Terral Corp CEO
- Mar 4, 2009
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Greetings to All:
This thread is dedicated to debunking Craig Ranke’s claims that:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=schV0rKCRwA"]Don Wright News Testimony[/ame]
We have plenty of eyewitness testimony saying a 'smaller jet' hit the Pentagon, which happened at exactly 9:36:27 AM some 4-minutes and 48-seconds 'after' the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (What Really Happened). Aldo, Craig and Dominick (I know these guys very well) are guilty of selecting specific evidence that supports ‘their’ own “What Did NOT Happen” Theories, while ignoring, and even attacking, everyone disagreeing with their CIT Stupidity. I have tried several times to join their silly CIT Board and the boys are just too chicken. :0)
Somebody look at this picture and tell me that a DoD missile could NOT have created this damage. Well? :0) We have a 45-degree angle line of destruction (pic and pic and pic) running from the outer Route 27 Cloverleaf through the light poles, through the E-ring impact hole and straight through the C-ring hole (pic) saying all of the destruction was created in ‘one’ single attack. However, the DoD Jet began clipping the light poles, so the radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick and created the need for the 4 minute and 48 second circle and subsequent ‘second’ attack that Craig and his buddies think is the ‘first’ attack. These guys have no Pentagon Timeline (mine is here) to place their events in chronological order, which means they are not even running a serious investigation at all!
The thread was posted at Phil Jayhan's LetsRoll Board (archive link = scroll to top of page), but the DoD Ops running that DoD-run Board deleted my work (about ten posts) before banning me from their midst entirely. Now these USMB mods have joined the game by also deleting my "The LetsRoll Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy" thread (was here = see my blog entry here) without sending me any notification and under the guise of "Moved:," when in reality my work was 'deleted' yet again. :0)
DoD Operatives/Handlers/Assets are running their Counterintelligence/Disinformation Cover-Up Campaign 'everywhere,' as they do everything to hide 'the' 911Truth out-of-sight and out-of-mind; even right here on the USMB Board. These facts tell you that just one 'real' 911Truther armed with 'the' 911Truth can stand against an entire army of DoD Counterintelligence Disinformation Bad Guys waltzing around and trying to convince you of something else . . .
This thread is dedicated to debunking Craig Ranke’s claims that:
Craig’s claims are in direct contradiction to my own explanations of what really happened at the Pentagon (thread and thread), so let us see if the evidence agrees with Craig or not:There Was No Missile At the Pentagon - But the Plane Did Not Hit (link)
(an open letter to the 9/11 truth movement)
by: Craig Ranke
Citizen Investigation Team
February 26, 2009
No. CIT has made it their business to create as many rabbit holes as possible leading everywhere ‘and’ nowhere to throw a ton of dust into the air and hide the fact that the Pentagon was actually struck by a Raytheon Missile at 9:31:39 AM (Pentagon clocks). Yes. The DoD Jet did fly over the E-ring roof during this initial missile strike, but the remote-controlled Jet made a wide turn to the north and returned to strike this same location at 9:36:27 AM just 4 minutes and 48 seconds later. We know this is true by the fact that Terry Cohen ran to the original impact hole in a matter of seconds to see “Just Smoke” (1st video here) like Lloyd England reported seeing only “inside-the-building fires” (Barbara Honegger’s famous paper). The massive ‘fire’ outside the Pentagon (bottom pic) only started in conjunction with Lloyd’s “Big Boom” (story) exactly 4 minutes and 48 seconds ‘after’ the original missile strike. Craig is ignoring a ton of Pentagon evidence to prop up what ‘did not’ happen at the Pentagon . . .Craig >> Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) has made it our mission to provide independent verifiable evidence revealing what truly happened at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iD0qpbwHCYI"]Michael Kelly News Testimony[/ame]Craig >> As it turns out we have been extremely successful in obtaining quite a large body of evidence that fatally contradicts the official story specifically proving how the attack jet that flew tree-top level over Arlington timed perfectly with the explosion did not hit the building as reported. Naturally such a scenario proves a complex conspiracy on 9/11 every bit as much as controlled demolition of the World Trade Center.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=schV0rKCRwA"]Don Wright News Testimony[/ame]
We have plenty of eyewitness testimony saying a 'smaller jet' hit the Pentagon, which happened at exactly 9:36:27 AM some 4-minutes and 48-seconds 'after' the original 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike (What Really Happened). Aldo, Craig and Dominick (I know these guys very well) are guilty of selecting specific evidence that supports ‘their’ own “What Did NOT Happen” Theories, while ignoring, and even attacking, everyone disagreeing with their CIT Stupidity. I have tried several times to join their silly CIT Board and the boys are just too chicken. :0)
What a joke! This guy is the king of disinformation trying to call the kettle black! This is like a scam artist saying to watch out for scams . . .Craig >> When considering a world-wide psychological black operation on this level we must also consider the counter measures that go along with it. Specifically counter-intelligence efforts otherwise known as disinformation that have been deliberately implemented to throw truth seekers off course.
