Michael Brown had robbed a Quick Trip just before the fatal shooting

LMAO.."What if"..."maybe"...You start ANOTHER sentence with "How about"....Why not go with the known facts and have a mature discussion, instead of inventing fantasy scenarios?

now you're really desperate using pictures of people unrelated to the event and trying to reframe the discussion...but ok I'll play;

If this fantasy person you invented committed battery on a cop and tried to take his weapon the fantasy person you invented out of thin air would have been shot, too, and would have deserved it.

Here's the facts;
He wasn't killed for jaywalking or stealing cigars.
He wasn't killed because he was "black"
He was killed for attacking a cop and trying to take his weapon..and, according to missouri statutes, the cop had the right to shoot him.
Good shoot.
Your idea of facts and mine are in two different ball parks. My point is we don't have all the facts yet, barely any facts, and many most of the information provided to date has been colored and do not corroborate other pieces of information provided to date. All of your posts, on this topic, read as race bating / racist hate speech.

Fact 1, the teen is dead as we've seen multiple coroner reports. Fact 2, the cop admits to firing his weapon at the teenager.
I see so everything said by everyone who killed Mike Brown and/or had a minor confrontation with him that day is angel who can't lie. And Mike Brown was the devil incarnate and he had to die.

Right. You can't hide behind exaggeration and hyperbole. No one is fooled by the distraction.

IOW you are a racist POS.

Oh..ok..great rebuttal.

FYI I did not provide a version of the events. You might want to look up the concept of possibilities.

...but all of your "possibilities" entail you misrepresenting and distorting known facts and the are all lying.

Unfortunately for you, many "witnesses" "accounts" have been proven false..but you want to play "what if" or "maybe" word games.
Ok..here's a "what if" for you.

"What if" everything the cops say turns out to be true?
Could that "maybe" be one of the "possibilities"? ...or are you in so deep now that you can't back out because it would embarrass you and hurt your ego?
Is that one of the "possibilities" you've considered?
Michael Brown likely had a history of these kinds of violent robberies. Dorion Johnson was wanted for a previous robbery and filing a false police report. Four years older than Brown, Johnson looks to be guiding Brown into a future of criminal acts. With his size, Brown would be perfect for intimidating others. This was not the first time the two had committed this kind of robbery. Mark it.
violent robbery.. :bsflag:

Touching someone on the shoulders is not violence. :cuckoo:
Right. You can't hide behind exaggeration and hyperbole. No one is fooled by the distraction.

Oh..ok..great rebuttal.

...but all of your "possibilities" entail you misrepresenting and distorting known facts and the are all lying.

Unfortunately for you, many "witnesses" "accounts" have been proven false..but you want to play "what if" or "maybe" word games.
Ok..here's a "what if" for you.

"What if" everything the cops say turns out to be true?
Could that "maybe" be one of the "possibilities"? ...or are you in so deep now that you can't back out because it would embarrass you and hurt your ego?
Is that one of the "possibilities" you've considered?

Do you even know what the term "proven" means?

Ego.. ROFL you want a tissue little girl?
Michael Brown likely had a history of these kinds of violent robberies. Dorion Johnson was wanted for a previous robbery and filing a false police report. Four years older than Brown, Johnson looks to be guiding Brown into a future of criminal acts. With his size, Brown would be perfect for intimidating others. This was not the first time the two had committed this kind of robbery. Mark it.

The cop likely had a history of these kinds of violent outbursts. Dorion Johnson was just another victim by this cop. Many years older than Brown, the cop should have been guiding Brown into a future free of criminal acts rather than killing him. With his gun, the cop think's he's superman and can intimidate, even kill others if they don't obey his every command. This was not the first time the cop had committed this kind of violent outburst. Mark it down.
What you are dodging is the fact that the DA's office has confirmed that the officer suffered a blowout orbital fracture in the altercation.

Done deal, from where I sit.
I agree, with the point that IF Mike did steal the cigars, it would have given him a reason to high tail it out of there when the cop confronted him for jaywalking. However, I do not agree with the thought line that we should kill black people for running away from a cop.

Would you feel the same about the killing if Mike Brown was named Michelle Brown and was a 5'2 brunette girl with blue eyes?

How about if it was this shoplifter:

There you go again making shit up.
What you are dodging is the fact that the DA's office has confirmed that the officer suffered a blowout orbital fracture in the altercation.

