In all fairness there are beginners and then there are
experts or veterans.In things related to Message Boarding.
I've been at this for some time.Thereby quite famaliar with
dealing with others.On a Message Board.
The ins and outs of making a point or points
Or more so.As in teaching a lesson.Like Grade school.
Depending on subject matter and I.Q. of those engaged.
Kinda like dating and experimenting with the opposite
But what happens when the opposite sex is neutered.
Or believes in such Tripe.Then the Ball game must be rained out.
It's like trying to pitch a golf ball in a Major League World Series
as if no one appears to be the wiser.
Witch ironically is where we may be Today.
Or Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
" I decline to accept the end of man. "
-- W. Faulkner
experts or veterans.In things related to Message Boarding.
I've been at this for some time.Thereby quite famaliar with
dealing with others.On a Message Board.
The ins and outs of making a point or points
Or more so.As in teaching a lesson.Like Grade school.
Depending on subject matter and I.Q. of those engaged.
Kinda like dating and experimenting with the opposite
But what happens when the opposite sex is neutered.
Or believes in such Tripe.Then the Ball game must be rained out.
It's like trying to pitch a golf ball in a Major League World Series
as if no one appears to be the wiser.
Witch ironically is where we may be Today.
Or Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.
" I decline to accept the end of man. "
-- W. Faulkner