Craig is rambling aimlessly in a paper that should have stated his hypothesis at the very top rather than trying to qualify himself and his work as anything but counterintelligence (one word) disinformation. I run through all of the evidence in explaining how April Gallop and her son were injured during the 9:31:39 AM missile strike (here). The fact is that we have photographic evidence of the missile on final approach and about to strike the Pentagon, but Craig simply ignores any evidence that does not fit into his little CIT theory. Note that Craig is talking about a singular “attack,” which represents the biggest problem with his hypothesis. Craig is trying to cram all the evidence from the ‘two attacks’ into one event, which means he must discredit the testimony of about half of his eyewitnesses.Craig >> As far as the Pentagon attack is concerned, the evidence we have uncovered reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that the missile theory was the result of a very calculated, deliberate, and extremely effective counter-intelligence effort.
Here is the deal concerning CIT in a nutshell: Aldo started a silly thread about me and my work on the new Loose Change Board (here) and Dominick promptly pasted some of my work for Aldo to begin ‘debunking’ (Post #2). What a joke! The end result was that these guys found a way to get me banned (Aldo’s prediction) from the Loose Change Board (‘see you in a week’ = “you are gone!” = same here and here), because none of them are man enough to debate me on this Pentagon Topic.Craig >> The primary results of this complex effort have been to throw us off course, cause a split in the movement (divide & conquer), and create factions that have launched furious campaigns to accept some sort of a plane impact or else avoid the Pentagon attack all together because it's too "divisive".
Craig is rambling aimlessly and proving nothing – as usual . . .Craig >> In addition to contacting as many of the previously published witnesses we could get a hold of we canvassed the neighborhood on foot to find previously unknown witnesses who have never spoken with the media or authorities.
Bullony! Craig is talking to people years after the fact, when we have clear evidence from the pictures and accounts taking place on the very day of the 9/11 attacks! The CIT guys listen to whoever agrees with their theories and they disregard everything else.Craig >> No other evidence could possibly be any more independent than first-hand accounts from random witnesses that we could find on the street.
Since Craig is trying to compact the information from ‘two attacks’ into a single 9:38 AM event, then he is chasing rabbits down the wrong holes from start to finish. I have told him that on the phone and the guy continues in the wrong direction anyway . . .Craig >> As it turned out, time and time again we heard the same story from absolutely everyone we could find. They all saw a very large low flying twin-engine commercial aircraft timed perfectly with a big explosion at the Pentagon.
Due to the complex topography and landscape most could not see the alleged impact point of the Pentagon and simply saw the plane and heard or saw the explosion in the distance and therefore assumed the plane must have hit as we were all told by the media and authorities.
Now Craig is simply lying. We just saw two witnesses in Michael Kelly and Don Wright who both saw a smaller twin-engine jet fly directly into the Pentagon in the two News Videos above. The 9:31:39 AM missile went hypersonic to cover the final half mile in under one second, so obviously nobody ‘saw’ the missile; but people ‘did’ see the DoD Jet like they reported to Terry Cohen in her News Video. The nonsense connected to Craig’s “What did not happen” hypothesis is easy to discredit by simply looking at the pictures:Craig >> But absolutely nobody we spoke with saw 2 planes, nobody saw a small plane or drone, and nobody saw anything remotely resembling a missile.
Somebody look at this picture and tell me that a DoD missile could NOT have created this damage. Well? :0) We have a 45-degree angle line of destruction (pic and pic and pic) running from the outer Route 27 Cloverleaf through the light poles, through the E-ring impact hole and straight through the C-ring hole (pic) saying all of the destruction was created in ‘one’ single attack. However, the DoD Jet began clipping the light poles, so the radio-control operator pulled back on the joystick and created the need for the 4 minute and 48 second circle and subsequent ‘second’ attack that Craig and his buddies think is the ‘first’ attack. These guys have no Pentagon Timeline (mine is here) to place their events in chronological order, which means they are not even running a serious investigation at all!
