Melissa-Harris Perry Cries During On-Air Apology to Romney Family

I am so sick of on-air people 'walking back,' 'clarifying their comments,' and 'apologising' for the things they say. If you can say anything you like, then take it back why the hell should anyone listen to a thing you say?

Stand by what you say or say nothing at all.
I was critical of her apology on Twitter thinking no one will read it just read about it.
My feeling was she made the comments on her show she should have done it there.
Well it looks like she did.

I don't really care too much for her or her show but she did the right thing and she did it at the right place.

I just don't get that crowd over at that network.
They always seen to do stuff they know they will have to apologize for later on.
Comments and editing videos.On and on it goes.

Totally agree.

And while I think her apology is more than we could have expected from many in the media, if it hadn't happened in the first place, no apology would have been needed.

MSNBC needs to "rise above" rather than "lean forward".
Her apology was sincere and Mitt Romney graciously accepted it.

Still, I see this as yet another nail in the coffin at MSNBC.....

Alec "rage-a-holic" Baldwin wants to know if he cries can he get his show back? ?

Keith "the worst person in the world" Olbermann wants to know if any adults are in charge there? ? soon before the entire network is dead, like Air America? The wheels are falling off the bus in the liberal echo chamber...


in your dreams

reality come no where near your braincase huh

That's just rape talk, you sick fuckeroo. "Braincase"? Code word for PENIS.
She let out the inner liberal and now is sorry for doing so. I wonder if her job was threatened. No one makes callous comments like that without that being their true feelings. I do assume though she is sorry for letting those feeling out.

What, exactly, was so upsetting about what Harris-Perry said about Kieran Romney?
being willing to explain a mistake is a good thing.

having that apology accepted makes us better people.

were all human

sometimes we hurt people unintendedly out of speaking too freely.

If you have never said something you wish you could rephrase then you don't speak out enough
Her apology was sincere and Mitt Romney graciously accepted it.

Still, I see this as yet another nail in the coffin at MSNBC.....

Alec "rage-a-holic" Baldwin wants to know if he cries can he get his show back? ?

Keith "the worst person in the world" Olbermann wants to know if any adults are in charge there? ? soon before the entire network is dead, like Air America? The wheels are falling off the bus in the liberal echo chamber...


in your dreams

reality come no where near your braincase huh

That's just rape talk, you sick fuckeroo. "Braincase"? Code word for PENIS.

did your last cell mate convince you of that?
Her apology was sincere and Mitt Romney graciously accepted it.

Still, I see this as yet another nail in the coffin at MSNBC.....

Alec "rage-a-holic" Baldwin wants to know if he cries can he get his show back? ?

Keith "the worst person in the world" Olbermann wants to know if any adults are in charge there? ? soon before the entire network is dead, like Air America? The wheels are falling off the bus in the liberal echo chamber...


in your dreams

reality come no where near your braincase huh

That's just rape talk, you sick fuckeroo. "Braincase"? Code word for PENIS.

Um, what?

Definition of BRAINCASE

: the cranium enclosing the brain
It was decent of her to apologize on air even though saying to stupid or insulting things about conservatives or their families has kind of become the norm at MSNBC for whatever the reason they seem to feel that's a successful business model.
This is the first time that I actually believe a Liberal's apology.

Melissa-Harris Perry Cries During On-Air Apology to Romney Family | NewsBusters

As NewsBusters previously reported, MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry and a panel of comedians last weekend senselessly mocked a picture of former Governor Mitt Romney’s family because it included his adopted black grandson.

Although she’s already apologized on Twitter, Harris-Perry began her show Saturday with a heartfelt apology much of the time fighting through a lump in her throat and tears

MELISSA HARRIS-PERRY: Good morning. I'm Melissa Harris-Perry. We have a lot of news and politics to discuss this morning. Before we get to that, I'm going to start with an apology.

Last Sunday, we invited a panel of comedians for a year in review program. It's what we call our look back in laughter. But in one of the segments, we looked at a number of photos that caught our attention over the course of the year. In that segment, I asked my guests to provide kind of off the cuff ideas for captions of the photos that we were seeing. Among the images we aired was one of the Romney family that showed Governor Mitt Romney's grandchildren, including his adopted grandson, who's African-American.

Now given my own family history, I identify with that picture and I intended to say positive and celebratory things about it, but whatever the intent was, the reality is that the segment proceeded in a way that was offensive. And showing the photo in that context, that segment, was poor judgment.

So without reservation or qualification, I apologize to the Romney family. Adults who enter into public life implicitly consent to having less privacy. But their families, and especially their children, should not be treated callously or thoughtlessly. My intention was not malicious, but I broke the ground rule that families are off-limits, and for that I am sorry.

Also, allow me to apologize to other families formed through transracial adoption, because I am deeply sorry that we suggested that interracial families are in any way funny or deserving of ridicule. On this program we are dedicated to advocating for a wide diversity of families. It is one of our core principles, and I am reminded that when we are doing so, it must always be with the utmost respect.

We're generally appreciative of everyone who offered serious criticisms of last Sunday's program, and I am reminded that our fiercest critics can sometimes be our best teachers.

Video at link.


Thought it was fine, and we should move on.

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