Michael Cohen suggests trump will blackmail the DOJ by threatening to reveal secrets to foreign powers
During an interview concerning why trump decided to take top secret documents to conceal at Mar-a-Lago, “Michael Cohen said he wouldn't put it past the former president to threaten to reveal secrets to foreign powers if the Department of Justice tries to indict him.” With his years as trump’s “fixer”, Cohen believes, “‘He's gonna use it as a get out of jail free card.’”
But, if trump is permitted to blackmail the Justice Department with the threat committing yet another act of treason, why shouldn’t the government roll over for him if he additionally demands to be made emperor? Is the risk of forcing his treasonous revelation of top-secret information to powers hostile to the United States worth giving him total rule of the nation’s government. It’s apparent that, nationwide, the Republicans are willing.
With decades of trump’s self-serving history, it’s more than likely that he has already sold copies of much of the secret information the FBI retrieved. His good buddies Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un could be exploiting the “secret” nuclear info this very minute.
Michael Cohen suggests trump will blackmail the DOJ by threatening to reveal secrets to foreign powers
During an interview concerning why trump decided to take top secret documents to conceal at Mar-a-Lago, “Michael Cohen said he wouldn't put it past the former president to threaten to reveal secrets to foreign powers if the Department of Justice tries to indict him.” With his years as trump’s “fixer”, Cohen believes, “‘He's gonna use it as a get out of jail free card.’”
But, if trump is permitted to blackmail the Justice Department with the threat committing yet another act of treason, why shouldn’t the government roll over for him if he additionally demands to be made emperor? Is the risk of forcing his treasonous revelation of top-secret information to powers hostile to the United States worth giving him total rule of the nation’s government. It’s apparent that, nationwide, the Republicans are willing.
With decades of trump’s self-serving history, it’s more than likely that he has already sold copies of much of the secret information the FBI retrieved. His good buddies Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un could be exploiting the “secret” nuclear info this very minute.

Michael Cohen suggests Trump will blackmail the DOJ by threatening to reveal secrets to foreign powers
Appearing on MSNBC on Sunday morning, former Donald Trump lawyer Michael Cohen said he wouldn't put it past the former president to threaten to reveal secrets to foreign powers if the Department of Justice tries to indict him. Speaking with fill-in host Michael Steele on "The Sunday Show,"...
