Melania's Xmas-Caper: Hallmark TV [Modern Tabloids]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The Hallmark Channel is a popular new age modern American TV network which features holiday-season films and year-round family-friendly programming and even detective-stories that cater to an American audience interested in socially-friendly entertainment.

Sort of the 'mainstream version' of PBS, the Hallmark Channel is devoted to entreating consumers' interests in basic sociocultural storytelling and is a division/satellite of the Hallmark Cards (greeting-cards) company. The Hallmark Channel airs TV-movies featuring well-known actors/media-figures such as Patrick Duffy, Lori Loughlin, Dean Cain, Lauren Holly, James Brolin, and others.

I was wondering if the Hallmark Channel represents a new age American investment in 'supermarket-tabloid oriented imagination.' Are we Americans fascinated by values-oriented 'chatter'? Of course, Hallmark is more prestigious/reputed than 'gossipy tabloids,' but it seems to be two ends on the same spectrum --- the spectrum of community-oriented democracy!

What would you make of this following family-friendly Hallmark network themed social parable (detective-story) involving the First Lady? It seems we've 'evolved' from the age of PBS...



"Lori was the Hollywood celebrity-circle 'it-secretary' and 'hostess' and coordinated various activities for celebrity parties and some media-events. She was also a regular for the Hallmark Channel, appearing in family-friendly Christmas movies and detective-stories. Lori attended a celebrity Halloween costume party in 2018 dressed as a 1950s diner-queen. At the party, Lori realized she was being stalked by a trio of strange masked individuals who showed up at the party but no one knew of their precise affiliations."


"Lori's two celebrity friends who attended the Halloween party dressed as fictional/iconic English crime-detective Sherlock Holmes and assistant detective Watson noticed the 'three strangers' and offered to help Lori get away from them and uncover their identities/status. Lori was grateful for her friends' help, and Holmes/Watson went about investigating who the three masked stalking strangers a the party were. They didn't like what they discovered..."


"The three strangers were actually the same trio of serial-killers sought by the FBI. The celebrity Halloween party security officials thought the 'three strangers' who appeared to be dressed like the same serial-killers being pursued by the FBI were simply having fun and pretending to be fugitives-at-large. However, these 'three strangers' at the celebrity Halloween party were indeed the very-same similarly-masked serial-killers being pursued by the FBI. Holmes/Watson demanded the 'three strangers' leave the Halloween party at once, since no one was able to precisely establish their celebrity-circle associations or determine how they got on the guest-list."


"The next day, Lori contacted her good friend U.S. First Lady Melania Trump and explained what her costumed friends at the Halloween celebrity party (Holmes/Watson) discovered regarding the real Strangers the FBI were tracking. Lori told Melania this would be bad press for Hollywood, since Hallmark Channel was planning a celebrity-Christmas miniseries and the appearance of the Strangers at the Halloween party would create panic. Melania agreed and began tweeting about the social importance of creating security-protocols for the entertainment industry in America. This was great intrigue."


"When Christmas arrived, and Lori began coordinating the celebrity Christmas miniseries for Hallmark Channel, First Lady Melania Trump continued to provide political and civics support for security enhancements for the entertainment industry. On the set of the production/filming of the Hallmark Christmas miniseries, three mysterious individuals showed up claiming to be set-designers and camera-mechanics. Lori told Melania to tell security-personnel to keep tabs on these unconfirmed set-workers. Everything needed to go smoothly."


"The three set-workers on the scene disappeared, and Melania decided to continue investigating who they really were and why they were there. Meanwhile, Lori continued developing the Hallmark Christmas celebrity miniseries. As Melania began following the FBI's case involving the Strangers, she found herself getting deeper and deeper into some very strange American crime aesthetics investigations/inquiries, prompting her to tweet, 'Americans are fascinated by general civil mysteries, but is the entertainment industry safe from sociopaths and terrorists who seek to undermine basic/everyday bureaucracy?'."



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