Mexico Commits Act Of War - Holds US Troops On US Side of Border

Why has Trump not responded yet?
---------------------------------------- and this sort of thing about 'USA military' being harassed has been documented since 1996 to 2006 with 231 cases . And the cases of 2006 to 2018 are not counted yet GGator . See my post number 71 for info GGator .
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit their ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?

What an intelligent comment. Start a war with Mexico and end up with a 100 million refuges. Absolutely brilliant.:cuckoo:
you'd have to use REAL FORCE to keep the 'affected' where they belong or send them south . Give the 'guats' and other 'otm' what they have been giving the USA Flopper .
or just take 'mexico' and part of central america over under the USA military Flopper .
The US soldiers fllowed federal protocol and cooperated.

The funny thing is that the Mexicans drove off in an unmarked vehicle.
they were wearing non-standard uniforms. No Flag or nation symbols. This makes them unknown combatants and can be shot on sight.
------------------------------------------ and if true , then why weren't they shot or at east hunted down and thrown in the clink eh BillyBob ??
Black Ops... Some of us understand that these things go on.. The fact they are going on on our border should piss us all off.
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit their ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?

What an intelligent comment. Start a war with Mexico and end up with a 100 million refuges. Absolutely brilliant.:cuckoo:
We've got 22 million illegals now with 1.5 million coming this year alone.

We have Mexican military on US soil ... again ... This time disarming US military members and holding them as prisoners ... and our military is being told to surrender their weapons on US soil to a foreign military.


Democrats have already forfeited our sovereignty by refusing to secure our borders and allowing millions of illegals to flood across our borders and into the US....

So now you're advocating our troops surrendering to foreign militaries on US soil....

And you're insinuating that I am crazy...

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Heavily armed men escort migrants across US border, surveillance video shows

"New government video obtained by Fox News shows heavily armed men at the U.S.-Mexico border escorting a migrant mother and son into the United States. Border Patrol officials told Fox News this is an unusual event and express concern that it will become a more regular occurrence – possibly leading to violence.

The video shows four to five men in full tactical gear and masks -- carrying long guns and AK-47 assault rifles – escort a Guatemalan woman and her 8-year-old child under a vehicle barrier."

Perhaps our military should have dropped their weapins, put their hands up, walked towards the heavily armed masked gunmen, and helped them get the foreign criminals across into the US....?!

Instead, these two should have been double-tapped in the head and left just in the other side of the border while the illegals being escorted turned back and spread the word of what happened as a warning...

'Armed militant human trafficking trespassers will be shot!"
Why has Trump not responded yet?
---------------------------------------- and this sort of thing about 'USA military' being harassed has been documented since 1996 to 2006 with 231 cases . And the cases of 2006 to 2018 are not counted yet GGator . See my post number 71 for info GGator .

All the more reason someone should be doing something about it.
Why has Trump not responded yet?
---------------------------------------- and this sort of thing about 'USA military' being harassed has been documented since 1996 to 2006 with 231 cases . And the cases of 2006 to 2018 are not counted yet GGator . See my post number 71 for info GGator .

All the more reason someone should be doing something about it.
------------------------------------------- agree , and that something shoulda been done right before 'repubs' - reagan and old man bush - did their first amnesty in 1986 GGator . I'm thinking that that first amnesty was a wedding gift to ' jebito and mexican wife columba ' and their mexican kids that would turn politician . -------------- see 'jorge bush' of Texas GGator .
but nothing will be done . USA population in 2010 census was 310 million and illegal aliens are all over the place GGator .
Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil.

Is it a 'crisis' / 'emergency' NOW?

"On April 13, at around 2 p.m. Central Time, a group of five or six suspected Mexican soldiers approached an unmarked vehicle of two U.S. soldiers stationed at the border in El Paso County, Texas, and ordered them out of the vehicle. According to Newsweek, which obtained the “serious incident report,” the soldiers were in fact active duty members of B Battery, 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, not from a National Guard unit. The Mexican soldiers disarmed one of the U.S. soldiers and placed his sideaerm in the U.S. vehicle.

While the soldiers were parked south of the border fence near Clint, Texas, they were north of the Rio Grande riverbed, which placed them “appropriately in U.S. territory,” according to Maj. Mark Lazane, a spokesman for NORTHCOM. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Department of Defense (DOD), after inquiring of the Mexican government, were informed that the Mexican soldiers thought that the Americans were south of the border. “

Ok, the Mexican soldiers thought the US soldiers were in Mexican territory...that still does not explain why Mexican troops WERE IN US TERRITORY...and engaging US troops / disarming US troops.

Our military should have lit their ass up!

