Mel Gibson Using Racial Slur with Ex

He hates Jews, blacks and women.

What a guy.

Or, none, and he's just got a really bad booze and anger problem. Just sayin.' Who knows what's in his heart.
:doubt: I don't think being drunk is a reason for the things he does.

You never know. My grandfather said the N-word when he was really pissed, but wasn't racist at all which was abundantly clear by his actions in life. You have to know a person, outside of what they say when they're too pissed off to control themselves, in order to spout off at the mouth about who you think they hate and all that shit. Life's not that simple.
Or, none, and he's just got a really bad booze and anger problem. Just sayin.' Who knows what's in his heart.
:doubt: I don't think being drunk is a reason for the things he does.

You never know. My grandfather said the N-word when he was really pissed, but wasn't racist at all which was abundantly clear by his actions in life. You have to know a person, outside of what they say when they're too pissed off to control themselves, in order to spout off at the mouth about who you think they hate and all that shit. Life's not that simple.
No...but calling black people rapists isn't quite the same thing, is it?
^ You basically don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Do you have black friends, who use Nigg (er) ? 99.999% likely not. Nigg (a), a.k.a. "friend," "my boy," 100% more likely. Or, no black friends.....or black friends that use neither.

Either way, what I said is fact ..... anyone who's down knows what the fuck I'm talking about, also. Ignorance is bliss, though. Onward with names.

Not sure if you're talking to me, but I worked at Capital Metro, the Austin, Texas city transportation company, which has over 50% black employees, and not a day went by that I didn't hear someone call someone a ******.

My best friend is black, lives in Austin, and calls other black folks *******.

So, yes, I have black friends who DO call each other *******,

and I would appear to be more in touch with the usage of the word than you. :rolleyes:

I got news for you, pal. Ebonics is not a recognized language.
"******* was the ones on the rope, hanging off the thing; niggas is the ones with gold ropes, hanging out at clubs." -Tupac

So the gold chains are symbolic of the ropes they once wore around their necks? Freak out.

When I think back to the early 80's when I wore one because it was in fashion, I shudder to think I didn't catch how symbolic it was.

Damn. I should have just stuck with MY A DDIDAS!

Sex all day in daddy's apartment. All day I dream about sex. sadidA, Adidas.
"******* was the ones on the rope, hanging off the thing; niggas is the ones with gold ropes, hanging out at clubs." -Tupac

So the gold chains are symbolic of the ropes they once wore around their necks? Freak out.

When I think back to the early 80's when I wore one because it was in fashion, I shudder to think I didn't catch how symbolic it was.

Damn. I should have just stuck with MY A DDIDAS!

I shudder when I think back to the fashion of the 80's.
Mel is anti semitic, anti black, against the reforms of the Catholic Church, and, oh yes, an alcoholic.

So, he has a right. The African Americans are definitely anti white I think we all just need to yell equality racism that should be our new goal in the US of KKKA. donchyathink?
^ You basically don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Do you have black friends, who use Nigg (er) ? 99.999% likely not. Nigg (a), a.k.a. "friend," "my boy," 100% more likely. Or, no black friends.....or black friends that use neither.

Either way, what I said is fact ..... anyone who's down knows what the fuck I'm talking about, also. Ignorance is bliss, though. Onward with names.

Not sure if you're talking to me, but I worked at Capital Metro, the Austin, Texas city transportation company, which has over 50% black employees, and not a day went by that I didn't hear someone call someone a ******.

My best friend is black, lives in Austin, and calls other black folks *******.

So, yes, I have black friends who DO call each other *******,

and I would appear to be more in touch with the usage of the word than you. :rolleyes:

I got news for you, pal. Ebonics is not a recognized language.

And this is me, professing that you're likely a liar. ****** and Nigga are two different words. Get the battery replaced in your aid.
So the gold chains are symbolic of the ropes they once wore around their necks? Freak out.

When I think back to the early 80's when I wore one because it was in fashion, I shudder to think I didn't catch how symbolic it was.

Damn. I should have just stuck with MY A DDIDAS!

I shudder when I think back to the fashion of the 80's.

Can't be worse than a man in a skirt posing like a ballerina :razz:
:doubt: I don't think being drunk is a reason for the things he does.