Imagine nothing. This guy is just ‘talking’ and proving nothing . . .Craig >> Imagine what your impression of the truth movement would be if you were a witness in the neighborhood who saw the plane but later heard about missile conspiracy theories.
No. These guys play with the Pentagon evidence and witnesses like children having no idea about what they are even talking about. The idea that CIT can prove that ‘no missile struck the Pentagon’ is ridiculous apart from his thesis, claims and evidentiary support for ‘what did hit the Pentagon’ at 9:31:39 AM.Craig >> Those aware of our work understand how we have uncovered that the real smoking gun is the true flight path of the plane which is entirely irreconcilable with all official data, reports, and the physical damage proving the plane people saw did not hit the building. The entire body of evidence we provide is available for free on our website here.
Now Craig is interviewing 9:36:27 AM “Second Attack” witnesses who saw the DoD Jet strike the Pentagon using the ‘North’ of Citgo Flight Path (in blue), while ignoring the 9:31:39 AM witness testimony altogether. The light poles were knocked down during the 9:31 AM missile strike when Lloyd England’s taxi cab was hit by Pole #1. The “Big Boom” takes place at the ‘second’ attack that Craig’s witnesses ‘did’ see.Craig >> So the independent witnesses who were in the critical area right in front of the alleged impact side of the Pentagon all reported a single jet at the time of the attack however in the wrong place to hit the light poles or cause the damage to the building.
This is nonsense. We have witnesses who saw the ‘plane’ and ‘light poles’ flying around ‘and’ some that even saw Lloyd’s taxi cab struck by Pole #1 (search “taxi”). I answer all of Craig’s objections to the light pole witnesses (here) if anybody is interested.Craig >> But nothing at all was reported to have been witnessed on the necessary flight path to cause the physical damage. Because we have been unable to find a single piece of independent evidence for anything on the south side flight path we have logically concluded that the damage to the building was covertly implemented with pre-planted explosives similar to how they brought down the three WTC towers.
Craig just keeps talking and talking and talking without offering up any third-party support for ANYTHING.Craig >> For years the truth movement has sat back and theorized primarily based off the available images of the event. No comprehensive independent effort to talk with the witnesses first-hand (and provide recorded accounts) had been undertaken by the media, authorities, or the official story skeptics. [snip Craig’s ramblings]
No. Donald Rumsfeld even says the Pentagon was struck by a missile (story)! The video evidence shows a missile on approach to the CL-14 location (top pic in column 2):Craig >> This situation already had most people frustrated with the Pentagon attack to the point that many had abandoned researching it all together before CIT even existed. Or else it has made people who are firmly in the missile camp reluctant to entertain anything that doesn't prove a missile. The psychological operation runs so deep that some in the movement have actually chosen to attack CIT personally instead of accepting the fact that the witnesses we spoke with prove a deception.
No. Craig is stating ‘his’ opinion apart from offering up evidence for ANYTHING. The idea that this guy is going to conclude what ‘did not’ hit the Pentagon on 9/11 is ridiculous, when he should be trying to prove what ‘did’ hit the Pentagon and ‘when.’ The CIT boys appear to be deliberately running diversion for the inside-job bad guys by creating more confusion about what really hit the Pentagon at 9:31 AM than anything else.Craig >> We refused to be dismissive or dogmatic and it led to the incredible amount of evidence we have obtained revealing an outcome that most didn't expect. As a result we have been forced to overcome this already convoluted and very heated debate just to get people to even look at the definitive evidence that we provide. The reality is that there is an equal amount of independent evidence for a missile as there is for a 757 impact. Zero.
The thread was posted at Phil Jayhan's LetsRoll Board (archive link = scroll to top of page), but the DoD Ops running that DoD-run Board deleted my work (about ten posts) before banning me from their midst entirely. Now these USMB mods have joined the game by also deleting my "The LetsRoll Phil Jayhan DoD Operative Conspiracy" thread (was here = see my blog entry here) without sending me any notification and under the guise of "Moved:," when in reality my work was 'deleted' yet again. :0)
DoD Operatives/Handlers/Assets are running their Counterintelligence/Disinformation Cover-Up Campaign 'everywhere,' as they do everything to hide 'the' 911Truth out-of-sight and out-of-mind; even right here on the USMB Board. These facts tell you that just one 'real' 911Truther armed with 'the' 911Truth can stand against an entire army of DoD Counterintelligence Disinformation Bad Guys waltzing around and trying to convince you of something else . . .
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