Mexican soldiers detain American soldiers on U.S. soil. Government response: ?

how could that happen when Mexico only has one set of jumper cables?
Two GI's sitting in an unmarked car in a wandering border area.....As soon as the Federales figured out who they were and where THEY were, it ended. Remember, mehico is helping us at the moment stopping caravans while the Rats are financing and transporting them in....We have to play nice with the mehican government until we get the House back.
"Mehican" government is failing abysmally at their efforts to stop those caravans. Could it be intentional failure?
BAD INCIDENT , and after that the 'mexicans' would know better than to feck around Ringel .
So are you a chicken hawk or a war hawk? :dunno:

If N Korean Soldiers tried to Apprehend American Soldiers in S Korean territory There would be a really bad outcome what's the difference here
this isn't n korea.
most soldiers over there are not in an unmarked car
the border is heavily guarded and "none shall pass" so if you do it's for a reason

need i go on?
Two GI's sitting in an unmarked car in a wandering border area.....As soon as the Federales figured out who they were and where THEY were, it ended. Remember, mehico is helping us at the moment stopping caravans while the Rats are financing and transporting them in....We have to play nice with the mehican government until we get the House back.
"Mehican" government is failing abysmally at their efforts to stop those caravans. Could it be intentional failure?
---------------------------------- not doing anything and that goes for the USA and 'mexico' . Trump just seems to be letting them in and distributing them throughout the USA GWarrior .
Two GI's sitting in an unmarked car in a wandering border area.....As soon as the Federales figured out who they were and where THEY were, it ended. Remember, mehico is helping us at the moment stopping caravans while the Rats are financing and transporting them in....We have to play nice with the mehican government until we get the House back.
"Mehican" government is failing abysmally at their efforts to stop those caravans. Could it be intentional failure?
---------------------------------- not doing anything and that goes for the USA and 'mexico' . Trump just seems to be letting them in and distributing them throughout the USA GWarrior .
Distributing Mexican military? Or the other third-world invaders? How could President Trump change that in any way that would not incur violent media response? How do you get Congress to recognize and support President Trump's campaign to defend our border?
I'll tell ya, if any of these invaders reach Alaska, they will encounter significant...opposition. 200 acres and a backhoe...
Two GI's sitting in an unmarked car in a wandering border area.....As soon as the Federales figured out who they were and where THEY were, it ended. Remember, mehico is helping us at the moment stopping caravans while the Rats are financing and transporting them in....We have to play nice with the mehican government until we get the House back.
"Mehican" government is failing abysmally at their efforts to stop those caravans. Could it be intentional failure?
---------------------------------- not doing anything and that goes for the USA and 'mexico' . Trump just seems to be letting them in and distributing them throughout the USA GWarrior .
so - the guy who wants to build a wall to keep them out is simply now "letting them in" and the man who israel loves is a nazi.

the left really is working hard to jack up what is "normal".
Two GI's sitting in an unmarked car in a wandering border area.....As soon as the Federales figured out who they were and where THEY were, it ended. Remember, mehico is helping us at the moment stopping caravans while the Rats are financing and transporting them in....We have to play nice with the mehican government until we get the House back.
"Mehican" government is failing abysmally at their efforts to stop those caravans. Could it be intentional failure?
---------------------------------- not doing anything and that goes for the USA and 'mexico' . Trump just seems to be letting them in and distributing them throughout the USA GWarrior .
Distributing Mexican military? Or the other third-world invaders? How could President Trump change that in any way that would not incur violent media response? How do you get Congress to recognize and support President Trump's campaign to defend our border?
I'll tell ya, if any of these invaders reach Alaska, they will encounter significant...opposition. 200 acres and a backhoe...
----------------------------------- distributing third world invaders all over the USA , see 'burlinton vermont' or 'podunk ideeho' to see the 'fifth column' on display Gallant Warrior . I think i answered your question or thought . ---------------- as a comment i personally don't care about violent media reaction GWarrior .
Two GI's sitting in an unmarked car in a wandering border area.....As soon as the Federales figured out who they were and where THEY were, it ended. Remember, mehico is helping us at the moment stopping caravans while the Rats are financing and transporting them in....We have to play nice with the mehican government until we get the House back.
"Mehican" government is failing abysmally at their efforts to stop those caravans. Could it be intentional failure?
---------------------------------- not doing anything and that goes for the USA and 'mexico' . Trump just seems to be letting them in and distributing them throughout the USA GWarrior .
Distributing Mexican military? Or the other third-world invaders? How could President Trump change that in any way that would not incur violent media response? How do you get Congress to recognize and support President Trump's campaign to defend our border?
I'll tell ya, if any of these invaders reach Alaska, they will encounter significant...opposition. 200 acres and a backhoe...
--------------------------- aw well , does 'congress' have a military in these years that they are destroying the USA GWarrior ??

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