You never know. My grandfather said the N-word when he was really pissed, but wasn't racist at all which was abundantly clear by his actions in life. You have to know a person, outside of what they say when they're too pissed off to control themselves, in order to spout off at the mouth about who you think they hate and all that shit. Life's not that simple.
No...but calling black people rapists isn't quite the same thing, is it?

Settle down dear. I'm sure a black person never raped anyone ever. Innocent as the driven snow they are.
Mel is anti semitic, anti black, against the reforms of the Catholic Church, and, oh yes, an alcoholic.

So, he has a right. The African Americans are definitely anti white I think we all just need to yell equality racism that should be our new goal in the US of KKKA. donchyathink?
:confused: What did black people do in this episode of Mel the Idiot to make you side with him? As far as I can tell they only exist in his imagination.
You never know. My grandfather said the N-word when he was really pissed, but wasn't racist at all which was abundantly clear by his actions in life. You have to know a person, outside of what they say when they're too pissed off to control themselves, in order to spout off at the mouth about who you think they hate and all that shit. Life's not that simple.
No...but calling black people rapists isn't quite the same thing, is it?

Settle down dear. I'm sure a black person never raped anyone ever. Innocent as the driven snow they are.
Oh, right...I forgot. Because some bad black people exist all black people are bad.

You may actually believe this. I mean seriously, you may actually believe this! I tell you what, since you really believe this, walk up to the largest black man, or even better, a black woman who looks like she is tired at the end of her day, and call her one.

Are you fucking serious? You are speaking like you know what is offensive to an entire race of people because YOU say so?


By the way, black folks dont use that word....not like that. Oh and in my circle, no one uses any variation of that word because they dont wont to be over heard and have some idiot think its ok for them to use it incorrectly.....someone like you apparently.

Well, let's see ~ would a 325 pound, 6' 6" black dude do?

'Cuz my favorite supervisor was all of the above, and I've done exactly that, with no repercussions, whatsoever.

Again, you're a bit out of touch, aren't you?
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:doubt: I don't think being drunk is a reason for the things he does.

You never know. My grandfather said the N-word when he was really pissed, but wasn't racist at all which was abundantly clear by his actions in life. You have to know a person, outside of what they say when they're too pissed off to control themselves, in order to spout off at the mouth about who you think they hate and all that shit. Life's not that simple.
No...but calling black people rapists isn't quite the same thing, is it?

Meh, if he was doing it for effect because he was really emotionally harmed by the chick and wanted to try his best to cut through to her, he's not NECESSARILY a true racist, but the evidence is abundant don't get me wrong. Life's not just uh, black and white, so to speak.
You may actually believe this. I mean seriously, you may actually believe this! I tell you what, since you really believe this, walk up to the largest black man, or even better, a black woman who looks like she is tired at the end of her day, and call her one.

Are you fucking serious? You are speaking like you know what is offensive to an entire race of people because YOU say so?


By the way, black folks dont use that word....not like that. Oh and in my circle, no one uses any variation of that word because they dont wont to be over heard and have some idiot think its ok for them to use it incorrectly.....someone like you apparently.

Well, let's see ~ would a 325 pound, 6' 6" black dude do?

'Cuz my favorite supervisor was all of the above, and I've done exactly that, with no repercussions, whatsoever.

Again, you've a bit out of touch, aren't you?

GT just wants to pretend that black people don't use the N word. but i'm betting we could go over to You Tube and prove him wrong.. :lol::lol:
You never know. My grandfather said the N-word when he was really pissed, but wasn't racist at all which was abundantly clear by his actions in life. You have to know a person, outside of what they say when they're too pissed off to control themselves, in order to spout off at the mouth about who you think they hate and all that shit. Life's not that simple.
No...but calling black people rapists isn't quite the same thing, is it?

Meh, if he was doing it for effect because he was really emotionally harmed by the chick and wanted to try his best to cut through to her, he's not NECESSARILY a true racist, but the evidence is abundant don't get me wrong. Life's not just uh, black and white, so to speak.
No offense, but I totally disagree. He insulted both women and blacks and IMO is a total fucktard. I don't care how angry he was. He makes me think he's an OJ Simpson in training.

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