Men and Women Growing Older


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Now that I'm retired I have begun spending a few minutes...well, maybe more than a few minutes...on Facebook most days.

I was recently shocked when I happened upon a posting by a childhood friend of mine, which led to other peoples' FB pages, and ultimately to the FB page of the girl ("Christine") I dated when I was a freshman in college (1968).

Christine was HOT. Tall, shapely, beautiful face, perfect complexion, the whole bit. (She was neurotic, which is why we broke up, but that's not important now). The last time I saw her, I was running in a local park and she happened to be bicycling in the other direction. It was probably around 1978 or so. I wasn't wearing glasses or contacts, but she looked pretty much the same as I remembered her at that time. We had a brief conversation, and I haven't seen her since.

Now, Christine looks like "Granny" from the Beverly Hillbillies, only 100 pounds heavier - including the wire-rimmed glasses! And of course, she is a grandmother. Hell, she is 65 years old, so of course she's a grandmother. The beautiful face I remember is not even discernable in the pictures on her FB page. If she wasn't surrounded in her pictures by other people I remember I would even question that it's really her.

What a fucking shock.

I know that many men my age are delusional about their own appearance, and I certainly don't look exactly like I did at 21, but seeing this former beauty in the state she's in makes ME feel terribly old. Is that perverse or what?

I am fortunate to have a wife who has kept herself up and looks pretty much like she did when I married her in 1973. If she had let herself go like Christine did, would I still find her attractive? I don't know.

Men and women age differently, I guess.
Perhaps. Of course, I would guess individuality plays a big part in that as well. Regardless of sex.
Some people don't age well, lifestyles and genetics plays a role. I think the gals that relied on their looks in their younger days go nuts when they loose it. No personality to go on and nothing to use as leverage.

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