Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Literally Hitler

March 11, 2015

Thanks Obama

WaPo article

LAREDO, Tex. — Last spring, as Central American children flooded into Texas in a way he had never seen in his three-decade career, Border Patrol agent Robert Harris decided to experiment.

His intelligence analysts estimated that 78 percent of the guides smuggling other migrants were Mexicans younger than 18 — teenagers often hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught — and he wanted to attack this loophole.

“Why don’t we remove these juveniles from the smuggling cycle?” Harris, the outgoing commander of the Laredo sector of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, recalled thinking.

Now, as a result of that decision, young Mexicans are being held for months without charge in shelters across the United States, sometimes without their parents’ knowledge.
Should have read the law before trying to enter the country illegally.
Republicans are FOS as usual; trying to make criminals out of civil acts that have gone on for decades! Blaming the Dems for holding up funding to keep the families together is just added to the Trump LIE column which is wrapped around the throats of all Republicans who feel compelled to back his every action! That's what's so hypocritical about these Republican a-holes; always talking about family, God, & expanding democracy, but fault these people who are literally running for their lies! Asking for political asylum isn't a crime, but Sessions is trying to equate them in this circumstances with Mexico! His racist arse will receive justice sooner rather than later; SCUM sucking hillbilly! :321: :50::argue: :aargh: :boohoo:

Nowhere does he explain how immigration is NOT the way to make the whole world poor. Since we let 1 million of them in and they procreate like bunnies and remain poor... you do the math.
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Literally Hitler

March 11, 2015

Thanks Obama

WaPo article

LAREDO, Tex. — Last spring, as Central American children flooded into Texas in a way he had never seen in his three-decade career, Border Patrol agent Robert Harris decided to experiment.

His intelligence analysts estimated that 78 percent of the guides smuggling other migrants were Mexicans younger than 18 — teenagers often hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught — and he wanted to attack this loophole.

“Why don’t we remove these juveniles from the smuggling cycle?” Harris, the outgoing commander of the Laredo sector of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, recalled thinking.

Now, as a result of that decision, young Mexicans are being held for months without charge in shelters across the United States, sometimes without their parents’ knowledge.

Complete fabrication.

Obama gave the nod to human traffickers, and when they were stopped at the border, went ahead and just released the kids to traffickers on our side of the border.

Today, when criminals come to the border with kids they either aren't related to, or who people believe they pose a physical threat to, the kids are held in comfortable and safe facilities until their families from their country of origin come to get them.

Probably should stop encouraging child trafficking at the border if you don't like to see the border agents protect the children.
Today, when criminals come to the border with kids they either aren't related to, or who people believe they pose a physical threat to, the kids are held in comfortable and safe facilities until their families from their country of origin come to get them.

Probably should stop encouraging child trafficking at the border if you don't like to see the border agents protect the children
Republicans are FOS as usual; trying to make criminals out of civil acts that have gone on for decades!
This republican administration is keeping promises that other Republicans have made for decades, enforcing border laws is one of those promises

Democrats and their sycophants in the media are the ones full of shit, manufacturing faux outrage over an issue that has been going on for quite a while because they need something to bludgeon the current president with
Republicans are FOS as usual; trying to make criminals out of civil acts that have gone on for decades!
This republican administration is keeping promises that other Republicans have made for decades, enforcing border laws is one of those promises

Democrats and their sycophants in the media are the ones full of shit, manufacturing faux outrage over an issue that has been going on for quite a while because they need something to bludgeon the current president with

They are using children as usual. Naturally they have to do that as they don't have any actual arguments or plans on how to improve society.

Unfortunately many sentimental women fall prey to this scam, which they know very well.

SCUM sucking hillbilly!
Do tell...

That's what I think about a whole region that vote as a block; no matter how disgusting the candidate! Moore almost won in Alabama and that highlights everything I've been saying about these degenerates on the "right!" They're all sick in head as far as I'm concerned; take offense, I couldn't give a fk! These people are ruining the country the way they thought Obama was doing, but the rest of the world liked and respected us then! That's no longer the case with Trump being an Int'l moron! :21:
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Republicans are FOS as usual; trying to make criminals out of civil acts that have gone on for decades!
This republican administration is keeping promises that other Republicans have made for decades, enforcing border laws is one of those promises

Democrats and their sycophants in the media are the ones full of shit, manufacturing faux outrage over an issue that has been going on for quite a while because they need something to bludgeon the current president with
The moron-in-chief bludgeons himself on a daily basis all by himself. The idiot doesn't need any help there.
Republicans are FOS as usual; trying to make criminals out of civil acts that have gone on for decades!
This republican administration is keeping promises that other Republicans have made for decades, enforcing border laws is one of those promises

Democrats and their sycophants in the media are the ones full of shit, manufacturing faux outrage over an issue that has been going on for quite a while because they need something to bludgeon the current president with
Even democrats ran on enforcing the border. Now that it’s happening though you can tell it was always a lie.
Literally Hitler

March 11, 2015

Thanks Obama

WaPo article

LAREDO, Tex. — Last spring, as Central American children flooded into Texas in a way he had never seen in his three-decade career, Border Patrol agent Robert Harris decided to experiment.

His intelligence analysts estimated that 78 percent of the guides smuggling other migrants were Mexicans younger than 18 — teenagers often hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught — and he wanted to attack this loophole.

“Why don’t we remove these juveniles from the smuggling cycle?” Harris, the outgoing commander of the Laredo sector of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, recalled thinking.

Now, as a result of that decision, young Mexicans are being held for months without charge in shelters across the United States, sometimes without their parents’ knowledge.

I see nothing in your link about separating families - which is what Trump is doing.


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