined other Democratic governors in calling on Congress to suspend the federal fuel tax.

The governor says since the Legislature didn't get enough votes to fast track the bill's effective date, it won't do consumers much good. That's lame. The higher gasoline prices will be around for a long time, especially if the governor prevails in shutting down the Line 5 petroleum pipeline.

Hypocrisy has been the hallmark of Whitmer's tenure, and here she goes again
I'm not a fan of suspending gas taxes. Gas taxes have nothing to do with gas price inflation. If we are wanting to decrease the price of gas then we should do something to actually decrease the price of gas.
At what point is it acceptable in your eyes to rebel against a corrupt government?
In this country, July 4, 2062, if you still feel like it.
A boon to the estate sale industry when your attempted rebellion is put down.
For someone who served in the military, you are pretty ignorant about warfare. Are you not familiar with the wargame civil war scenarios that are simulated by the US military? Spoiler alert: every simulation that is run has the US government losing, the only differences in the outcomes is the scale of devastation that results. Almost every variable favors the people.
So there's nothing that would justify it?
I gave you a timeframe for your operation to kick off. I recommend H-hour to be undercover of darkness. What else do you want? You announced the mission. You got 40 years to come up with Situation, Execution, command, support, signal and coordinating instructions annexes. I'm not helping you. I am on the other side. Remember though, you totally failed mission essential tasks last time. Or, if you choose, you can do it the Donald Rumsfeld plan anyway, and go to war with the army you have, which did not work out in the first 20 years either, when he, Cheney and Son-of-a- bush chose that method [remember they were even playing against a "B" team force]) and still did not result in victory, only lots of dead people and torn up real estate.
I gave you a timeframe for your operation to kick off. I recommend H-hour to be undercover of darkness. What else do you want? You announced the mission. You got 40 years to come up with Situation, Execution, command, support, signal and coordinating instructions annexes. I'm not helping you. I am on the other side. Remember though, you totally failed mission essential tasks last time. Or, if you choose, you can do it the Donald Rumsfeld plan anyway, and go to war with the army you have, which did not work out in the first 20 years either, when he, Cheney and Son-of-a- bush chose that method [remember they were even playing against a "B" team force]) and still did not result in victory, only lots of dead people and torn up real estate.

You're such a fool, and you'd be one of the the government boots on everyone's neck should they choose to dismantle the constitution , a true brown shirt.

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