Mexican Swine Flu Could Be The Expected 9/11-like “Event”


We all have to die of something.

When's the last time you shut the fuck up and actually looked for things about life to ENJOY?
Greetings to All:

The CDC is dispensing the H1N1 Nasal Spray Vaccine containing 'live virus' strains that is aiding the transmission/gestation/mutation phase of the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Genocide Campaign (link).

[ame=""]KXLY News Story[/ame]

The H1N1 Injection Vaccine is on hold in most locations, until the general population is 'primed' using the Nasal Spray Vaccine that is allowing the H1N1 Herald Wave Virus Strain to spread unhindered. We should expect the mild wave strain to continue spreading at record pace, until the H1N1 Injections cause this Herald Wave Strain to mutate into something terrible that begins killing thousands and then millions of people in the coming months.

[ame=""]Listen To A Regular Girl With Some Common Sense[/ame]

[ame=""]These Ladies Have Good Common Sense Too[/ame]

[ame=""]All Of The Warning Signs Point To "Depopulation"!!![/ame]

[ame=""]Your Concentration Camp Form[/ame]


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"Misinformation based on one-time 1976 tragedy add to swine flu vaccine confusion"

Misinformation based on one-time 1976 tragedy add to swine flu vaccine confusion - St. Petersburg Times
PolitiFact was less generous with a bogus claim from a chain e-mail that an Iowa policy "provides for a state roundup of Iowa citizens who might be exposed to the swine flu virus." Some bloggers likened it to concentration camps for people with H1N1.

"Given that the virus is already widespread in the United States and worldwide and is presenting the same sort of disease we see with regular seasonal flu, CDC does not intend to issue quarantine or isolation orders for 2009 H1N1 flu at this time," said Christine Pearson of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In short, no mandatory vaccines; no quarantines.
Terral would you do me a favor? Please say that Barack Obama is going to be re-elected. That will be a huge relief because I know that none of your predictions ever come true.
Iran's supposed to have been attacked "in the coming months" now for 5 years, AT LEAST???

Everything is always supposed to be happening "in the coming months".

How convenient.
Iran's supposed to have been attacked "in the coming months" now for 5 years, AT LEAST???

Everything is always supposed to be happening "in the coming months".

How convenient.
and when it doesnt happen, they just push the date back
Greetings to All:

Global Genocide is nearer to becoming the New World Order Reality with every passing day. Entry

By Alex S.

My head hangs low as I contemplate this coming week where we may likely begin to see the injectable form of this deadly cocktail rolled out to “90,000 sites” according to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who recently on Oct 7 reiterated that all americans “must” get the vaccine. (see the RSS feeds from down the left column)

Something here does not add up, and if you’ve been following this blog from the beginning, of course you’ll understand why by now. If you are new to this blog and just reading for the first time, you should be very able to easily find out why you do NOT want to be taking this “swine flu” vaccine, and learn about the history of this dark agenda about WHY anyone would want to vaccinate millions with something toxic purposefully – if I have done my job well. For those getting to this blog for the first time, please review the entire Granada Forum lecture on the Lab Origins of H1N1 and the Toxic Eugenic Vaccination Program recently given September 3, 2009 by Dr. Bill Deagle MD, streamed on YouTube for free, or order the DVD. This is the most concise and thorough Swine Flu 101 you can get.

Also I strongly suggest everyone review the published papers of Dr. A True Ott PhD ND which are all available here. These should give everyone an even deeper understanding of the depths from which this agenda originates.

The Blog Log in the left column lists hotlinks to all posts from the beginning of this blog, in chronological order.

The PDF library in the left column has a wealth of relevant content – all downloadable for free.

The Audio-Video library in the left column contains many lectures from respected experts, and other relevant pieces from many sources.

Reviewing: on June 11, 2009 the WHO (world homicide organization) declared level 6 pandemic, which automatically assigned it dictatorial powers over all 194 nations signatory to UN charter, of which the USA is one. Sovereign states are not party to treaties entered into by the federal government without their proper ratification. The US has the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act just waiting to be invoked.

To date we have absolutely NO disclosure about the contents of these H1N1 “swine flu” vaccines from so far FIVE different manufacturers, there is no record of any peer-reviewed testing, no-one has been given a sample of the shot to test, the FDA has fast-tracked it past their testing straight to approval, and all vaccine manufacturers have been granted blanket immunity by the federal government against any injury claims stemming from the use of their vaccines.

If these vaccines are so “safe”, why then (1) aren’t we being shown the list of ingredients and (2) why is it necessary to grant manufacturers federal protection from injury claims arising out of the use of their vaccines?

