Melania and Michelle

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
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Comparing Melana to Mooch is like comparing a Ferrari to a dump truck
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.
In case you forgot, Barack Obama isn't one of the candidates for the 2016 presidential race. Michele Obama will be leaving with him.

The comparison is as follows: Melania the first lady or Bill the first man....
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.
In case you forgot, Barack Obama isn't one of the candidates for the 2016 presidential race. Michele Obama will be leaving with him.

The comparison is as follows: Melania the first lady or Bill the first man....

good of you to put that into the proper perspective----it helps
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.
In case you forgot, Barack Obama isn't one of the candidates for the 2016 presidential race. Michele Obama will be leaving with him.

The comparison is as follows: Melania the first lady or Bill the first man....
I find it strange that the OP who is constantly saying no one has the right to judge the homo or the child molester would even be so stupid to link to those pictures and DEMAND "judge this".
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.
How demeaning to women for you to ignore Melania's enormously successful career as a model and business woman. She had a net worth of near $10 Million BEFORE marrying Trump.
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.
In case you forgot, Barack Obama isn't one of the candidates for the 2016 presidential race. Michele Obama will be leaving with him.

The comparison is as follows: Melania the first lady or Bill the first man....
I find it strange that the OP who is constantly saying no one has the right to judge the homo or the child molester would even be so stupid to link to those pictures and DEMAND "judge this".

I didn't look at any pictures. I just noticed that Luddly appears to be confused as Barack Obama is not in this presidential race. So why the comparison between Melania and Michele? Makes no sense.

One is a high class lady and looks great, the other one doesn't have any class and even Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci and all expensive designers in the world can't make her look any better (for lots of taxpayers money!).
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Geeze louise it was one super model issue. Melania rocked it in GQ.The woman is drop dead gorgeous and had a great modelling career.
Before the boob job and the face lift, Melania was probably approaching her expiration date with Drumpf.

Oh stop. The woman is structurally gorgeous. Her face is to die for. Her body. Unreal! Even after Baron. In the past I used to love Vogue before I became a Cabela's chick. :) Melania has it all.

No need to insult her. Now as far as Michelle goes, personally thrilled that she went for a stylist. Smartest first lady this way. Michelle has ended the last of the "dowdy" First Ladies. Only Nancy had done it before. Bruni really helped her.

Michelle has rocked First Lady fashion status.

She's stylish. She's learned her way around the fashion industry. I admired the heck out of her even in her sort of "gangly" moments in the beginning trying to stick to only American designers. Now she has it. Right down to her Louboutins. I cringe all the time when posters on the "right side" of things insult her. I don't think it's right. Now I will go after her in a heartbeat on political positions but that's not personal.
View attachment 83802

One is a high class lady and looks great, the other one doesn't have any class and even Dolce&Gabbana, Gucci and all expensive designers in the world can't make her look any better (for lots of taxpayers money!).

And clearly in america we were raised to worship the wealthy and the phony posers.
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.

No! No! No! This is the prospective first lady Melania is supposed to be compared against.

I'm sure the LGBT magazines will be going nuts for a centerfold pic and interview of this prospective first lady.



As for prospective women who may soon be in the White House...

^-***** 5 STARS *****

...I think a picture is worth at least a thousand words...


Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.
In case you forgot, Barack Obama isn't one of the candidates for the 2016 presidential race. Michele Obama will be leaving with him.

The comparison is as follows: Melania the first lady or Bill the first man....
I find it strange that the OP who is constantly saying no one has the right to judge the homo or the child molester would even be so stupid to link to those pictures and DEMAND "judge this".

There's that 214 IQ again.

DarkFury Post a DIRECT link to where I said "judge this".

Better yet, I'll BOLD what I wrote. Its right here, IN THIS POST. See if you can find it. Or, ask your BFF, Joe Arpaio to do it for you.


As for prospective women who may soon be in the White House...

^-***** 5 STARS *****

...I think a picture is worth at least a thousand words...



You advertising for Photo Shop?

I ask because both images are.
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.
Hiliary Clinton married into to it too, or are you that blind?

Nope. You're a RWNJ traitor so you have no need for FACTS but -- Follow the link in my sig.
Melania Trump like you’ve never seen her before | New York Post

First Lady's Bare Arms Cause Uproar

On the face of it, I don’t criticize Melania for posing nude. It the “family values” lie the right tells while they are anything but.

But, fact is, Michelle worked for everything she has. Same with the future president, Hillary Clinton. Melania married it.

No! No! No! This is the prospective first lady Melania is supposed to be compared against.

I'm sure the LGBT magazines will be going nuts for a centerfold pic and interview of this prospective first lady.



Good for President Clinton. Look at the muscles in those calves. I dare you to post a similar photo of the Pillsbury Dough Boy you plan to vote for. Seriously, Drumpf looks like unbaked bread.
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