Miami-Dade 11-Year-Old Is State's Youngest Known Coronavirus-Related Death. The kid also had a failed kidney operation


Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2020
Cryogenic capsule under area 51, I am not dead
Next we will hear that someone with a gunshot wound to the head that made it to the hospital before dying died of covid, lol this fake news has become seriously retarded at this point. The kid was 11, looked like he was perhaps 5, had no kidneys but covid did him in Jesus

Next we will hear that someone with a gunshot wound to the head that made it to the hospital before dying died of covid, lol this fake news has become seriously retarded at this point. The kid was 11, looked like he was perhaps 5, had no kidneys but covid did him in Jesus

They gotta make it look like a real plague is going on, at least until November.

That poor kid does look around 5. He must have had a lot of physical problems
They exhumed JFK and discovered he had Wuhan virus. Oswald is off the hook now. Turns out they exhumed Oswald and he, too, had Wuhan so now Ruby is exonerated.
What? JW Booth has been cleared? Wow!
Doesn’t matter. They were all racist and will be expunged from history anyway.
I personally find it inconceivable that the CDC doesn't routinely warn people who take prescription drugs that are structured to artificially lower the body's natural immunity. Shouldn't the same government agency that constantly warns healthy people about the use of hand sanitizers and masks also warn users of certain prescription drugs that their lowered immunity to disease might make them especially at risk? Maybe the CDC is on the big Pharma teat.
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Next we will hear that someone with a gunshot wound to the head that made it to the hospital before dying died of covid, lol this fake news has become seriously retarded at this point. The kid was 11, looked like he was perhaps 5, had no kidneys but covid did him in Jesus

Floyd died of coronavirus - cancel the riots!
Actual Deaths (23,000: almost twice the number of confirmed deaths)
As of May 1, New York City reported 13,156 confirmed deaths and 5,126 probable deaths (deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate but no laboratory test performed), for a total of 18,282 deaths [source]. The CDC on May 11 released its "Preliminary Estimate of Excess Mortality During the COVID-19 Outbreak — New York City, March 11–May 2, 2020" [source] in which it calculated an estimate of actual COVID-19 deaths in NYC by analyzing the "excess deaths" (defined as "the number of deaths above expected seasonal baseline levels, regardless of the reported cause of death") and found that, in addition to the confirmed and probable deaths reported by the city, there were an estimated 5,293 more deaths to be attributed. After adjusting for the previous day (May 1), we get 5,148 additional deaths, for a total of actual deaths of 13,156 confirmed + 5,126 probable + 5,148 additional excess deaths calculated by CDC = 23,430 actual COVID-19 deaths as of May 1, 2020 in New York City.

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