Upon inspection of the MedImmune circular and the MedImmune patent, it becomes clear this mist includes LIVE unique reassortant H1N1 variant virus – which means it can ONLY cause recombinant activity in the host, making the subject a literal walking bioreactor shedding recombinant virus substrains for as many as 21 days after inoculation. Warnings to health professionals are clearly printed and yet ignored by those administering the mists nationwide to unknowing children of uninformed consenting parents. Kids are now reportedly getting the sickest they’ve ever been in their lives only four days after getting the nasal mist, and now we are beginning to count resultant deaths.

Meanwhile insider reporting tells us to prepare by Thanksgiving for a ramp-up in millions of dollars of propaganda advertisements from the CDC (center for disease circulation) attempting to convince us ALL to get the shot, that the reason the pandemic is so widespread is the fault of those who have NOT gotten the shot; meanwhile, the pandemic becomes increasingly widespread as the deadly viruses are released to the public by way of the very vaccines these “public service announcements” claim will protect you from infection. (Continued)
The CDC and American Health Care Organizations are withholding the H1N1 Injection Vaccines in order to open all 90,000 Vaccination Locations at nearly the same time. That way, the largest number of Sheeple will already be infected by the time everyone realizes that they have been DUPED into participating in the Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Genocide Program. The whole world is going to change when people start dying by the thousands and then millions from this H1N1 Biological Weapon 'and' Obama comes onto the TV to declare Medical Martial Law.


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Greetings to All:
Global Genocide is nearer to becoming the New World Order Reality with every passing day.Terral
You realize how crazy you sound right?:
"Greetings all. We're all gonna' die a horrific death at the the hands of global conspirators. I know it's true because I'm smarter than all of you.
Have a nice day".
Terral :D
Again, True Ott is not a Doctor so you shouldn't try to lend credence to his insane ramblings by conveying the title of Doctor on him.

And where are the bodies from Swine Flu Pandemic Terral?
Greetings to All:
Global Genocide is nearer to becoming the New World Order Reality with every passing day.Terral
You realize how crazy you sound right?:
"Greetings all. We're all gonna' die a horrific death at the the hands of global conspirators. I know it's true because I'm smarter than all of you.
Have a nice day".
Terral :D
Again, True Ott is not a Doctor so you shouldn't try to lend credence to his insane ramblings by conveying the title of Doctor on him.

And where are the bodies from Swine Flu Pandemic Terral?
looks like he's a PhD, not an MD
Greetings to All:
Global Genocide is nearer to becoming the New World Order Reality with every passing day.Terral
You realize how crazy you sound right?:
"Greetings all. We're all gonna' die a horrific death at the the hands of global conspirators. I know it's true because I'm smarter than all of you.
Have a nice day".
Terral :D
Again, True Ott is not a Doctor so you shouldn't try to lend credence to his insane ramblings by conveying the title of Doctor on him.

And where are the bodies from Swine Flu Pandemic Terral?
looks like he's a PhD, not an MD

But that allows Terral to put "Doctor" to spin his opinions.

Most people won't do enough due dilligence to dig deep enough to find that fact out, and simply trust the word based on the "doctor" part.
Hi Mad:

Again, True Ott is not a Doctor so you shouldn't try to lend credence to his insane ramblings by conveying the title of Doctor on him.

Dr. True Ott describes his credentials in opening this 12-part presentation on the H5N1 Influenza Virus.

[ame=]Dr. True Ott On The Avian/Bird Flu Hoax 1/12[/ame]

Trying to attack Dr. True Ott's credibility is throwing effort after complete foolishness. Dr. Bill Deagle recognizes Dr. True Ott as A DOCTOR ( Info) and he has more letters behind his name than anyone I know:

Nutrimedical Online Database


American Board Family Physician

Both of these doctors have more medical training and experience than anybody here BY FAR. This Swine11 Topic has plenty of testimony from doctors who agree with Dr. True Ott like . . .

[ame=]Dr. Leonard Horowitz On H5N1-H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus[/ame]

And . . .

[ame=]Dr. Rebecca Carley[/ame]

And . . .

[ame=]Dr. Kent Holtorf[/ame]

And . . . How many doctor warnings do you need????

And where are the bodies from Swine Flu Pandemic Terral?

The Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Doctors (story) are priming the population using the 'Spray Mist' Live Virus Campaign, which is extending the transmission/gestation/mutation phase of the Genocide Operation. Next we will see the Vaccine Injection Phase where the mutagen is introduced to create several pandemic waves. These pandemic waves will converge and the virus will begin gathering recombinant DNA material to create many different killer strains and a few super strains. THEN your bodies will begin piling up and FEMA can begin filling those plastic coffins . . .

