Meet the Trumpist Insurrectionists who besieged the Capitol Building today.


Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

Bullshit. If people stormed the capital it was because they wanted to storm it. No one made them. They all knew the machines stole this election from Trump. I don't condone what they did but I sure as hell understand it.

LMAO Trump should be arrested for sedition?? Now your just being a jack ass. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings. Those folks made their own decision about that. It wasn't an attack. Did you see anything broken or buildings burned to the ground. See anyone with guns?? I sure didn't.

You Dem idiots never said a word about the rioters, looters, murderers and arsonists in Portland, Seattle and Indi. To you they were protesters.

What a hypocrite you are. dumbass.
Hey Corn Cob, Trump was the ring leader of this attack. Trump should he arrested. He should be tarred and featheres and forced to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in disgrace then thrown in jail for life. Blood is on his hands.

Hey dumbass.
Ring leader my ass. You are delusional and should start taking your meds. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings in fact he urged them to stay peaceful and go home. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your ridiculous post. What a dumbass you are.

Indeed, and during this Twitter Stalinists were blocking his tweets telling people to stay peaceful. He is entirely clueless on everything, living on the media manufactured reality. Letting other to define his reality for him what a... Super Cuck!

That said, the Americans did the right thing here, finally.

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.
They are insurrectionists. They should be found and prosecuted.

They are American patriots and need to be awarded and praised.

I am praising them right now.

They are un-American Trump thugs and criminals and should be treated as such.
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Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

Bullshit. If people stormed the capital it was because they wanted to storm it. No one made them. They all knew the machines stole this election from Trump. I don't condone what they did but I sure as hell understand it.

LMAO Trump should be arrested for sedition?? Now your just being a jack ass. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings. Those folks made their own decision about that. It wasn't an attack. Did you see anything broken or buildings burned to the ground. See anyone with guns?? I sure didn't.

You Dem idiots never said a word about the rioters, looters, murderers and arsonists in Portland, Seattle and Indi. To you they were protesters.

What a hypocrite you are. dumbass.
Hey Corn Cob, Trump was the ring leader of this attack. Trump should he arrested. He should be tarred and featheres and forced to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in disgrace then thrown in jail for life. Blood is on his hands.

Hey dumbass.
Ring leader my ass. You are delusional and should start taking your meds. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings in fact he urged them to stay peaceful and go home. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your ridiculous post. What a dumbass you are.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

Bullshit. If people stormed the capital it was because they wanted to storm it. No one made them. They all knew the machines stole this election from Trump. I don't condone what they did but I sure as hell understand it.

LMAO Trump should be arrested for sedition?? Now your just being a jack ass. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings. Those folks made their own decision about that. It wasn't an attack. Did you see anything broken or buildings burned to the ground. See anyone with guns?? I sure didn't.

You Dem idiots never said a word about the rioters, looters, murderers and arsonists in Portland, Seattle and Indi. To you they were protesters.

What a hypocrite you are. dumbass.
Hey Corn Cob, Trump was the ring leader of this attack. Trump should he arrested. He should be tarred and featheres and forced to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in disgrace then thrown in jail for life. Blood is on his hands.

Hey dumbass.
Ring leader my ass. You are delusional and should start taking your meds. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings in fact he urged them to stay peaceful and go home. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your ridiculous post. What a dumbass you are.
Which is why one of Trump’s tweets that were deleted by Twitter praised the assault. He called the insurrectionists “very special”. Stop with your stupidity. Trump was an integral part of this assault.
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And no dumbshit Trumpers these people were not “antifa” or “BLM”, they were YOU and your ilk.

I have a feeling this trash will be receiving a knock on their doors and taken away in cuffs very, very soon.

They are going to pay a severe price. What they did was an act of pure insurrection, of which the Constitution directs Congress to put down by any means necessary. And his wasn’t just a bunch of rednecks from Kansas and Arkansas that just showed up on their own. This is as a coordinated effort, that was organized and funded. Whoever did that should pay an even greater price. Also, those people couldn’t have gotten as far as they did without the aid of police that were sympathetic. Those police officers should be immediately fired, and prosecuted, and never able to hold another position of public trust. The 14th Amendment in section 3 clearly spells out what should happen to any complicit Congress people. But at the very top of the list is one Donald Trump, who invited the insurgency, and in just 13 more days should face criminal prosecution. This entire episode of Trumpism must be ground into dust.
Know what I'm wondering?

1. How many Russian spies followed that crowd of Depolorables into the building. The place is full of classified info.
2. WTF was up with the Capitol Police? That was a matador defense if I ever saw one. In fact, some of them seemed almost chummy, opening doors and taking selfies. Had they been BLM - They'd have been dead.

Anyone with a brain KNEW something like this was gonna happen. They should have had a perimeter of National Guardsmen set up. Anyone who breached should have been shot on sight.

Gotta love the Loud Boy wearing a soup pot as a helmet. I've seen him at other RW riots.


Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

Yep - Trump, Rudy, DJTJ, Hawley and Cruz (at a minimum) should all be locked up for sedition resulting in an insurrection. Rudy rooted for "trial by combat" and Junior told those not in line that "we're coming for you". Throw the bitches in the brink! :mad:

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

Bullshit. If people stormed the capital it was because they wanted to storm it. No one made them. They all knew the machines stole this election from Trump. I don't condone what they did but I sure as hell understand it.

LMAO Trump should be arrested for sedition?? Now your just being a jack ass. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings. Those folks made their own decision about that. It wasn't an attack. Did you see anything broken or buildings burned to the ground. See anyone with guns?? I sure didn't.

