As a rule men lead and women respond. Now I know this may ruffle the feathers of some feminists, but it really is reality. What do women want from men? They want them to be superheros. To always do the right thing the right way for the right reason. They don't want them to be gross or...
The Democrat giving the response to President Trump’s congressional address Tuesday seemed to have forgotten what party he was representing — when he inexplicably called himself a Republican during his address.
“I’m a proud Democrat, but first and foremost, I’m a proud Republican, and Democrat...
I've been tasked with tackling inaccessibility in an Art Direction MA unit I began last week – awaken international conversation from four seemingly remote utterances. Believing that anything internal, once outed, can illicit a response – start a conversation – I'll leave you my 4 chosen...
Could someone please explain to me what republicans are thinking when it comes to the mass shootings? To be clear, I'm looking for a rational discussion or even just an explanation, and I'm trying to understand all the sides to an argument here. What response do republicans want to give to the...