[ame=]FEMA Coffins For You[/ame]


So what exactly officially happened on Oct. 15th, Terral?

I was driving right though DC on the 15th, and it seemed business as usual. SURELY there would have been checkpoints in such an important

So we have no checkpoints yet like you promised, only backpeddling and changing of the potentials to conveniently buy you more time before you lose the last .000001% of credibility you have left.

Where's the checkpoints Terral? Where's those bracelets? Where's the federally forced vaccination campaign?

The vaccine is officially available now as far as I know, so why haven't they ordered the mass vaccination yet?

What the FUCK, Terral, do you LIKE looking this stupid? You're continually relying on one damn doctor who isn't getting ANYTHING right...

And the best part about your entire premise to date, was when you actually had the audacity to use Glenn Beck as a supporting source!! A conspiracy theorist such as your caliber actually USED the mainstream media to back up a claim!!

I mean, Beck's probably the craziest nutball on news TV right now, whether you're a lefty OR a righty!!!

You crack me up, my man.

I've been having a bit of a cough lately, and just fought off a cold with a ton of tea and some Day-Quil. Are you worried for my safety, or do you think I'll be ok?
Hi Paulie:

So what exactly officially happened on Oct. 15th, Terral?

My October 15, 2009 military checkpoint thesis was based upon the testimony of Endtime777 (first video). The virus has yet to mutate, so Medical Martial Law remains very much in the future. I told everyone that her prediction seemed unlikely in my update post on October 12, 2009 (here), if you were paying any attention.

You should be listening to Dr. Bill Deagle on the Nutrimedical Report every day (here), because he will be among the first to know 'when' the H1N1 Bio-weapon Virus 'mutates' into something more dangerous. THEN Obama will come onto the TV and declare Medical Martial Law and THEN the crap will hit the fan . . .

The last prediction I heard from Dr. Deagle is that the vaccine campaign will cause the start of the 'second wave' sometime around Thanksgiving. I can tell you 'what' will happen (the virus 'will' mutate), but 'when' remains the unknown variable in the Genocide Equation . . .

Of course, Paulie :)confused:) must find some way to attack 'my person,' because he is completely useless for making any contributions to these Conspiracy Theory Topics . . .


Terral, my contribution has, and always will be, that you're wrong.

I base it on your continual misses on dates, and how the events will happen. And I also base it on the fact that you use an unknown person on youtube that claims she's a military member, and says that the country's sheriff units are about to start collaborating with the military to set up check points and instal bracelets on everyone who gets a shot, and haul everyone else off to some kind of camp if they refuse.

What kind of "info" do I need, other than the lack of YOURS coming true?

A contribution is simply any post made in the thread. That you aren't satisfied with it doesn't make it any less of one.
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Hi Paulie:

Terral, my contribution has, and always will be, that you're wrong.

Here Paulie (click here)! You need more crying towels than all of these other USMB members combined . . .

Paulie says I am 'WRONG' about the Empty Hole outside Shanksville:

My Topic:


Okay Paulie: Explain how I am WRONG about the EMPTY HOLE! :0)

Paul says I am WRONG about the Empty Hole at the Pentagon:

My Topic:


Okay Paulie: I see the EMPTY HOLE that contains NO 100-Ton Jetliner.


Here is another picture of the EMPTY HOLE. Go right ahead and bring out your evidence proving that I am WRONG. The fact is that I am right! And the same Inside Job Terrorists are about to cull more than 90 percent of the Global Population using the H1N1 Swine11 Biological Weapon that is about to mutate into a Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics/Genocidal MONSTER.

[ame=]Swine11 Genocide Created In USA Military Laboratory Just For Sheeple Like You[/ame]


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Terral, in this thread we're talking about Swine Flu.

Why would I use any info about what happened on 9/11 to make a contribution on Swine Flu?

I don't trust the government. I don't fully trust them on their explanation for everything about 9/11, and I don't trust them on their voracious vaccine programs. That's still not good enough for you though, becuase my beliefs aren't EXACTLY the same as yours.

It cracks me up when truthers argue with each other over their theories, when at the end of the day, the main premise of the entire ideology is that the government is out to fuck the citizens. Who really cares EXACTLY how they may have pulled off a conspiracy, assuming they have? You'll never get it mainstream.

If there's really a government conspiracy regarding these topics, they've no doubt got people in place PURPOSEFULLY dividing you so that even YOU can not unite.

Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book. It's worked since day one, and always will.

Just give it up, refuse your vaccine, and try to find something about life which you can focus on to fulfill the genetic human desire to live as contently as possible.

I don't even support John Maynard Keynes, but he was absolutely right when he said "In the end, we're all dead".

