Memorial Day

He/she, WinterBorn is not the one laughing at fallen soldiers.

I don't believe you,.. but if you did that makes you an even bigger piece of shit for mocking the deaths of other soldiers.

I would prefer a more solemn thread. But I've already screwed that up.

Whatever you think of Ashley Babbit, she does not warrant I honoring and remembrance on Memorial Day. I'll thank her for her service on Veteran's Day. But not this weekend.
I would prefer a more solemn thread. But I've already screwed that up.

Whatever you think of Ashley Babbit, she does not warrant I honoring and remembrance on Memorial Day. I'll thank her for her service on Veteran's Day. But not this weekend.

So in other words before I start making my apologies,.. let me just make this clear,.. they weren't laughing and making fun of Memorial Day itself?
So in other words before I start making my apologies,.. let me just make this clear,.. they weren't laughing and making fun of Memorial Day itself?

Right. They were making of putting the woman who was shot during the Jan 6th debacle in as one to be honored on Memorial Day. I made the same assumption at first.
Talk about a nice triple to the center field's ivy-covered wall.
Well done, poster Winter Born.
A hat-tip.
Oh hell, a double hat-tip.

  • First, this one.....which I thought was clever and witty:
Second of all, it was not a Darwin Award death. He served and then lived a long, hopefully happy, life.

  • And then the missed base on the run:
I apologize for the name-calling. Knee jerk reaction. I was wrong.

  • But, he got back in time to tag the bag......and then outran all the throws.........and is safe on third.
Whatever you think of Ashley Babbit, she does not warrant I honoring and remembrance on Memorial Day. I'll thank her for her service on Veteran's Day. But not this weekend.


Nice job, WB. I most especially liked the delineation between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.
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Talk about a nice triple to the center field's ivy-covered wall.
Well done, poster Winter Born.
A hat-tip.
Oh hell, a double hat-tip.

  • First, this one.....which I thought was clever and witty:

  • And then the missed base on the run:

  • But, he got back in time to tag the bag......and then outran all the throws.........TO SCORE!!!


Nice job, WB. I most especially liked the delineation between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day.

I have not had my writing critiqued like this since college.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
The dumbass who marked this post as funny should go play in traffic. Either that or fuck themselves because they are such a nasty individual that nobody else is going to want to fuck them.

You know, you can see who that is, right?

Simply click on where it says "and 4 others" and a list comes up.

McRib is the one who finds it funny...

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