Miami Herald: Trump Cuba Connections (news is flowing)


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Miami Herald: Trump Cuba Connections (news is flowing)
72 percent republicans in Miami Dade are Cuban Americans and half of them support Embargo
Revelations that Donald Trump’s hotel and casino company secretly spent money trying to do business in Cuba in violation of the U.S. trade embargo roiled Miami politics Thursday, forcing top Cuban-American Republicans to express concern about Trump’s dealings while maintaining that the allegation isn’t reason enough to disavow the presidential nominee yet.

Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts paid at least $68,000 to a consulting firm in late 1998 in an attempt to give Trump’s business a head start in Cuba if the U.S. loosened or lifted trade sanctions, according to a front-page Newsweek report titled “The Castro Connection.” The consulting firm, Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corp., later instructed the casino company to make the spending appear legal by saying it was for charity.

Read more here: Trump broke Cuban embargo, report says, roiling Miami politics

Trump is a real piece of work.
Bloomberg had this out there in July. If there was any possibility that the embargo was broken the Treasury Department would be all over it.

This is not a new bombshell at all.
Bloomberg had this out there in July. If there was any possibility that the embargo was broken the Treasury Department would be all over it.

This is not a new bombshell at all.

Well, it's one more lie, one more law broken.
Bloomberg had this out there in July. If there was any possibility that the embargo was broken the Treasury Department would be all over it.

This is not a new bombshell at all.
The statute of limitations has passed.
Bloomberg had this out there in July. If there was any possibility that the embargo was broken the Treasury Department would be all over it.

This is not a new bombshell at all.

Well, it's one more lie, one more law broken.

I would imagine that even to have travelled to Cuba they would have needed permission to do so from the Treasury Department and this would have been tracked at the time and deemed to be within the law.
Bloomberg had this out there in July. If there was any possibility that the embargo was broken the Treasury Department would be all over it.

This is not a new bombshell at all.

Well, it's one more lie, one more law broken.

I would imagine that even to have travelled to Cuba they would have needed permission to do so from the Treasury Department and this would have been tracked at the time and deemed to be within the law.

They spent money in Cuba, they broke the law. The government isn't going to know about it unless someone tells them.
MORE left wing media hype of a story that has its TRUE BEGINNINGS with Blow Job Cunton in the 1990's!

Newsmax ^ | 30 September 2016 | Mauricio Claver-Carone
This morning, Newsweek published a rather sensationalist (and hypocritical) story on Trump's involvement with a consulting firm that took a scouting trip to Cuba in 1998. Here's the gist. Trump's company apparently hired a consulting firm, Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corporation ("Seven Arrows"), to do a scouting trip to Cuba in 1998. Months after, Seven Arrows billed Trump's company over $68,000 for the trip. In the late 1990s — like today — the Bill Clinton Administration was licensing and encouraging U.S. companies to take scouting trips to Cuba, with the hope they would return and lobby Congress to ease...

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