Michael Moore Smashes Trump Where it Hurts Him: On Twitter

Anyone who has to wipe their ass using a three foot long stick with a rag tied to the end doesn't warrant listening to.
Triggered even of the day here - nothing to see.
what language is that?
Cant handle MM getting the better of your pussygrabber.

How cute...you honestly believe that someone other than you gives two shits about anything the fat sloppy twisted troll says...Funny shit!
Did your side lose the election?
And by the way, did Michael Moore say Trump is going to win the election… And the next election? LOL
Look at this cum sucker. Can't even address the horrid things trump'sdoingonWall St and with our environment.
That's what happens when you're a whore for T.
Progressives are a fraud, it’s all about control with them… You can not identify it because you are part of them. Fact
Your sig fits his posts, when he goes off the way he is now you should just reply with a picture of your sig...perfect fit

What does that have to do with Michael Moore kicking Trumps ass?

Because he is just like the whiners. His socialist utopia where he would be cherished for being ultra fat didn't come.

Michael Moore kicking ass? This man can barely stand without help, let alone kick anything.
His play sucked, it underperformed BIGLY and it closed. Period. That is how Broadway works. The only way Michael Moore could smash Trump is by sitting on him.

It's pretty clear that Michael Moore's tweets were too complex for you to understand their point.
jeez...that is so clever...take a bow, your post is a left wing thesis to all things that are easily recognizable as unworthy

I'm just speaking the truth.
and I was just commenting on how you think you arrived at it

The truth is still the truth no matter how one arrives at it.
His play sucked, it underperformed BIGLY and it closed. Period. That is how Broadway works. The only way Michael Moore could smash Trump is by sitting on him.

It's pretty clear that Michael Moore's tweets were too complex for you to understand their point.
You mean his fat cells were too complex for people to understand them…


I mean he responded to Trump's un-Presidential tweets critiquing his show and pointed out all the Presidential tweets that he should be making.

But your ilk wouldn't understand this because you are all drinking Trump's kool-aid.
Na, You’ve drank too much Kool-Aid from Hildabeasts colostomy bag to understand, your In the snowflake bubble.

That was a very clever comeback and you should be proud of your accomplishment.

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