Mexican military on border.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Mexico can put their military on the border, but we cannot and are called names if we even think about it by our own? We need to stop making excuses and treat the invasion on the border as it is. An act of war. And put the U.S. military on the border.

FBI: Mexican soldiers used rifles to chase off U.S. Border Patrol
CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico (AP) — Pointing their rifles, Mexican security forces chased away U.S. authorities investigating the shooting of a 15-year-old Mexican by a U.S. Border Patrol agent on the banks of the Rio Grande, the FBI and witnesses told The Associated Press on Wednesday.

The killing of the Mexican by U.S. authorities — the second in less than two weeks — has exposed the distrust between the two countries that lies just below the surface, and has enraged Mexicans who see the death of the boy on Mexican soil as an act of murder.

Shortly after the boy was shot, Mexican soldiers arrived at the scene and pointed their guns at the Border Patrol agents across the riverbank while bystanders screamed insults and hurled rocks and firecrackers, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said. She said the agents were forced to withdraw.

"It pretty quickly got very intense over on the Mexican side," she said, adding that FBI agents showed up later and resumed the investigation, even as Mexican authorities pointed guns at them from across the river.

A relative of the dead boy who had been playing with him told the AP that the Mexicans — who he described as federal police, not soldiers — pointed their guns only when the Americans waded into the mud in an apparent attempt to cross into Mexico.

PLAYING?:eusa_hand: - FBI: Mexican soldiers used rifles to chase off U.S. Border Patrol

Border patrol agent held at gunpoint - Washington Times
Aug 6, 2008 ... A U.S. Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint Sunday night by members of the Mexican military who had crossed the border into Arizona, ...
Washington Times - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News › News › Editor Favorites - Cached - Similar

Mexican Army Invades U.S.
“Anytime you have the Mexican military running around with all these weapons and military gear it's quite frightening,” said Raleigh Leonard, a Border ... - Cached - Similar

The Mexican Military's Role in Crime Ridden Border Cities
Mar 23, 2009 ... The assignment of Mexican military personnel to civilian law enforcement duties along the Mexico-US border is growing by the day. - Cached - Similar
The Mexicans did quite a job removing the US Army from the United States when 9-11 happened. I really think they had something to do with it considering how it helped the drug trade and the Mexican Invasion of the US. It would be the same if we poured in billions of dollars to help Mexican rebels fight the Mexican Army. That would keep the Mexican Army away from the US border.
The Mexicans did quite a job removing the US Army from the United States when 9-11 happened. I really think they had something to do with it considering how it helped the drug trade and the Mexican Invasion of the US. It would be the same if we poured in billions of dollars to help Mexican rebels fight the Mexican Army. That would keep the Mexican Army away from the US border.

Are you insane? First you want to bring back the Alien and Sedition Acts, now you claim Mexico was behind 9/11? :cuckoo:

Can you not understand the simple concept that our nation's laws and other nations' laws are NOT THE SAME? Our laws are clear regarding how our military may and may not be used for domestic law enforcement purposes. Mexico's laws concerning the use of its military are not the same as ours. You don't have to agree with our laws, but if you're going to argue them at least have some idea what you're talking about and you might not look like such an ignorant ass.

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