I sincerely hope you don't have children. If you do, take them outside and fucking be a damn parent. Show them what's BEAUTIFUL about life, not what's HORRIBLE.
Hi Paulie:

Terral, in this thread we're talking about Swine Flu.

Check the Topic Title again. This Mexican Swine Flu Is The Expected 9/11-like EVENT. The same people who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks 'and' the same people orchestrating the U.S./Global Meltdown 'are' the same people (Rothschild/Rockefeller) who own the Federal Reserve 'and' the same people who murdered JFK. All of these stories are related 'and' Global Genocide is their goal 'and' you said that I am WRONG. Okay, so back up 'your claims' . . .

I am right about 9/11 'and' about the coming H1N1 Biological Weapon-created "Holocaust" right here in the USA . . .

Dr. Leonard Horowitz Video

Paulie :)cuckoo:) needs to run down and get his H1N1 Vaccination ASAP . . .


Hi Mad:

Again, True Ott is not a Doctor so you shouldn't try to lend credence to his insane ramblings by conveying the title of Doctor on him.

Dr. True Ott describes his credentials in opening this 12-part presentation on the H5N1 Influenza Virus.

[ame=]Dr. True Ott On The Avian/Bird Flu Hoax 1/12[/ame]

Trying to attack Dr. True Ott's credibility is throwing effort after complete foolishness. Dr. Bill Deagle recognizes Dr. True Ott as A DOCTOR ( Info) and he has more letters behind his name than anyone I know:

Nutrimedical Online Database


American Board Family Physician

Both of these doctors have more medical training and experience than anybody here BY FAR. This Swine11 Topic has plenty of testimony from doctors who agree with Dr. True Ott like . . .

[ame=]Dr. Leonard Horowitz On H5N1-H1N1 Bio-Weapon Virus[/ame]

And . . .

[ame=]Dr. Rebecca Carley[/ame]

And . . .

[ame=]Dr. Kent Holtorf[/ame]

And . . . How many doctor warnings do you need????

And where are the bodies from Swine Flu Pandemic Terral?

The Rothschild/Rockefeller Eugenics Doctors (story) are priming the population using the 'Spray Mist' Live Virus Campaign, which is extending the transmission/gestation/mutation phase of the Genocide Operation. Next we will see the Vaccine Injection Phase where the mutagen is introduced to create several pandemic waves. These pandemic waves will converge and the virus will begin gathering recombinant DNA material to create many different killer strains and a few super strains. THEN your bodies will begin piling up and FEMA can begin filling those plastic coffins . . .

[ame=]FEMA Coffins For You[/ame]



greast videos Terral,Mad is clearly in denial about any kind of government corruption or conspiracys so he of course wont watch it.These videos definetely take him to school.Of course he wont watch them.he always runs off when challenged to think.Dr Horiwitz really knows his stuff.I have read books of his before.He is extremely intelligent, so Im glad you showed that video of his along with the other doctor videos you always,people wont listen to them though ,they dont want to hear what the EXPERTS have to say.:cuckoo:

they just want to sit back and hope that it goes away.I saw a video made from a doctor about the harmful effects 0f the flu shot on children at a citizens concerned for truth meeting i went to in my city and the things that she talked about that are in the vaccines just made me want to vomit.
If i was to do some reading on vaccines, i wouldnt do it at any of your wacky sites. Its funny though, because out of all the endless reading YOUVE probably done on the subject, you still have no facts either! Imagine all the hours youve wasted reading pure shit on your nutjob websites.

Seriously though, i would much rather spend my time reading MMA stuff, than reading the rantings of madmen. I can tell you all kinds of stuff about MMA though.

OK so you basically admit you have never read about the historical benefits and failures of vaccines or the potential risk from any source in any depth which is already clear..if it is of no interest to you that's fine but it does effect the value of your opinion...but hey cool.. I am a big fan for many years and took judo as a has served me well over the years ..and when those first ufc videos came out I got hooked and have been ever since

Damn, im not sure how to respond to this. On one hand, i want to make fun of you and your wacky theories, yet on the other, you are a fan of MMA and i generally like to stick up for my fellow MMA fans. Soooo torn.

P.S. Im a brown belt in Taekwondo

Seeing as how your posts are as childish as Ditzcons are kid and you tell lies constantly,I seriously cant believe this one either.:lol: THIS is your moronic post to Eots very good post he made? further proof that the experts knowledge means NOTHING to you and further proof that your afraid of the truth about governmetn conspiracys like Ditzcon and only see and hear what you WANT to.The fact that you wont wacth videos on what these expert doctors say just proves that kid.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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