Done deal, from where I sit.
I'd not heard that. Wonder why the police waited days to report that piece of information. Very odd. Will he need facial reconstruction? From the “side of his face was swollen” to blowout orbital fracture? Hmm... Do you think it's possible the police are exaggerating the shooter's condition just a bit there to justify the shoot?

I've been punched quite a few times in my life. I never killed anyone for it. But then I'm not a cop.
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The cop likely had a history of these kinds of violent outbursts. Dorion Johnson was just another victim by this cop. Many years older than Brown, the cop should have been guiding Brown into a future free of criminal acts rather than killing him. With his gun, the cop think's he's superman and can intimidate, even kill others if they don't obey his every command. This was not the first time the cop had committed this kind of violent outburst. Mark it down.

Wow what an idiot, from the beginning it has been made quite public this cop had never shot anyone and had no disciplinary actions on his record. Of course since you are only interested in keeping the turmoil up you find the need to publicly display your ignorance by expelling such shit and being proud enough to put your moronic signature to it!!
The cop likely had a history of these kinds of violent outbursts. Dorion Johnson was just another victim by this cop. Many years older than Brown, the cop should have been guiding Brown into a future free of criminal acts rather than killing him. With his gun, the cop think's he's superman and can intimidate, even kill others if they don't obey his every command. This was not the first time the cop had committed this kind of violent outburst. Mark it down.
You fuck-wit. Wilson had been on the force for six years. Never a single citizen complaint. He won awards for his volunteer community service to the BLACK community.
The fucking simian smashed his fist into Wilson's face and broke his eye socket b/c he knew wilson was going to arrest him for committing Strong Arm Robbery and BJ thought that once again he could bully and intimidate someone and get away with it like he had done since he was eight. FACT!
BJ's bum-boy Johnson has told the cops that yes BJ did try to get Wilson's gun and a shot went off.
All your BS lies have now become too inane to bother with.
I'd rather discuss this with adults.
Permanent ignore.
Wow what an idiot, from the beginning it has been made quite public this cop had never shot anyone and had no disciplinary actions on his record. Of course since you are only interested in keeping the turmoil up you find the need to publicly display your ignorance by expelling such shit and being proud enough to put your moronic signature to it!!
I see, so people making up shit about the black guy is being intelligent, and making up shit about the cop is being an idiot.
You fuck-wit. Wilson had been on the force for six years. Never a single citizen complaint. He won awards for his volunteer community service to the BLACK community.
The fucking simian smashed his fist into Wilson's face and broke his eye socket b/c he knew wilson was going to arrest him for committing Strong Arm Robbery and BJ thought that once again he could bully and intimidate someone and get away with it like he had done since he was eight. FACT!
BJ's bum-boy Johnson has told the cops that yes BJ did try to get Wilson's gun and a shot went off.
All your BS lies have now become too inane to bother with.
I'd rather discuss this with adults.
Permanent ignore.
I'm gonna guess the concept of sarcasm goes right over your head.
The cop likely had a history of these kinds of violent outbursts. Dorion Johnson was just another victim by this cop. Many years older than Brown, the cop should have been guiding Brown into a future free of criminal acts rather than killing him. With his gun, the cop think's he's superman and can intimidate, even kill others if they don't obey his every command. This was not the first time the cop had committed this kind of violent outburst. Mark it down.

Got issues, huh?
I see, so people making up shit about the black guy is being intelligent, and making up shit about the cop is being an idiot.

Please provide any link in which you think "I made shit up about the black guy".......

I have presented the facts, including links most of the time, you on the other hand come out with pure racist Bull Shit trying to incite animosity on this board just like your "negro spring" counterparts .......
I'd not heard that. Wonder why the police waited days to report that piece of information. Very odd. Will he need facial reconstruction? From the “side of his face was swollen” to blowout orbital fracture? Hmm... Do you think it's possible the police are exaggerating the shooter's condition just a bit there to justify the shoot?

I've been punched quite a few times in my life. I never killed anyone for it. But then I'm not a cop.
Apparently you continue to behave in a manner that makes others punch you. You might want to ask yourself why. Or not.
The next time the person who punches you may decide it's not enough for you to learn how to behave yourself.
Funny. It seems your behaviour here is netting you the same level of disdain.
Robbers? It was shoplifting, and simple battery. at the worst.

Isnt that enough to indicate the character and demeanor of this young man? He had no respect for the law, other people or their property.

It is hardly a stretch of logic to think he would attack a cop.

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