You Dem idiots never said a word about the rioters, looters, murderers and arsonists in Portland, Seattle and Indi. To you they were protesters.

What a hypocrite you are. dumbass.
Hey Corn Cob, Trump was the ring leader of this attack. Trump should he arrested. He should be tarred and featheres and forced to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in disgrace then thrown in jail for life. Blood is on his hands.

Hey dumbass.
Ring leader my ass. You are delusional and should start taking your meds. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings in fact he urged them to stay peaceful and go home. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your ridiculous post. What a dumbass you are.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

Bullshit. If people stormed the capital it was because they wanted to storm it. No one made them. They all knew the machines stole this election from Trump. I don't condone what they did but I sure as hell understand it.

LMAO Trump should be arrested for sedition?? Now your just being a jack ass. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings. Those folks made their own decision about that. It wasn't an attack. Did you see anything broken or buildings burned to the ground. See anyone with guns?? I sure didn't.

You Dem idiots never said a word about the rioters, looters, murderers and arsonists in Portland, Seattle and Indi. To you they were protesters.

What a hypocrite you are. dumbass.
Hey Corn Cob, Trump was the ring leader of this attack. Trump should he arrested. He should be tarred and featheres and forced to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue in disgrace then thrown in jail for life. Blood is on his hands.

Hey dumbass.
Ring leader my ass. You are delusional and should start taking your meds. Trump didn't tell anyone to storm the capital buildings in fact he urged them to stay peaceful and go home. I'll just stand over here and LMAO at your ridiculous post. What a dumbass you are.
Which is why one of Trump’s tweets that were deleted by Twitter praised the assault. He called the insurrectionists “very special”. Stop with your stupidity. Trump was an integral part of this assault.

Rump is still suspended from Twitter. Not sure about Facebook. Time for a perma-ban!
Last two entries deleted entirely and nothing new today.

This Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. Learn more
This Tweet is no longer available because it violated the Twitter Rules. Learn more
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And no dumbshit Trumpers these people were not “antifa” or “BLM”, they were YOU and your ilk.

I have a feeling this trash will be receiving a knock on their doors and taken away in cuffs very, very soon.
I was 3000 miles away in California

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.
you have lead on your brain
Sunsettommy said:
No one is here is supporting the break in maybe you should back off on that....

Sunsettommy allow me to introduce you to USMB

Heroes, patriots and just plain Americans.

A mostly, if not perfectly American protest.

USMB = Trumpiest board on the Internets!
*With possible exception of Stormfront and American Renaissance ;)
Norman & Tommy? They in a class alone - Maybe with the horned Q dude!

Yep - Trump, Rudy, DJTJ, Hawley and Cruz (at a minimum) should all be locked up for sedition resulting in an insurrection. Rudy rooted for "trial by combat" and Junior told those not in line that "we're coming for you". Throw the bitches in the brink!
But first Dominion should sue them all...right?

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
You both have valid points.

At the end of the day what was accomplished?

Death & jail

Bet that wasn't part of the plan.

They were stupid people that lacked the internal fortitude to see the reprocussions of their actions.
We've all done that but not at this level of stupidity.
View attachment 438461

View attachment 438462
View attachment 438464

And no dumbshit Trumpers these people were not “antifa” or “BLM”, they were YOU and your ilk.

I have a feeling this trash will be receiving a knock on their doors and taken away in cuffs very, very soon.
Of course they are one of our trump protestors---they didn't kill anyone, or rape anyone, or burn the building down......if it had been the lefts brown shirts---the building would have been torched and the capital police would have been the ones dead instead of the unarmed woman.

Wonder why they aren't showing the capital police shooter---

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
You both have valid points.

At the end of the day what was accomplished?

Death & jail

Bet that wasn't part of the plan.

They were stupid people that lacked the internal fortitude to see the reprocussions of their actions.
We've all done that but not at this level of stupidity.
Rebellions/insurrections/ cleaning out a corrupt government always starts with "the stupid people that lacked the internal fortitude to see the reprocussions of their actions." History is full of such examples. Smarter people know that their will be a price to be paid...but hey "these stupid people" are paying already. Makes me feel like I am a mooch.

Where are the destroyed statues? Where are their guns? What fires did they set?
Why are justifying an attack on our Capitol? You‘re right, I should be calling them insurrectionists. Hooligans is much to nice a term for this trash.
An “attack”? Who was hurt? Other than the one unarmed female veteran patriot killed by DC police?
Oh, only one person was killed? That makes it better? She was killed because Trump incited her to insurrection. This is blood on Trump’s hands.

And your an idiot. Trump never called on his supporters to storm the capital building. They did that on their own and who can blame them. This election was stolen and they know it as do you.

Trump told them all to peacefully go home. I didn't see damage to the buildings nor did I see building burned to the ground. I also heard the Dems screaming bloody murder. The same Dems who ignored rioters, arsonists and murderers in Portland, Seattle and Indi. You never heard a word from the Dems about REAL rioters, just Trump supporters.
This domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol would not have happened except for Trump and his words. Trump should be arrested for sedition as should all those that partook, encouraged and abetted in the attack on the Capitol Building yesterday.

I only wish that you could have seen things like this as "Domestic Terrorism" when AntiFA was attacking the ICE HQ in Portland, or taking over a complete police HQ in Seattle....But, we were told that those were just protestors, ya know, "mostly peacful"...

Look, I would be one that holds the position that what happened yesterday at the Capitol bulding, was just plain sad to see....But make no mistake, there is a fire brewing, and liberal progressives seem to have no agenda other than to stoke that....That includes President-Elect Biden.

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