Megan Kelly predicts Trump's pick for VP...Nikki Haley

Raising the retirement age to 70 is a horrible idea. Especially since the so called SS trust fund is robbed on a regular basis to pay for retarded crap like gender studies.

SS still takes in more than it pays out.

So the government just needs to leave it the hell alone and stop spending so much money on BS.
Socialist Insecurity needs to be phased out.
Socialist Insecurity needs to be phased out.

Get rid of the government intervention in the market, bring back sound money and stop using the fed res like an unlimited credit card, then SS can be phased out.
Until then, they'd just be kicking a million people out into the street and out of nursing homes.
Take a step back and think big picture.
1. Conservatives always lose general elections.
2. Women voters are really pissed at Republicans because of the abortion issue. That 2022 "red wave" was killed by women voters
It was also killed by the prop players McTrurtle and McRomney, who purposefully withheld funds and other support from anyone wh would have anything to do with Trump.
3. I don't want Biden re-elected because stupid Republicans put up a damaged candidate, like Trump.
This is the same brain dead "thinking" which gave us the Bushes....Which in turn made a Trump possible.
4. We want a "populist" who can gain back women voters, the soccer moms, and tiger moms and security moms.

Women voters will dump Trump. Just watch how the MSM will crucify Trump and Republicans 24/7. Don't step into their trap.
No, you want to pander and avoid explaining how your particular philosophy and plan may have something in it for everyone.....You think that an ounce of image equals a pound of performance.
Get rid of the government intervention in the market, bring back sound money and stop using the fed res like an unlimited credit card, then SS can be phased out.
Until then, they'd just be kicking a million people out into the street and out of nursing homes.
SS doesn't pay that much...If people would be getting "kicked into the street" after losing their SS pittance, that is their own fault.
Yeeeah....That's why he was a visitor to the WH far and away more so than McTurtle was.

You may be right. Rand isn't the same Rand as he was when he first got elected. But something tells me he's still the conservative. He's just learned how to play the part of a Trump ring kisser.
SS doesn't pay that much...If people would be getting "kicked into the street" after losing their SS pittance, that is their own fault.

It's not their fault the value of the USD is in the shitter. And it's not their fault they didn't retired with a fortune. Most of the elderly in nursing homes simply lived their lives as normal people. They worked and paid into a system that allowed for benefits to be paid once they qualified.
Nursing homes take almost every dime of someone's SS. They can't live alone. Their kids, if they have any, can't take care of them.

There's a million other things that could be taken, that wouldn't affect any Americans. Do that first. And stop the ridiculous spending, stop borrowing and live within their means...... Then SS wouldn't even be an issue.
Or maybe Trump was lending a bit of an ear to him....It wasn't because they were comparing golf scores.

What ever the conservative Rand was trying to get through to him, didn't work. I still don't see Rand kissing the ring of Trump.

But I may be wishful thinking.

Even if he endorses Trump, that's still not going to convince me he's a RINO now. He's still got a 95% conservative voting record.
Now Nikki wants to extend the qualifying age to collect S/S by years. LOL
There are Dem voters floating around with no directions, to be had.

But Nikke knows that she must not cross the divide. No abortion talk, no gun control, no racism. Liberals and conservatives won't be budged from the issues that define America's political divide.

She's smart enough to pull that off. Trump can never step out of the bounds that define 'him' alone. For example, he can't ever safely agree that a dead fetus needs to be flushed. Literally!

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