Merrick Garland just resigned.....Cautions against abuse of DOJ power in farewell address

Run Merrick RUN! You will be hunted down to the ends of the earth!
Trump will chase you 'round the moons of Nibia and 'round the Antares Maelstrom and 'round perdition's flames before he gives you up!


I guess it's because he’s finally confident that they scrubbed and bleached the place enough to avoid prosecution and done everything they can to stymie the incoming AG.

Truly one of the biggest jerks to ever be a part of our government. I hope to see the new DOJ putting enough heat on him that he spends millions trying to stay out of prison.

I don't know about "Unjust" or "Corrupt" but certainly one of the most Incompetent tenures in Living Memory...

His timidity in aggressively and quickly prosecute while the momentum for it existed was his most egregious failure...

I guess it's because he’s finally confident that they scrubbed and bleached the place enough to avoid prosecution and done everything they can to stymie the incoming AG.

Truly one of the biggest jerks to ever be a part of our government. I hope to see the new DOJ putting enough heat on him that he spends millions trying to stay out of prison.

I hope he finds and moves to a country without an extradition treaty with the US. Not even Biden is going to save his ass.

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