
Confront reality
Oct 25, 2016
As a rule men lead and women respond. Now I know this may ruffle the feathers of some feminists, but it really is reality. What do women want from men? They want them to be superheros. To always do the right thing the right way for the right reason. They don't want them to be gross or callous or disguising. They want them to be gentlemen. They want to be cherished and loved. They want to be protected and taken care of. When men do these things, women respond.

"The essence of masculinity is INITIATION.

The essence of femininity is RESPONSE.

In all aspects of life, from sociology to courtship to sexual intercourse itself, men are vocationally the initiators – or at least they SHOULD BE. Men lead. Men make decisions. Men command armies and wage war. Men initiate courtship. Men are the head of the household. Even the male anatomy is initiatory. The man introduces his body into that of his wife.

Females are the receptors and responders in human existence. Females listen, and respond. Females follow. Females render assistance and are responsive helpmates. Females respond, in the affirmative or the negative, to the courtship advances of men. Females receive the love of their husbands and respond by submitting themselves to their husbands. The female anatomy is a physical receptacle for the body of her husband, which then returns to him from the same physical space the fruit of their mutual love – a child." Ann Barnhardt

Is this one thinking about Genesis when saying "helpmates"?
Men lead and women respond
Of course! The idea that females were never leaders because they were oppressed is absurd. Women do not generally lead because they do not choose to.
The man is the head and the woman is the neck and the neck can turn the head any...way it chooses. This is the nature of women. Soft diplomacy and gentle tactics are the method of the taciturn which nurture.
Men lead and women respond
Of course! The idea that females were never leaders because they were oppressed is absurd. Women do not generally lead because they do not choose to.
The man is the head and the woman is the neck and the neck can turn the head any...way it chooses. This is the nature of women. Soft diplomacy and gentle tactics are the method of the taciturn which nurture.
That wasn't quite what the OP is saying.
There really is no total commitment on the preconceived notions your religions recognize as social engineering...The same religion that also advocated slavery and genocide...
That wasn't quite what the OP is saying.
In all aspects of life, from sociology to courtship to sexual intercourse itself, men are vocationally the initiators – or at least they SHOULD BE. Men lead. Men make decisions. Men command armies and wage war. Men initiate courtship. Men are the head of the household. Even the male anatomy is initiatory. The man introduces his body into that of his wife.

Females are the receptors and respondents in human existence. Females listen, and respond.

Seems like that is exactly what it was was saying. Women do not lead...women do not lead...women do not initiate.
I posit that females lead through the subtle act of non-leading...THUS my quote..men are the head and women are the neck. The neck may turn that head any direction it wishes.
Women CHOOSE not to lead because one, it is not their strong suit and TWO they are better served through passive aggressive means.
Is this one thinking about Genesis when saying "helpmates"?
I can't put anything past you.
Not sure why you would wanna try. That helpmate replacing "helpmeet" by many who try to teach the word has created a few problems along the way.
It was just an expression denoting brotherly affection.

So has the "helpmeet!"

A swing and a miss..
Which part?
There really is no total commitment on the preconceived notions your religions recognize as social engineering...The same religion that also advocated slavery and genocide...
Who said anything about religion? Besides you of course. Do you not have eyes to see and ears to hear? Are you not able to judge for yourself how women respond to thee right kind of behaviors?
That wasn't quite what the OP is saying.
In all aspects of life, from sociology to courtship to sexual intercourse itself, men are vocationally the initiators – or at least they SHOULD BE. Men lead. Men make decisions. Men command armies and wage war. Men initiate courtship. Men are the head of the household. Even the male anatomy is initiatory. The man introduces his body into that of his wife.

Females are the receptors and respondents in human existence. Females listen, and respond.

Seems like that is exactly what it was was saying. Women do not lead...women do not lead...women do not initiate.
I posit that females lead through the subtle act of non-leading...THUS my quote..men are the head and women are the neck. The neck may turn that head any direction it wishes.
Women CHOOSE not to lead because one, it is not their strong suit and TWO they are better served through passive aggressive means.
Yes. No. The OP is not saying that women cannot be leaders. The OP is saying that women respond to the "right" kind of behaviors of men.

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