Men having their genitalia cut off and fed to them, pregnant women being disemboweled


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
After Trump won, the world lost they gawdamned minds. Many of us were naive enough to think it would go like the World Series where you accept your team didnā€™t make it and get on with your life. Trumpā€™s victory led to all kinds of denial including millions of people convinced they could overturn the Electoral College. When it didnā€™t happen, protesters in Portland took to the streets screaming about how much trans people need a voice. To this day, Michael Moore is convinced ā€œweā€ can win this thing. Heā€™s no doubt crestfallen that his brilliant speech about Trump voters helped get him elected.

The general consensus now is that Russia hijacked the election by releasing embarrassing emails. The fact that the emails are true doesnā€™t seem to matter. As far as Iā€™m concerned, the emails were only a tiny fraction of why she lost. Benghazi, her corrupt foundation, her uranium dealings, her curious body count, her relentless lying, and her lack of likability are all up there, but the main reason she didnā€™t win is because they ran a terrible candidate!

The meltdowns on election night were a joy to see. The Young Turks implosion is a keeper and the celebrity meltdowns were even better. My favorite is ā€œtitless boarā€ Lena Dunham calling Paul Ryan and getting mad at his answering machine, followed by Saving Private Ryanā€™s Adam Goldberg doing the same thing and describing himself as ā€œthe Jewish soldier [who] gets stabbed to death by a Nazi.ā€

Kanye West was hospitalized shortly after admitting he would have voted for Trump if he voted. After an entire career of saying crazy things, this was what got him institutionalized.

There was also a solid ramping-up of the type of hate crimes we saw at the beginning of 2016. In one week Bowling Green State University had two. A man claimed racists shoved him to the ground and hurled racial slurs at him, which was a lie, and a few days later a black woman claimed Trump supporters threw rocks at her. In Louisiana, a woman claimed Trump supporters stole her hijab and her wallet, which was a lie, and the NYPD recently charged Yasmin Seweid for lying about Trump supporters stealing her hijab before she vanished for a week. This was also the month we heard about a Muslim student at the University of Michigan who claimed men said they would burn her if she didnā€™t take it off. She was lying.

For every hoax about a Trump supporter attacking someone, there were several examples of Trump supporters being attacked. In June, roving mobs attacked several Trump supporters simply for wearing MAGA hats. We saw more of this behavior in September when a kid in El Cajon, Calif., was attacked by a mob. These victims donā€™t usually have parades in their honor and a lot of press coverage. They just clean off the blood and get back to work.

I was disgusted to see Jesse Hughes be refused admission to the Bataclan for their year anniversary of the attack where ninety of his fans were killed. Heā€™s been in trouble since the attack because he implied that some of the staff were in on it during an interview I did with him. Rock en Seine canceled the bandā€™s appearance at their festival and I saw a mural in Los Angeles the band was painted out of. When we learned that 82 members of Parisā€™ soccer stadiumā€™s security were on the terror watch list, nobody apologized to Jesse. Few noticed. When we discovered the government had hidden many horrific details of the massacre including pregnant women being disemboweled and men having their genitalia cut off and fed to them, even fewer were outraged. He criticized Muslims after they tried to murder him so he must pay.

Some of the worst swastikas ever created were spray-painted on a park in Brooklyn with the words ā€œGo Trump.ā€ Itā€™s clearly either a prank or the work of a 13-year-old, but that didnā€™t stop everyone from Muslim clerics to rabbis to the remaining Beastie Boys from congregating there and committing to wipe out hate.

2016: The Year the Left Broke
Hell --- I read the title, and thought the Democrat party was doing another post-election review.

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